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Linguistic Analysis Of Automatic Thouths And Cognitive Distortions Causing Individual’s Psychological Problems

Table 1: Types of cognitive distortions

Cognitive distortions Manifestation Examples of automatic thoughts
Dichotomous thinking(All-or-nothing thinking) A person perceives a situation in polarity, evaluates it from the position of good and bad, or black and white spectrum. At the same time, intermediate options are completely excluded. This distortion is based on the protective mechanisms of the psyche, in which at the moment of difficult situations, instead of a tendency to overcome, negative experience is exaggerated If I can't get a good mark, then I'm talentless.
Catastrophizing The future with such a distortion is seen by a person in a negative version. The person gets the feeling that everything is hopeless and nothing good is foreseen ahead. My excitement will not allow me to perform on stage.
Discountingthe positive When assessing the situation, only negative factors and bad points are taken into account. My luck still allows me to hold this position.
Emotional reasoning A person's feelings and beliefs influence the assessment. At the same time, the facts confirming the opposite are ignored. I feel that the event will be boring.
Labelling With this type of thinking, the people around are assessed categorically and according to the minimum set of characteristics. My friend is short-sighted.
Overgeneralization This distortion involves focusing attention on the basis of a single, often negative experience, which extends to the assessment of oneself out of the context of the situation. My mistake at the meeting suggests that I do not know how to behave in society.
Magnification or Minimization With this distortion, there is an exaggeration the importance of own problems and shortcoming, or minimization the importance of own desirable qualities (it is so called the “binocular trick”). Bonus does not mean that I do a good job.
Mental Filter The full spectrum of events is being missed. Assessment of what is happening is carried out through negative events. Despite the fact that I fulfilled the plan, my mistake in the report indicates that I am stupid.
Mind reading A person assumes that others think about him or her, endows them with thoughts and opinions. He or she thinks I'm not attractive / handsome.
Personalization A person is convinced that the focus of attention of others is shifted to his or her person and shortcomings. She / he talks to me rudely because I cannot explain my request.
“Should statement” At the heart of this distortion is the idea of ​​responsibilities to oneself and others or criticism any people including him- or herself with “Shoulds” or “Shouldn’ts” (the same with “Musts”, Oughts”, and “Have tos”). I have to get married before twenty-five because that's the way it is.
Blaming The distortion comes from believing that others have the power to affect someone’s life, even more so than oneself It is you who made me feel bad
Fallacy of change The fallacy of change has someone expecting other people will change their ways to suit one’s expectations or needs, particularly when he or her pressure them enough. Every time my partner goes out, I let him know it’s not OK with me
Tunnel thinking The situation is influenced by negative assessments. The doctor is too young to make a correct diagnosis.
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