The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of psychological support for the professional formation of a personality, which is defined as an effective technology for research, development, formation and possible psycho-correction of students’ personality. This direction of scientific research in the context of innovative education in psychological science and practice continues to be relevant and in demand. The indicators of the stages of professional development of students’ personality are considered: adaptation (1st and 2nd course), intensification (3rd course), and identification (4th course). The urgency of the development of a comprehensive model of psychological support for the professional development of students in the context of innovative education and its implementation within the work of the psychological service of Stavropol State Agrarian University is substantiated. For students of the first, second and third years, the program of psychological support was aimed at developing students’ skills to analyze the level of development of their professional self-determination, for fourth-year students - at forming students' professional identification, skills for assessing the level of their professionalism, modeling the scenario of their future professional life. Methods and research results are presented. A comparative analysis of the results obtained at the ascertaining and control stage of the study showed that the developed and implemented model of psychological support for the professional development of students is effective and can be used in the work of the psychological service of the university.
Keywords: Students’ personality, psychological support, professional development, innovative education
At the present stage of the implementation of innovative education in Russian universities, higher education is faced with many tasks related to providing conditions for the professional and personal development of student youth. The solution of these tasks should be carried out with the involvement of professional psychological support, which structurally can be represented by the work of the psychological service of the university (Ermolaeva, 2001; Kanina et al., 2019).
Psychological support is carried out within the framework of the systematic work of the psychological service of the university, and, in a broad sense, is understood as a special type of assistance to the student, the technology of activating and disclosing the professional and personal resources of students, strengthening their psychological health, adapting to studying at the university (Malyutina & Morozova, 2017; Povarenkov, 2014).
Psychological support of students’ professional development touches upon the problem of developing the skills of students’ conscious use of their interests and abilities to solve professional problems, developing management skills and their effective application in the educational process, developing the motivational component of professional activity, responsibility for the entire professional future (Leibovsky & Fedotova, 2018).
The system of psychological support acts as an effective technology for research, development, formation and possible psycho-correction of students’ personality, the main goal of which is the full-fledged training of qualified personnel (Yakovleva, 2017; Zavodchikov & Sharov, 2020).
It should be emphasized that this direction of scientific research in the context of innovative education in psychological science and practice continues to be relevant and in demand. Consequently, the social need for revising and improving the technologies of psychological support for the professional development of students increases (Gladkova & Fomin, 2017).
Problem Statement
The problem of psychological support for the professional development of students is relevant and timely. The social request of the subjects of the educational environment in the implementation of psychological support of students within the framework of the university was realized quite a long time ago, which is reflected in the works of domestic psychologists and teachers.
Within the framework of this problem, scientists discussed such issues as the methodology, content and main functions of the work of the psychological service of the university in the implementation of psychological support for the professional development of students (Kolosova & Komlik, 2017).
Professional development of students should include not only the acquisition of specific professional competencies, but also the psychological component of the personality, reflecting social maturity and the ability to adapt to the requirements of professional activity in constantly changing socio-economic conditions (Adolf & Dashkova, 2017).
The analysis of psychological studies on this issue allows us to conclude that the level of psychological preparation for professional activity is not sufficiently expressed among modern student youth, which indicates the need to organize psychological support for the professional development of students in the framework of the educational process (Puchkova & Petrik, 2015; Sychenko, 2020).
Thus, it is necessary to search for new forms and methods of psychological support for the professional development of students in the context of innovative education.
Research Questions
The following questions were studied in the research work:
- What is the role of psychological support in the professional development of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University? What is the structure and experience of implementing the technology of psychological support for the professional development of students at Stavropol State Agrarian University?
Purpose of the Study
Purpose of the study: to identify the current level of psychological preparation for professional activity among students of different courses. Тo develop and implement a comprehensive program of psychological support for the professional development of students, aimed at the effective professional development of students in the context of innovative education in the process of studying at a university.
Research Methods
The authors used universal methods of scientific research, as well as methods of comparative and statistical analysis.
Psychodiagnostic direction of the work of the psychological service of Stavropol State Agrarian University on the psychological support of the professional development of students
In the period from 2017 to 2020, a longitudinal psychological study was conducted at Stavropol State Agrarian University, aimed at identifying the level of psychological preparation of first-year students (ascertaining stage) and fourth-year students (control stage) for professional activity, as an indicator of their professional development. In total, 274 people took part in the study - students of various faculties of the university, including: biotechnology - 44 people, accounting and financial - 46 people, economic - 22 people, electricity - 43 people, social and cultural services and tourism - 18 people, agronomic - 48 people, agricultural mechanization - 30 people, technological management - 23 people. From this number of students, two groups were formed: experimental and control, 137 people in each group, respectively.
To carry out this study, the method of psychological testing of students of the experimental and control groups was used with the help of computer testing according to the “Professor” program: the first testing on the 1st year - to identify the current level of psychological preparation for professional activity, as an indicator of the professional development of the personality, and the second testing - the fourth year also in the experimental and control group, after the implementation of a complex model of psychological support for the professional development of students in the process of studying at the university.
Psychological counseling and correction as a direction of work of the psychological service of Stavropol State Agrarian University on psychological support of the professional development of students
On the basis of the ascertaining stage of the conducted psychodiagnostic research of first-year students of the experimental and control groups, a comprehensive model of psychological support for the professional formation of personality was developed and implemented for students of different courses in the process of their studies at the university.
The purpose of psychological support was to provide qualified assistance to students in improving the level of psychological preparation for professional activity, as an indicator of the professional formation of a personality: the development of a professional position, the formation of life models, including models of professional activity, on the development of awareness of the value of the profession, professional motivation in an innovative education.
When compiling a comprehensive model of psychological support for the professional development of students, we relied on the classification of the stages of professional development of a student’s personality in the learning process according: adaptation (1st and 2nd course), intensification (3rd course), and identification (4th course).
The model of psychological support for professional development, included a discussion with students of the theoretical foundations of the problem being solved in the framework of discussion work, holding round tables and seminars, and practical work (modeling problem situations, socio-psychological training).
The main task of the professional development of personality for students studying in the first, second and third courses is to address the issues of professional self-determination, adaptation to the conditions of innovative education at the university; for third-year students - the solution of possible crises of professional self-determination, since students of these courses must choose the specialization of training, the solution of issues of obtaining a second higher education, based on professional preferences.
In this regard, for students from the first to the third year, a model of psychological support was developed, within the framework of the theoretical block of which the questions of the psychological foundations of professional self-determination in the process of studying at the university were discussed. The practical block of the model of psychological support is represented by the socio-psychological training of professional development “My future profession”, aimed at developing students’ skills to analyze the level of development of their professional self-determination.
For fourth-year students, the main task of the professional development of a personality is to resolve issues of further professional self-determination as a professional, issues of professional identification, the formation of readiness for professional activity, professional self-presentation. Within the framework of the theoretical block of this model of psychological support, the questions of the psychology of professionalism were discussed. The practical block is represented by the socio-psychological training of professional development “Psychology of professionalism”, aimed at developing students' skills in assessing the level of their professionalism, modeling the scenario of their future professional life.
The results of the ascertaining stage of the study aimed at identifying the current level of psychological preparation for professional activity among first-year students made it possible to conclude that most students need qualified psychological assistance in resolving issues of professional development during their studies at a university. The results of the study of the level of psychological preparation for professional activity as an indicator of the professional development of students using the computer program “Professor” at the ascertaining (1st year) stage of the study showed that the majority of students have a low level of the determined indicator - the experimental group (79%) and the control group (76%). The average level was revealed in 13% of students (experimental group), 14% of students (control group), a high level of the determined indicator was revealed in 8% of students (experimental group), 10% of students (control group). The results of the ascertaining stage of the study made it possible to substantiate the need to develop a comprehensive model of psychological support for students at different stages of professional development in the process of studying at a university.
Research results in the experimental group of students
This model was implemented as part of the psychological service of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the experimental group of students, after which repeated testing was carried out using the computer program “Professor” at the control (4th year) stage of the study in both groups. In the experimental group on the 4th year, a low determined indicator was revealed for 2% of students, an average level for 24% of students, a high level for 74% of students (Figure 1).

Research results in the control group of students
A comparative analysis of the research results showed that in the experimental group, after psychological work with students as part of the implementation of the psychological support program, there were positive changes in the level of psychological preparation for professional activity as an indicator of the professional development of students, while in the control group no such changes were found. (Figure 2).

Thus, a comparative analysis of the results obtained at the ascertaining and control stage of the study showed that the developed and implemented model of psychological support for the professional development of students is effective and can be used in the work of the psychological service of the university.
At present, for a modern specialist for successful self-realization in any professional sphere and competitiveness in constantly changing socio-economic conditions of work, it is not enough to possess only specific professional competencies. He/she/they also need skills in modeling scenarios of professional work, building stages of professional path, skills in analyzing professional self-determination and level of professionalism necessary for self-professional development.
In the context of innovative education with increased requirements for the professional competencies of future specialists, it is necessary to more carefully approach the organization and provision of psychological support for the professional development of students.
To solve these problems, a psychological service functions at Stavropol State Agrarian University, within the framework of which a study was carried out of the current level of psychological preparation of students for professional activity. According to the empirical data obtained, we compiled and implemented a comprehensive model of psychological support for the professional development of students of all faculties.
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25 September 2021
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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education
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Drozhzhina, N. B., Tarasova, S. I., Dukhina, T. N., Taranova, E. V., & Chudnova, O. A. (2021). Psychological Support Of The Professional Formation Of Students. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, & A. S. Budagov (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST-II 2021), vol 116. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 412-418). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2021.09.02.45