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Table 1: The principles of regulating relations in the field of artificial intelligence technologies and robotics

Principle Table of Contents
"Stimulating As A Basis For Regulation" stimulating the development of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies by regulatory means as the main vector for development of regulation in the indicated time period
Regulatory Impact the impact is based on risk-oriented, interdisciplinary approach and assumes adoption of restrictive rules if the use of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies carries objectively high risk of causing harm to participants in public relations, human rights and interests of the society and the state
Extended Application expanding the use of settlement and self-regulation tools, formation of codes (sets) of ethical rules for the development, implementation and application of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies
Application Of Human-Cantered Approach stipulates that the ultimate goal of development of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies, guided by regulatory influence from the state, is to ensure protection of human rights and freedoms guaranteed by Russian and international legislation and to improve the well-being and quality of life of citizens
Scientific Justification impact assessment of technologies and systems of artificial intelligence and robotics on all spheres of human life, society and the state, based on scientifically verified research with involvement of the wide range of scientists
Balance Of Interests ensuring the balance of interests of developers, consumers and other persons in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, as well as defining the boundaries of their responsibility for the possible negative consequences of using artificial intelligence and robotics technologies
Technological Sovereignty assumes ensuring the necessary level of independence of the Russian Federation in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, taking into account the state policy in the field of information technology development and import substitution
Competition Support ensuring equal opportunities for all economic actors in applying of experimental legal regimes and measures of state support, as well as for access to the data from state and municipal information systems necessary for the development of artificial intelligence and robotics systems
Critical Thinking assessment when developing regulatory legal acts and other documents in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics of socio-economic consequences and risks under conditions of constant development of technologies, taking into account both positive and negative international regulatory experience
Acceptable Risk obligation of reasonable risk assessment of causing harm to human life and health, implementation of threats to the country's defence and state security when using artificial intelligence and robotics and adoption of measures aimed at minimizing such risks and threats
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