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Analysing Gender Specificities Of The Event Marketing Consumers

Table 2: Relation between types of communication channels and respondents’ motivation

The Internet,social networks Commercials on the radio, TV
Motivation Gaining useful knowledge Frequency 33 6
% Of the total number 62.3% 11.3%
Receiving positive emotions Frequency 47 8
% Of the total number 88.7% 15.1%
Making new acquaintances Frequency 32 6
% Of the total number 60.4% 11.3%
In total Frequency 53 9
% Of the total number 100.0% 17.0%
Outdoor advertising, print ads Rumour mill
Motivation Gaining useful knowledge Frequency 6 17
% Of the total number 11.3% 32.1%
Receiving positive emotions Frequency 10 22
% Of the total number 18.9% 41.5%
Making new acquaintances Frequency 6 19
% Of the total number 11.3% 35.8%
In total Frequency 10 26
% Of the total number 18.9% 49.1%
In total
Motivation Gaining useful knowledge Frequency 33
% Of the total number 62.3%
Receiving positive emotions Frequency 47
% Of the total number 88.7%
Making new acquaintances Frequency 32
% Of the total number 60.4%
In total Frequency 53
% Of the total number 100.0%
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