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Interdisciplinary Integration In Professional Training Of Future Teacher

Table 1: Self-assessment results of the motivational component

Criteria EG(Kalmyk State University and Bryansk State University students) CG(Kalmyk State University and Bryansk State University students)
Average score Average score
Understanding the purpose of professional activity 4.3 2.4
Knowledge acquisition οf interdisciplinary integration 2.7 4.3
Self-study regarding new information obtaining 3.9 3.5
Average score by group 3.4 3.5
Standard deviation by group: 0.2 0.2
Calculated value of Studen’'s t-test 10
Average score for all groups: 3.8
Levels Range
Beginner (1–3.2)
Intermediate (3.2–3.8)
Advanced (3.8–5)
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