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Dynamic Trends Of Socio-Economic Consequences Of The Covid-19 Pandemic

Table 2: Dynamics of the increase of morbidity, mortality from COVID-19 and decrease in world GDP in 2020, $US

Period of analysis COVID-19reported cases Recovered Deaths Estimates loss of Global GDP,million Dynamics of the monthly decline in world GDP
January 896.5 33.25 25.75 0.02
February 18138 557.75 384.75 0.35 0.32
Marth 90841.75 46910 3111.5 2.81 2.46
April 1058828 218243.5 55779 50.36 47.55
May 3463914.75 1107548.75 245307.75 221.49 171.12
June 6447663 2774341.75 383200.5 345.99 124.50
July 10976333.25 5813334.5 523627 472.78 126.79
August 18193712.5 10823070.75 692337 625.10 152.33
September 26205752.75 17406795 866112.5 782.01 156.90
October 34773469.75 24202633.25 1030894 930.78 148.78
November 47335322.5 31518254.75 1212357 1094.63 163.84
December 64837160.25 42499544.5 1499224 1353.64 259.01
GDP per capita 11375 11429 x 10837 (4.2-5.2%) x
Average GDP per cap (per month) 947.92 952.42 x 902.89(4.2-5.2%) x
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