This article is devoted to the principles of regulation of the individual style of foreign language communication of university students. This article is dedicated to the issue of increasing the efficiency of teaching foreign language communication of university students by regulating the individual style of foreign language communication. The authors of the article considered the basic principles of teaching foreign language communication and the features related to them. This includes the principle of personal goal-setting, the principle of choosing an individual educational trajectory, the principle of metasubject foundations of the educational process, the principle of learning productivity. In addition, there is the principle of the primacy of the student's educational products, the principle of situational learning, the principle of educational reflection are the main for successful regulation of the individual style of foreign language communication university students. The authors discuss the definition of goal-setting, personal educational goals themselves and objectives of the student, individual educational trajectory as the category. There is also the achievement of metasubject, stimulating mental activity, developing the ability to plan, choose the best ways to perform activities, self-assessment. The study is an attempt to find accordance between the content of education, formed at the expense of individual requests, and the requirements of educational standards.
Keywords: Educational trajectory, educational reflection, foreign language communication, learning productivity, meta-subjectivity, principles
Foreign language education is an inseparable part of higher education today. Political, economic and social factors form the status of the discipline "Foreign Language", clearly demonstrating the social order of society and its demands. Fluency in a foreign language, its application in effective business and professional communication in spoken and written forms, fixed in the federal educational standards of higher education, demonstrates high requirements for future graduates. This determines the necessity to implement individually-oriented educational conditions for the occurrence of the individual style of foreign language communication of the student.
The individual style of foreign language communication (ISFLC) means an individual psychophysiological complete and relatively stable speech-behavioural organization of a secondary language personality, formed as a result of foreign language communication and foreign cultural experience with its alignment with the experience in the native language and native culture. This organization is characterized by the uniqueness of foreign language speech actions, the ability for self-regulation and (in the case of tension) compensation. It provides the greatest efficiency and productivity of intercultural communication (Kuvshinova, 2012).
Problem Statement
The organization of the educational process requires compliance with a number of pedagogical conditions. Principles are these conditions. They are necessary to describe the developed technology and organize an effective education.
Research Questions
Research questions in our study are to describe the main principles of the ISFLC regulation. These are the principle of personal goal-setting, the principle of choosing an individual educational trajectory, the principle of meta-subject foundations of the educational process. They also involve the principle of learning productivity, the principle of the primacy of the student's educational products, the principle of situational learning, the principle of educational reflection.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to select principles for successful ISFLC regulation on the base of its nature and describe them. University students should be able to show their own individual speech and behavioral characteristics, their uniqueness in foreign language communication, which will ensure its greatest efficiency and productivity.
Research Methods
For the ISFLC investigation the authors need to decompose an object into its component parts. The method of analysis has been used. We divided the object under study, found out what parts it consists of, what are its properties and characteristics and described educational guidance.
The principle of personal goal-setting
Goal-setting is a key issue in the implementation of any regulated process, directing it in the right course. Being a psychological phenomenon and an indicator of psychological readiness for activity (Nikitina, 2011), the goal is represented as a picture of the result projected to be achieved and controlled. Having a goal is an important reference point for managing the educational process. According to the principle of personal goal-setting, the making of the educational process is based on the personal educational goals and objectives of the student, his self-determination in relation to the academic discipline or a specific educational problem.
He himself can choose the forms and methods of learning and determine the content and pace of classes. There is a correlation of the interests and desires of students with real opportunities, individual abilities and the educational environment. The student participates in determining the content of the educational program within studying the topic by choosing and independently searching for communicative situations, foreign language material, and identifying problems and questions of interest. The pace of task completion and the form of presentation of results are also adjusted with the individual characteristics of the student.
Setting a goal in training helps to consistently solve a number of tasks:
- help the student understand the process, see themselves in it, and start taking steps to achieve the goal;
- organize the learning process: structure it, build it logically and consistently according to the original goal, prevent inappropriate actions or eliminate them in a short time;
- attract student resources: the student's awareness of his own goal and the directed work for its implementation creates a prerequisite for high-quality productive energy-saving educational activities. The student's participation in the modeling of their learning stimulates activity and initiative, increases responsibility, self-control;
- influence the student's personality through their needs and activities. Setting a goal by a student transforms it into a personal characteristic, adds to it the motives of this particular student, and therefore creates conditions for organizing the process and achieving a result that is personally significant and valuable;
- increase the probability of achieving the goal and its effectiveness in the form of an individual educational product. If the process is truly individual-oriented and built with the active participation of the interested person, the achievement of the result becomes more likely, valuable, and effective.
Self-determination within the studied discipline helps to determine the student's attitude to the subject and, if necessary, to correct it; to reveal this discipline for a particular student, to find an interdisciplinary component in the subject, to realize goals from other subjects by means of a foreign language.
When implementing this principle, the student can independently formulate the purpose of studying the discipline and monitor the formation of the components of competencies (knowledge, skills, personal qualities), their attitude to the activity.
The principle of choosing an individual educational trajectory
Individual educational trajectory is a concept widely represented in domestic and foreign studies, interpreted differently depending on the conditions of the organization of the educational process in the country and the university. There are related notions of trajectory, pathway, and student progression. The continuity of education, the choice of university, the choice of curriculum, the preparation of an individual curriculum are also considered by scientists as the implementation of the individual educational trajectory of the student. Despite the variety of interpretations of the term, the authors of the article managed to identify several characteristics common to the implementation of educational trajectories: flexibility or variability (the duration of training and its content, pace), subjectivity (the development of individual abilities and personal qualities), freedom of choice (the possibility of replacing the content module, the form of studying) and independent work.
Building a higher education system, for example, in the United Kingdom and the United States, in this way contributes to the implementation of the individual educational trajectory of the student, since it allows the student to independently determine the scope, timing and pace of mastering knowledge and practical skills to the necessary extent for the future profession. That also allows one to organize the educational process according to the personal interests, needs, abilities and capabilities of each student. This increases the motivation to learn, develops a sense of responsibility for the results, forms the skill of self-organization (Timoshina, 2011). At the same time, such an organization of the educational process is criticized by a number of researchers. In particular, scientists believe that the idea of freedom of choice creates situations where the logic of studying disciplines is violated due to the lack of standards for the sequence of their study. Foreign practices of building student learning according to individual trajectories cannot be fully implemented in our country. The goal of organizing an individual educational trajectory of a Russian student is to develop their abilities and practice-oriented competencies.
Despite the large essential differences in the conditions of implementation of individual educational trajectories in different countries, there are common patterns. In the sources investigated by the authors, the individual educational trajectory is presented as the actual progress of an individual through higher education. The empirical experience associated with it appears to be an attribute of the individual. At the micro level, the characteristics of a student's individual educational trajectory are abilities, academic performance, expectations, motivation, commitments, and previous educational preparation (Haas & Khadyar, 2019).
The results of empirical research of individual educational trajectories of students indicate that the lack of good academic performance and high aspirations should be identified at the early stages of studying. And resources should be provided to eliminate them. In addition, it is necessary to provide comprehensive information regarding the capabilities and requirements. Mentoring, guidance, counseling, and tutoring are critical to realizing successful student trajectories.
According to this principle, in the process of teaching a student of a Russian university, there is formation of accordance between the content of education, formed at the expense of individual requests, and the requirements of educational standards. The choice of elements leads to the creation of their own elements of their educational trajectory; stimulating self-assessment, encouraging reasoned conclusions, supporting freedom of expression, establishing the psychological mood of creative cognitive activity.
The student is offered several options for completing one task, among which he will be able to choose the most appropriate one.
One is given the opportunity to offer one’s own way of performing the task, the ability to independently search for language and speech material, on the basis of which the task can be completed.
Such pedagogical conditions are created in which the student can offer independently selected texts, audio, video clips, and situations.
The principle of metasubject foundations of the educational process
Metasubject originates from the interdisciplinarity of the educational process, where there is not the opposition of separate disciplines, but their interpenetration and mutual fulfillment of content, methods, etc. Interdisciplinarity is not the display of a separate science of its subject, method, but the inclusion of knowledge about the subjects and methods of each science in a single-complete picture of the world. This integration requires a systematic integration based on a unified methodology, a unified task (Borisov, 2010).
The interdisciplinarity of the educational process includes multidisciplinary, convergence of knowledge and divergence of opportunities. Interdisciplinarity of education brings together knowledge within one discipline and, at the same time, reveals it in new conditions, deploying it in other disciplines (multidisciplinarity). According to the researchers, interdisciplinarity ensures the informational knowledge conductivity of the educational environment, its transparency, continuity, compliance and compatibility (Ivanov & Redin, 2016).
In scientific research, interdisciplinarity is considered and understood in different aspects. Thus, in the Philosophical Dictionary (Tulchinsky & Epstein, 2003), interdisciplinarity is understood as "the understanding produced outside the certain scientific discipline". The position of Knigin (2008) is of interest, who considers interdisciplinarity not as "the area of intersection or junction of various scientific disciplines, but as the area of "between". That is the area of divergence, which poses specific cognitive and educational tasks." Then the main problem of interdisciplinarity is to create a theoretical field that "covers" the space of "between" without the formation of a new objectivity. Any studying, first of all, is disciplinary, but it should also form an interdisciplinary thinking, based primarily on the systematization of knowledge and research methodology. The identification of relationships between different spheres on the basis of interdisciplinarity forms an adequate worldview of the individual in the process of development, expands the open-mind.
The implementation of intersubject connections in teaching should be carried out not only at the content, but also at the methodological level. This contributes to the understanding and awareness of various academic disciplines as a whole, the mastery of students of general scientific methods of mental activity and methods of scientific cognition (Komarov, 2013). The inclusion of a methodological component in the lesson, reflecting the specific features of cognitive activity, will bring the learning process to the meta-subject level.
At present, it is not only the knowledge itself that is becoming necessary and important, but also the knowledge of where and how to apply it. But an even more important fact is the knowledge of how to find, integrate, or create this information.
The achievement of metasubject results is ensured by the main components of the educational process, that is, all the academic subjects of the curriculum, and is used both within the educational process and in solving real everyday problems in the surrounding world. The sources of metasubject can be fundamental educational objects (concepts, phenomenon), key (metasubject) competencies, which are essentially metasubject, since they are not limited to specific subjects, they are of a general, universal nature, including metasubject activities (goal-setting, reflection, etc.) (Svitova, 2014).
Metasubject goes beyond subjects or academic disciplines, but does not go away from them. A meta-subject is something that stands behind (above) an item or several items, underlies them, but is also connected to them at the same time. The metasubject cannot be separated from the materiality, that is, it is impossible to get a meta-subject result without a subject content. Accordingly, it is possible to check the formation of metasubject learning results based on the subject content (Rozova & Yakimova, 2016).
The basis of the content of the educational process is made up of fundamental meta-subject objects, to which the student comes in the process of learning about real educational objects.
The student realizes one’s own abilities by analyzing the interrelationships of the educational object under study with the objects of related topics and other disciplines.
ISFLC regulation is a meta-subject for linguistic education. In the course of regulation, the integration of the objects of mastery in the disciplines of linguistic orientation takes place and, as a result, the formation of competencies as personal qualities of the future graduate.
So, in the classroom, tasks are offered, for which the student needs to attract existing knowledge and experience in this field, but obtained in the course of work with other disciplines at the university or with subjects at school – personal qualities are updated. Examples of meta-subject tasks can be solving professional cases, business games for modeling professional situations, developing projects that require independent planning and implementation of educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and classmates, building an individual educational trajectory.
The principle of learning productivity
If the principle of learning productivity is observed, the focus is on the personal educational increment of the student. The results of mental activity-internal educational products: formulated learning goals, algorithms for completing tasks, reflexive activity, self-assessment are of particular importance. There is an expansion of the known with unknown new educational products due to the development of personal qualities and abilities determined by the future profession.
Learning using forms that activate the mental activity of students is a special form of organizing educational activities, a way of learning, carried out in the form of joint activities. In them, all participants interact with each other, exchange information, jointly solve problems, model professional situations, evaluate the actions of others and their own behavior, immerse themselves in a real business atmosphere to solve various problems related to the future profession. Active and interactive forms of work are especially in demand in the pedagogical community today. It is worth noting that they sometimes show quite formal results, where there is activity, but not always there is a product. The main difference of productive learning is the possibility of self-realization, implemented activities and getting a personal result. Productive learning is one in which each student creates his own personal educational product that is relevant to the subject and his personal aspirations, which can be demanded by himself or other people (Khutorskoy, 2019). According to Khutorskoy, there are two types of educational products – the results of students: external and internal. External ones are created and visible to everyone-materialized products of the student's activity: judgment, essay, table, image, model, design, product, craft, drawing, action, problem solving, etc. Internal ones are personal qualities that have developed thanks to the created products-skills, knowledge, competence.
Within the Foreign Language discipline at the university, stimulating mental activity, developing the ability to plan, choose the best ways to perform activities, self-assessment, the teacher creates the basis for regulating the external manifestations of ISFLC.
The orientation of the educational process to the future professional activity of the student: subjects, texts, situations, should be selected in such a way that the prospect of working with these materials in professional activity is outlined, and the professional worldview of the student is formed.
The principle of the primacy of the student's educational products
The student is given the opportunity to first show their abilities in the studied question, to show creativity, independence, originality, before the question is presented to him. The objects and methods of cognition that the student applies must correspond to the objects and methods available in the field of study.
The role of the teacher is to stimulate the internal foreign language activity at the expense of problematic issues, tasks of a creative nature that require independence and originality.
For the purposes of our research, two types of educational products are of interest: subject-based and methodological. Subject-based educational products are the creative process of a student. For the regulation of ISIO, examples of educational products can be a fairy tale, a setting, a scenario, an essay, a craft, a layout, a model, a derived rule or concept, a game, a quiz, a blog, a website, a translation, graphs, diagrams, tables, studies, projects, reviews, collections, films, videos, interviews, surveys. Subject-based educational products are characterized by a creative approach to implementation, originality and are a projecting of the student's individuality. Methodological products are awareness of the problem, set goals, choice of the type and method of activity, observation, experience, found arguments, explanations, arguments, algorithms, memos, formulated questions and hypotheses, conclusions and generalizations, self-analysis, self-assessment, review, reflection.
The principle of situational learning
Let us consider what is «situational». The main function of the situation as a methodological category is that it reproduces real communication in the learning process in its motivational, content and functional plans (Passov & Kuzovleva, 2010). The situation is invaluable in teaching foreign language communication, it is a dynamic system of relationships between communicating people. It is reflected in the consciousness and generates a personal need for purposeful activity (Vasilyeva, 2019). A speaker expresses his thoughts «every time in such a unique way that the sound of speech lasts a certain time to determine the situation». Situationality is the correspondence of the natural pace of speech and the situation (Novik, 2020).
It is our deep conviction that the construction of the pedagogical process through educational situations, during which there is a high probability of difficulties and educational tensions that contribute to the educational advancement of students.
The ISFLC regulation should take place only based on the material of communicative situations. The student learns to interact in different variations of the cross-cultural space, applies knowledge in specific cases, occurring in foreign language communication. The emerging tension contributes to the maximum approximation to reality.
The principle of educational reflection
The principle of educational reflection is observed through the awareness of the ways of activity, the discovery of its semantic features, the identification of educational increments of the student and teacher. The student is aware not only of what has been done, but also of the methods of activity.
Being an active internal process, the process of regulation is based on active reflexive activity.
The implementation of this principle at each of the phases of the ISFLC regulation will have its own specifics, namely, it will be expressed through different methods and techniques. When organizing the evaluation and self-evaluation of an educational product, the level of creativity, identity and originality, the practical significance of the results, the content of the speech, the answers to questions and their own questions can be evaluated.
In this article, the main principles of the ISFLC regulation of university students were considered. They are the principle of personal goal-setting, the principle of choosing an individual educational trajectory, the principle of meta-subject foundations of the educational process, the principle of learning productivity, the principle of the primacy of the student's educational products, the principle of situational learning, the principle of educational reflection. Compliance with these principles in a foreign language class at a university will create the necessary pedagogical conditions for achieving the results fixed in the federal state standards of higher education – fluency in a foreign language for students. This will create the prerequisites for effective business and professional communication. The student will be able to show their own individual speech and behavioral characteristics, their uniqueness in foreign language communication, which will ensure its greatest efficiency and productivity.
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02 December 2021
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Linguistics, cognitive linguistics, education technology, linguistic conceptology, translation
Cite this article as:
Kuvshinova, N., Kim, B., & Mametova, J. (2021). Principles Of Regulation Of The Individual Style Of Foreign Language Communication. In O. Kolmakova, O. Boginskaya, & S. Grichin (Eds.), Language and Technology in the Interdisciplinary Paradigm, vol 118. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 703-711). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2021.12.85