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Features Of Spatial Development Of The Agroindustrial Complex Of Krasnoyarsky Krai

Table 1: Features of the Eastern agro-industrial zone

The name and territorial composition ofthe zone Natural, climatic and soil features Promising areas of agricultural specialization
Taseevsko-Kansk subzone (north and center of the zone) In the north of the zone is dominated by coniferous forests. In the north and east of the zone - podzolic, sod-podzolic soils. In the north and center: a specialized reforestation zone after deforestation on an industrial scale, as well as seasonal harvesting of mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants, etc.
Abansko-Rybinsk-Kansk subzone (center of the zone) In the center - the transition from the forest-steppe to coniferous and deciduous forests (Taiga), soils are sod-podzolic. In the center: a specialized zone of vegetable growing and dairy and beef cattle breeding.
Sayan subzone(south zone) In the south is a presence on the territory of a large zone of forest-steppe and fertile soils. In the south: a specialized zone of reforestation after fires and deforestation on an industrial scale, as well as seasonal harvesting of mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants, etc.
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