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Transformation Of Innovative Economy: Digital Platforms And Id Tech Sphere Development

Table 2: Areas of removing regulatory barriers in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies for implementation of "smart city" concept

Regulation area Table of Contents
Automation Of Housing And Communal Services And Utilities accounting of meter readings and implementation of "flexible" supply of resources depending on variable indicators, automatic determination of noise level, pollution and its analysis, control of equipment operation, etc.
"Smart" City Transport development of "unmanned" transport and development of its accompanying infrastructure - systems for photo and video recording of offenses, systems for automatic administration of urban parking space, systems for automatic control of traffic flows depending on the traffic load, systems for automatic status monitoring of roadway and road transport infrastructure, systems for drawing up public transport routes based on big data analysis, etc.
Creation Of Digital Platforms And Services To Involve Citizens In Urban Process Management introduction of voting on specific issues, analysis with the help of artificial intelligence systems of textual appeals to identify the general attitude to the problem or the problems themselves, analysis of the expressed public opinion
Implementation Of Intelligent Public Safety Systems video surveillance systems with biometric identification functions, etc.
Land Development general planning and land development planning based on artificial intelligence and big data processed by it
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