Field Model For Researching The Linguoconcept "Coronavirus"


The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to create an integrative model for the study of global linguistic concepts, synthesizing significant linguistic, philosophical, psychological, social components, the description of which will contribute to the development of the scientific potential of linguistic research aimed at a comprehensive consideration of international linguistic concepts, which is a short time became the keyword of the era "coronavirus". The research is also relevant due to the need to develop a methodology for the study of neonominations that arise in critical periods for mankind. The level of significance is determined by the demand for the results of such studies in the global scientific, educational and cultural space, where the languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting the territories covered by the pandemic function and interact. The novelty of the research idea lies in the fact that it offers, in contrast to other linguistic studies that have appeared over the past year, an integrative theory and methodology for the study of the linguistic concept "coronavirus", aimed at considering the multidimensional field structure of the concept. As a basic unit of research, the authors propose an integrative field model of the linguistic concept "coronavirus", focused on a detailed study of linguistic, linguistic-philosophical, psycholinguistic features of the linguistic material. The field model of research and description of the linguistic concept is focused on the analysis of information about typical communication situations, the style structure of texts in which the concept of linguistic resources.

Keywords: Emergence field, fuzzy sets, linguistic concept "coronavirus", research model, semantic field


The main scientific task to be solved by this study is the theoretical substantiation of an integrative model for the study of linguistic concepts and the choice of an adequate research methodology, which makes it possible to consider the multicomponent field structure of the concept and its organization.

Problem Statement

Linguistic research on the coronavirus lexeme is very interesting and varied.

Traditionally, this issue is considered in word formation (Smirnova, 2020; Vidanov, 2020). Many articles are devoted to the problems of neology (Katermina & Lipiridi, 2020; Lapchenko, 2020; Savchenko & Lai, 2020; Shukunda, 2020). Several researchers consider the dictionary of the era based on the lexeme "coronavirus" and its derivatives (Golovanova & Madzhaeva, 2020; Severskaya, 2020). The functioning of this vocabulary is considered on the material of European languages: German (Petrenko et al., 2020; Shemchuk, 2020; Tokko, 2020); English (Nosova & Volkova, 2020). The analysis of linguistic resources from the standpoint of discourse is still an urgent problem (Novikova & Kalugina, 2020; Temirgazina & Luchik, 2020; Temirgazina, 2020). Various types of analysis of the coronavirus lexeme can be noted: lexical and stylistic analysis (Usmanova, 2020); comparative analysis of the metaphorical image of the coronavirus (Kalinin & Mavleeva, 2020); analysis of the metaphorical image of war (based on the material of American newspapers) (Dankova & Krekhtunova, 2020); analysis of coronavirus in the information space (Malkova, 2020).

The works of foreign linguists are devoted to the problems of describing the coronavirus (Klosa-Kückelhaus, 2020; Lawson, 2020; Lobin, 2020; Möhrs, 2020; Wicke & Bolognesi, 2020).

Several articles on linguodidactics used in the era of coronavirus have been published in foreign publications (Levina et al., 2021; Samorodova et al., 2021; Ukhova et al., 2021; Zheltukhina et al., 2021).

Outside of research, in our opinion, there is still the question of research methodology, the development of an integrative model that makes it possible to comprehensively study language resources.

Research Questions

In this paper, we do not pursue the goal of an extensive review of research papers on the problems of "field", "model", etc. In linguistics and related sciences, these termolexemes have been thoroughly studied and described.

The purpose of the work is to theoretically substantiate the model for the study of the linguistic concept and solve practical problems aimed at considering the interconnections of field structures, their intersection, the interaction of the field of emergence, semantic, conceptual, various grammatical fields.

An important aspect is the consideration of the interaction of speech units at the level of a sentence, a text, which ultimately leads to the emergence of emergent properties, namely the field of emergence as a structurally-semantically defined reality that arises as a result of the overcoming of the bifurcation point by deterministic chaos, based on which certain verbal models of the development of speech situations – those natural options that arise spontaneously, in the process of language functioning in oral and written speech.

Any verbal model has a certain amount of information, which is most fully revealed at the lexical level. As one of the most relevant units, we have highlighted the lexeme "coronavirus", which is a short period of its functioning in different languages of the world in the Russian language, an interlexem, a linguistic concept associated with various spheres of life of the human community. The figure 1 shows the intersection of different types of fields.

Figure 1: Linguistic concept field model
Linguistic concept field model
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Purpose of the Study

To identify the potential of the field model of the linguistic concept "coronavirus" by the method of continuous sampling, we collected material consisting of the headings of articles devoted to the problem of coronavirus both in the Russian Federation and in the world.

As usual with the field approach, we have highlighted the core, the center. The entire set of fuzzy linguistic sets was considered as the periphery, to which we include lexical units that perform the functions of expanding the information space of the linguistic concept. The vagueness of these sets lies in the impossibility of predicting them when predicting field models of the linguistic concept, since these sets may turn out to be purely individual.

To determine the lexemes that make up the center and periphery of the field structure of the linguistic concept "coronavirus", we carried out a statistical analysis of one hundred headings using the DoshStat computer program, developed by employees of the Department of Semiotics of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic.

Table 1 - Fuzzy sets, applicable 2 or more times in the integrative field model of the lingo concept "coronavirus"
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Lexemes that are applied 2 or more times in the periphery of times in the integrative field model of the linguistic concept "coronavirus" are closer to the center in terms of their structural organization than those that are used 1 time. This means that more active lexemes can occupy a central position at times in the integrative field model of the linguistic concept "coronavirus", which indicates a high degree of functioning of these lexemes during verbalization of a speech situation. This factor also indicates that the degree of emotional coloring of such lexemes is higher. Accordingly, the use of these lexemes in the verbalization of a speech situation can increase the manipulative potential of utterances.

Below is a list of lexemes that were used only once in the process of verbalizing a speech situation. Accordingly, these lexemes were distributed on the periphery of the integrative field model of the lingo concept "coronavirus".

Table 2 - List of lexemes used once in the periphery, once in the periphery of the integrative field model of the lingo concept "coronavirus"
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Bringing a complete list of peripheral lexical units, which are used in the headings only once, is dictated by the need to designate correlations between the periphery, center, and core of the integrative field model of the lingo concept "coronavirus". Each of the peripheral lexical units listed in the list is a kind of "conductor" to the core of the field. Moreover, it is around the peripheral lexical units that fuzzy linguistic sets are formed, which expand the boundaries of the field to the border of transition to another speech situation.

Research Methods

The language material presented in the article was selected from various media sources using the traditional method of continuous sampling. A statistical research method was used. During the research, a complex procedural method was also applied, developed within the framework of the Grozny scientific school of invariant-variable methodology. As the main unit of analysis, a multi-component information model of the emergence field was used, predicting a typical linguistic situation, revealing the mechanism of structuring fuzzy linguistic sets in the semantic field of the linguistic concept "coronavirus", which determines the possibility of dispersing lexical resources throughout the entire slice of the linguistic structure, aimed at a comprehensive study of the linguistic system in their relationship.


The average number of used tokens in each heading is 6 units, not counting the official words.

The total number of lexical words used in a hundred headings is 863 units, not counting official words.

At the core of the field model of the linguistic concept is the name of the speech situation, designated by the lexemes "covid / coronavirus", which are used in most texts, which is 87 % (see Table 01).

It should be noted here that the core of the field is always the name of the speech situation.

There are lexemes in the center of the field, the activity of which reaches from 8 to 20 %. Their number is represented by eight lexemes: Russia (locality as a whole), died, case, will become infected, new, number, get sick, day.

Accordingly, based on fuzzy linguistic sets, emotional marking of any speech unit is possible, regardless of its volume.


During the research, the integrative theory and methodology of the study of the linguistic concept "coronavirus" were applied, aimed at considering the multidimensional field structure of the linguistic concept, suggesting the presence and interaction of the emerging field, as well as semantic, conceptual, grammatical and other fields.

As the basic unit of the study, the authors used an integrative field model for the study of the linguistic concept "coronavirus", which focused on a detailed study of the linguistic, linguistic-philosophical, psycholinguistic features of the linguistic material.

The field model of research and description of the linguistic concept is focused on the analysis of information about typical communication situations, the style structure of texts in which the concept is used.


This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 18-412-200001 Models for the study of the communicative behavior of bilingual Chechens.


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29 November 2021

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Cultural development, technological development, socio-political transformations, globalization

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Nasruddinovich, A. N., & Vasilievna, Z. T. (2021). Field Model For Researching The Linguoconcept "Coronavirus". In D. K. Bataev, S. A. Gapurov, A. D. Osmaev, V. K. Akaev, L. M. Idigova, M. R. Ovhadov, A. R. Salgiriev, & M. M. Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in The Context of Modern Globalism, vol 117. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 59-66). European Publisher.