Interactive Training Space As A Social University Driver


The aim of the research is to study the problems of interactive space and social interaction in the framework of training for students during their studies at the university. The thesis about the limited socio-pedagogical dimension of group processes in the problem field of higher education, the socio-psychological difficulties of students and the need for their sociological interpretation is argued. Within the framework of the author's sociological research, a characteristic of the real educational practice of higher education is given, the acuteness of the problem posed is proved. The empirical results of a study of the socio-psychological difficulties of students are given, which was carried out on the basis of a quantitative sociological method of questioning and a specific design project of socio-psychological support for students during the period of study was developed. The results prove that for a student who does not have proper experience of professional social interaction, an optimally organized cultural interactive training space, provided that its content is filled with the practical sphere of activity of a future specialist, in addition to resolving social and psychological problems, is also an effective form of professional training. The tendencies objectified in the results of the study give rise to a critical rethinking of a whole complex of problems: from the "slipping" of methods and forms of training students in the era of digital technologies to raising the question of the beginning of recoding the professional education system.

Keywords: Interactive space, training, students, interaction


New digital reality dictates new conditions and rules for understanding the world. Representatives of the higher education system, developing educational projects must clearly understand which method of interaction and obtaining information will be the most comfortable and effective for students of the 21st century. Generation Homelander (Z) and Alpha differ from previous generations in that they feel best in a virtual or interactive environment. An organic interaction with them is achieved through the elements of gamification and the immersion effect (training). In such formats, it is possible to try different approaches, satisfy curiosity, and realize your ideas. Training technology is a kind of game. And the game initially contains a motivating component, which is often absent in traditional learning formats. As part of this research, we will also talk about the Edutainment format - game learning. Empirically transform educational technologies in order to build a positive environment for use in a university, in projects of an educational plan and additional education.

Transformation of the educational practice of the university in the light of social drivers of development

The transformation of educational practice in the educational space is taking place in connection with the need to prepare national cadres at an accelerated pace in the education system for the digital economy, and this is stated in many studies (Andryukhina et al., 2020; Budantsev, 2020; Ustyuzhanina & Evsyukov, 2018) , regulatory documents, including in the passport of the national project "Education", approved by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects (Passport of the national project "Education", approved. by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects (24.12.2018). 16 Retrieved (10.03.2021) from: / UuG1ErcOWtjfOFCsqdLsLxC8oPFDkmBB.pdf ; The program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" (2017). (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2017. 1632-r) Strategic priorities. 3 (15). 153-165.). Speaking about the social drivers of development and the growth of digitalization trends in society, the posed problem of transforming educational practice at a university is interpreted in the context of institutional gaps and contradictions that characterize the relationship between higher education and institutions of society and determine the educational trajectory and contribute to the success or failure of future specialists (Korneeva, 2014; Zborovsky & Ambarova, 2021). Therefore, it is necessary to increase attention to research in the field of organizational, institutional dimensions and the study of social factors that contribute to the success of students in the educational process of the university (Gigin & Grishchenko, 2021). Studying the role of social and pedagogical support of students involves building such an educational environment of the university in which the combination of psychological, physical, social well-being is an integral component (Veselova et al., 2021). The key trends of such well-being in the future are building opportunities not only to obtain relevant professional knowledge, but to ensure an increase in human capital (Kicherova et al., 2021; Pettersson, 2018). The quality of modern higher education should ensure both the satisfaction of the needs of young people, students receiving education, and those who represent the interests of the whole society - teachers (Sadykova, 2020)

In social practices, this trend manifests itself in the design of developing and developing systems (communities, organizations) based on the interaction of subjects holding different status positions (Kudrjavcev et al., 2014). An example of such practices is social and psychological assistance of a different spectrum of activities: seminars, open lectures, trainings, group sessions, role-playing games, master classes, case studies, video lessons, etc. Today, higher education, more than ever, needs to focus on interactive forms of work, which (unlike traditional lectures, seminars and practical classes) actively stimulate the thinking process, requiring the mobilization of thinking and analytical potential; improve and develop attitudes and skills of personality, interpersonal communication and interaction, as well as develop the ability to solve specific practical problems aimed at eliminating various problems and contradictions in the field of social and psychological characteristics of the individual. It should be noted that the most important consequence of the comprehensive development of a student's personality is his involvement in social activities, which presupposes communication skills at the proper level. That is why we believe that training should be organized in such a way that every modern student has the opportunity to acquire professional communication skills, which later led to his heights. For example, an interactive training space can become a platform for practicing such skills in a university; many educational practitioners recognize it as an effective technology for developing skills; it is most accurately interpreted by Vachkov and Derjabo (2004) and interpersonal relationships or social phenomena are studied (Vachkov & Derjabo, 2004; Raj, 2002). Thus, in order for a student to learn how to advertise his competence in the labor market, he needs to learn how to advertise at least any subject, not just watch how others do it, but also do it himself, because. most practical skills can be acquired and developed through exercises, since mastering a skill involves mastering well-defined and predictable actions. Therefore, learning the necessary skills can be based on simulating the circumstances in which it is to be used. And trainings are perfect for this.

Training as social interaction in the educational practice of the university

Based on the position of the cultural-historical theory of Vygotsky L.S., it is possible to assume that training has a special instrumental mediating effect, which is used to master new or change old behavior. The mastery and appropriation of a new one occurs within the “zone of proximal development” of each participant as a result of the joint activities of the trainer and the group (Vachkov & Derjabo, 2004).

Thus, training is a model of active social interaction, where, of course, the “teacher-student” interaction is primary, that is, where the pedagogical influence is transformed into pedagogical interaction. The teacher, having become the "leader", organizes this space of social interaction, which requires him to think non-stereotypically and non-standard pedagogical actions (Korneeva, 2014). Group processes occurring during interactive interaction in training provide an opportunity to work out the communication skills that are necessary for an individual and any team in moving towards a common goal, as well as gain experience of constant self-control and self-esteem.

Trainings, unlike traditional lectures and seminars, with their problem games, discussions and specially organized interactions that develop the personality's competence in the field of communication, change not only the participants, in our case students, but also the leader, the trainer, that is, the teacher. One of the rules of the training, for example, is the communication of participants in the process "on an equal footing". In a teacher-student communication format, this means that there is an opportunity to redefine the relationship between teacher and student. A teacher who becomes a coach, a "leader", which not only speeds up the processes, but also participates in solving problems equally with all participants. Such relationships give everyone the opportunity to be an equal partner, which means they have the opportunity to alternately become a leader, depending on the situation. Also, training involves the involvement of all members of the group in any activity. Everyone has the opportunity to check their words and actions for adequacy and correct them, if necessary. Any properly organized training teaches you to coordinate your point of view with other participants, makes it possible to reflect on everything that is happening and your own processes. Feedback is one of the main principles of the training. Due to the fact that there is an opportunity to listen to all points of view on what is happening and express their own, everyone receives food for thought and material for self-correction, which allows each participant to build an adequate image of himself, both as a future professional and as a person. Another important principle of interaction in training is trustful communication, which allows you to feel involved in the world of another person, and by storing information about each other and what is happening during the training, an element of trust is created, which affects the training effect of the training itself. At a certain stage in the training, the interaction of the inner worlds of all participants begins. The exchange of thoughts, ideas, experiences, emotions allows you to look differently, more objectively at yourself, others and the teacher as well. The individual and group barriers of all members of the group are erased in relation to each other and in relation to the entire group to the teacher, emotional intelligence develops.

In this regard, high-quality higher education, in our opinion, is not possible today without the use of technologies and methods that can create conditions for comfortable learning, within which students can learn to independently organize their educational process, become subjects of activity, and show their own position regarding their own classmates and a teacher, to reveal their potential, to develop communication and professional skills, to form a positive attitude towards oneself, to study and to life in general, to learn reflection, not to be afraid to make mistakes.

Problem Statement

Analysis of sources and research has shown that fundamental works in the field of studying the problems of modern interactive space and social interaction within the framework of trainings for students have not appeared in recent years, and the previous research experience in this area is mainly based on traditional methods and formats or affects only certain aspects. the designated topic. This once again confirms the relevance of the chosen direction of research, which partially fills this gap and comprehends new empirical experience.

Research Questions

During the study, we posed the following questions:

  • What social and psychological difficulties do students experience in the practice of studying at a university?
  • How to increase the professional-role activity of students and master the system of practical actions?
  • How is it possible to provide social and pedagogical support in the professional development of students using interactive methods?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this work is to study the possibilities of the interactive space of training and social interaction within its framework for building the optimal educational trajectory of students during the period of study at the university.

Research Methods

Starting to talk about research methods, we note that universities are sources of big data. Modern diagnostic and analytic technologies allow you to unlock the potential of data and use it to personalize education and achieve better educational results. Thus, the problem is how to move from data collection to a system for making balanced organizational, pedagogical, and managerial decisions based on analytics.

To achieve this goal, we conducted a sociological study using the quantitative sociological method of a questionnaire survey. The methodological potential includes methods of systemic and structural-functional analysis.

The approbation was carried out at the Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art) among undergraduate students in social and humanitarian areas (Poljanceva & Temireva, 2019). The selection of respondents was made using the “snowball” method. All participants were asked to answer 25 questions with the opportunity to leave additions and comments. First of all, high indicators were taken into account for all the issues studied, since they give the most complete picture of the significance of a particular position.

The interpretation of the results was carried out according to the following points:

  • interpretation of the possibilities of cultural development in the framework of the educational practices of the university;
  • interpreting meaningful adaptation skills in relation to learning performance;
  • analysis of individual experience of participation in seminars, role-playing games and other interactive classes;
  • analysis of social and psychological difficulties, both personal and professional, which are recognized by students as interfering with learning, inhibiting social and professional development.


The results of an empirical study of the sphere of social and psychological difficulties using a questionnaire give a sufficient idea of ​​the structure and content of educational problems and the possibility of their analysis and interpretation allows us to draw the following conclusions.

The survey involved 200 students of the Institute of Social Engineering (ISI) of the Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art) (Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art)) male - 27% (55 people) and female - 73% (145 people), studying at all levels of bachelor's degree (50 people from each course of study) in the following areas: sociology; psychology; advertising and public relations; journalism; television (40 people from each direction). The respondents were identified in the following age categories: from 16 to 18 years old - 25% (50 people); from 19 to 21 years old - 65% (131 people); from 22 to 24 years old - 8% (17 people); from 25 to 27 years old - 1% (1 person); 28 years old - 1% (1 person).

The study found that during the period of study at the university, students of various courses and areas of training experience social and psychological difficulties in the following areas: "education and professional self-identification" - 83% of responses; “Public speaking” - 82% of the responses; “Awareness of the value of one's own “I”- 60% of the answers; "Adaptation" - 45%; "Communication" and "building worldview positions" - 28%; "Socialization" - 14% of the answers.

Of the 200 ISI students who took part in the study, 84.5% (169 people) believe that the learning process at the university should be accompanied by the inclusion of various practices of social and psychological assistance of a different spectrum of activities (trainings, group sessions, role-playing games, master classes, etc. etc.). Especially, in our opinion, this is necessary for specialties and profiles for which social interaction is a sphere of social activity.

The majority of the respondents, namely 69%, that is, 138 people out of 200, have already had experience of participating in seminars, open lectures, trainings, group lessons, role-playing games and master classes, as part of training at a university, and the most popular formats of social and psychological works were named: 1. Master classes - 88% of responses; 2. Trainings - 86%; 3. Role-playing games - 65%; 4. Group lessons - 53% of the respondents' answers; 5. Open lectures - 50% of the responses of the surveyed respondents. Among other things, students also emphasize the need to conduct video lessons (41% of responses); analysis of cases (40%); organization of thematic seminars (35% of responses) and individual consultations (5% of responses of the surveyed respondents).

In this regard, the results of the study served as the basis for the development of a design project of the training, consisting of 6 blocks, including socio-psychological assistance and socio-pedagogical support to students during their studies at the university, with the planned application of them in practice within the framework of all educational activities.

The blocks are arranged according to the following areas: 1. Self-knowledge and adaptation; 2. Socialization, communication, goal-setting and conflictology; 3. Leadership and team building; 4. Creativity and public speaking; 5. Cognition as the future and self-presentation; 6. Education, professional self-identification.

Socio-psychological assistance of this format provides for the development of the following areas and competencies required for a modern graduate:

Block 1: 1. Revealing and research of own subpersonalities; 2. Training and development of one's own mental processes and sensitivity; 3. Adaptation to the environment; 4. Hone interaction skills in a small group; 5. Practicing stress coping skills.

Block 2: 1. Awareness and formulation of your own goals; 2. Determination of group goals; 3. Research your own communication capabilities; 4. Training in defending one's own opinion and willingness to change it if necessary; 5. Training of statements of the "I-message" type; 6. Training in the ability to say "no"; 7. Working with personal attitudes; 8. Research of own behavior during conflicts; 9. Practicing the skills of resolving conflict situations (social conflicts).

Block 3: 1. Revealing your own leadership potential and its development; 2. Practicing cohesion skills; 3. Ability to work in a team.

Block 4: 1. Development of creative thinking and creativity; 2. Practicing public speaking skills; 3. Practicing public speaking skills.

Block 5: 1. Modeling the future and the formation of ideological positions; 2. Awareness of the value of one's own "I"; 3. Building your own image; 4. Training the skills of high-quality self-presentation.

Block 6: 1. Correction of learning difficulties; 2. Social adaptation of graduates in the labor market.

Such formats of work in a higher educational institution presuppose the organization of an interactive space capable of developing professional thinking and communication skills, providing a more lively and emotional interaction between a teacher and a student, which in turn could contribute to enhancing the student's educational motivation and help in eliminating various problems and contradictions in the context of the socio-psychological characteristics of his personality. An interactive space of interaction today is a part of any organizational culture, especially in the period of digital transformation of both the economy and the higher education system. And student too. “It,” writes Leslie Rye, “is any planned sequence of actions designed and directed to help an individual or group of people learn to do a job or task effectively” (Raj, 2002). It is precisely this opportunity that provides an interactive training space filled with role-playing games, group discussions, analysis of specific situations, brainstorming sessions, etc., and its capabilities, in connection with its multifunctionality, cover almost all socially significant spheres of a person's life.


Based on the analysis and empirical research, it can be argued that the main socio-psychological mechanism for ensuring the quality of higher education is the self-development of individuals, groups and communities involved in the educational process, as well as the use of cultural and interactive means of development at different levels of its organization. As a fact, the initial stage of training at a university (at the first stages of education) should provide for the mastery by students of methods of educational and professional activities that provide the opportunity for independent orientation in the system of professional theoretical knowledge. The personality traits of young students are combined in various ways with their adaptation to the student lifestyle and, more importantly, with the effectiveness of their studies.

The peculiarity of the stage of life of the student's personality, which partially covers the second, third and fourth courses of study, is that the student here assimilates the social meaning of professional activity, that is, its place in the system of social relations. It was during this period that the student begins to consider his future profession through the prism of participation in the affairs of the whole society. The assimilation of the social meaning of the profession provides for access to other types of activity, in addition to educational, and, above all, into public activity. In our opinion, this is the most important consequence of the all-round development of the personality at the student age. For a student who does not have proper experience of professional social interaction, a cultural interactive learning space organized in this way can be an effective form of professional training (provided that its content is filled with the sphere of activity of a future specialist). It is these forms of interaction that can become a space for "trial and error", for new experience, for gaining new knowledge and instant application of it in practice. They are the platform that allows you to actively engage in the socio-cultural sphere of your future profession and adapt in the field of professional activity. The student, in the process of solving situational-role tasks, has the opportunity to experience new experience, get the first professional skills, change his own social attitudes, make discoveries for himself and be aware of himself as a person through other group members.

The time preceding the graduation from the university should coincide with the formation of the student's ability to perform specific professional-role functions in the system of social production. The main type of activity at this stage is professional-role activity, when the student masters the system of practical actions necessary for future professional activity.

The analysis of the results of the survey showed that an optimally organized culture of an interactive space and, in general, a systematically implemented training program, in addition to all of the above, is obliged to each participant to help resolve socio-psychological difficulties during his student years, as well as help in realizing himself as a representative of a specific culture. with their own norms, values ​​and rules of conduct.

These studies also confirmed the relevance of the selected research problem and showed the directions for further work in improving the educational process in the face of increasing changes, flexibility of educational trajectories that will arise due to the emergence of new educational opportunities - for example, in mini-courses, trainings, free modules. Educational technologies, especially training ones, are successfully adapting to current and systemic changes in education.


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25 September 2021

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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education

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Gurenko, E. S., Karpova, E. G., & Karpov, E. S. (2021). Interactive Training Space As A Social University Driver. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, & A. S. Budagov (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST-II 2021), vol 116. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 2442-2450). European Publisher.