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Literary Text Comprehension And Translation: The Role Of Different Sensory Modalities Interaction

Table 3: Types of transformations in visual modality sample

Type of modality transformation Source text Target text
K → A Each of these meanings enshrines some sort of little fib (K). Chestno govorya (A), v kazhdom iz etih predpolozhenij est svoya dolya zabluzhdeniya.
K → A … when they come from the mouths (К) of their intended targets… …kogda prenebrezhitelnye rasistskie frazochki, kotorye my vse prekrasno znaem, proiznosyat (A) sami obekty travli…
V → K …as a way of clarifying (V) intention… …tem samym smyagchaya (K) ego znachenie i zayavlyaya…
K→ K+A …was turned into a shield (K)… …stala zvukom udara ob shit (K+A)...
K → K+V …though the expression the N-word is cloying pathetic (K)… Odnako eto vse ravno vyglyadit zhalko (K +V).
K → K+V …which causes any swaggering to possess a tinge of pathos (К)… … kotoraya pridaet lyubomu nahalstvu pechalnyj ottenok (K+V) zhalosti…
K → K+V So, etymologically, cripples are creepy (K)»… Soglasno etimologii, kaleki – eto te, na kogo nepriyatno smotret (K+V).
K → K+V …he looked (V) at me with horror and pity… …vzglyad ego byl polon (K+V) uzhasa i zhalosti…
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