Implementation Of Corporate Social Responsibility Mechanisms In The Territories Of Presence


The article studies the practical aspects of implementation of the mechanism of social responsibility of the corporation in the territory of its presence. The authors substantiate the relevance of implementation of corporate social responsibility mechanism in the territory of presence, characterize the main features of the concept of “corporate social responsibility”, analyze the key indicators of implementation of corporate social responsibility mechanism in the territory of presence, and consider the features of the index comparative analysis of implementation of the corporate social responsibility mechanism in the territory of presence. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that the management of leading companies has long considered the policy of corporate social responsibility as a tool to ensure competitive advantage. From the point of view of sustainable social development, this concept is aimed at solving social, environmental and economic problems in the territory of presence of a particular company. The subject of the study is the process of implementing the corporate social responsibility policy in the territory of its presence. The object of the study is the features and indicators of implementation of corporate social responsibility of Gazprombank (Joint-Stock Company).

Keywords: Social responsibility, social responsibility index, corporation, openness-responsibility index, corporate social responsibility policy


The relevance of the research topic is due to the increasing role of corporate social responsibility in the socio-economic development of the territory. The importance of this issue increases every year due to the growing number of unresolved socio-economic problems and the escalation of the level of social tension in Russian society. State authorities, for various reasons, are not able to solve all the problems of socio-economic development of a particular territory in a comprehensive and timely manner. In this regard, one of the most significant tools that can be adapted to solve a number of problems of socio-economic development of individual territories is the social responsibility of corporations. With this in mind, public administration bodies strive to create a wide range of incentives to increase the intensity of the development of the mechanism of corporate social responsibility (Alymova, 2020; Buravilina & Vedmensky, 2019; Parshukov, 2020; Popova, 2020). In the business environment and at the level of the highest state structures, the topic of corporate social responsibility of business is one of the most debatable. In the modern global world, the role of large business structures is increasing more and more, which no longer just occupy a dominant position in a particular industry, but also have a significant impact on certain social processes. Over time, the strategic priorities of most corporations evolve towards a social orientation. As before, the global goal is to maximize the amount of profit, but in the context of its achievement, the tools of social and image policy have been used.

Problem Statement

Implementation of the concept of social responsibility of business significantly increases the level of public recognition of the corporation, and also becomes the foundation for building partnerships within the framework of public-private interaction (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020). Thus, implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy creates two mutually complementary positive effects: on the one hand, it contributes to the solution of socio-economic and environmental problems of social development, and on the other hand, it acts as a significant tool for expanding the competitive advantages of an economic entity.

Research Questions

Corporate social responsibility is a concept of its behavior in the existing business world, in which, in addition to the targets for achieving commercial success, an important role belongs to solving global and private socio-economic problems of the development of society, expanding the potential of the territory of presence and reducing environmental risks (Karimova, 2019; Shcherbachenko & Kryukova, 2020; Sokruta, 2018). The key aspect of this definition is the fact that the management of a business structure, when designing a strategy and tactics of business behavior, must necessarily take into account the interests of society and the prospects for expanding the socio-economic potential of the territory of its presence.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this work is to study the practical aspects of implementation of the mechanism of social responsibility of the corporation in the territory of its presence. The achievement of this goal occurs as a result of solving the following tasks:

  • to justify the relevance of implementation of the corporate social responsibility mechanism in the territory of its presence;
  • to describe the main features of the concept of “corporate social responsibility”;
  • to analyze the key indicators of implementation of the corporate social responsibility mechanism in the territory of the company's presence;
  • to consider the features of the index comparative analysis of implementation of the mechanism of social responsibility of corporations in the territory of their presence.

Research Methods

The methodological basis for this work implementation is a number of general scientific research methods, among which it is necessary to distinguish research, analytical synthesis, scientific abstraction, statistical, economic-analytical, grouping, and selective observation. The use of this set of methods will allow us to form a reliable model of implementation of the corporate social responsibility mechanism in the territory of its presence. Practical aspects of diagnostics of implementation of the social responsibility mechanism of the corporation in the territory of its presence will take place taking into account the use of a reliable statistical database of publicly available information sources.


A characteristic feature of the development of the modern world is globalization. In the coordinate system of the functioning of the global world order, the defining position is occupied by large corporations, whose spheres of interests and influence have long gone beyond national borders. In the context of the development of individual ecosystems of human society, global companies have a much stronger impact on the socio-economic processes taking place in the territory of their presence than state authorities. In view of the above, the issue of the level of corporate social responsibility is being raised more and more acutely.

Figure 1 presents the main features of the concept of “social responsibility of corporations”.

Figure 1: The main features of the concept of “corporate social responsibility”
The main features of the concept of “corporate social responsibility”
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Corporate social responsibility is an important element of the overall development strategy of Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company). A common understanding of the importance of corporate social responsibility is reflected in the commercial bank mission. Figure 2 reveals the main objectives of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020).

Figure 2: The main objectives of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank-Joint Stock Company (2021)
The main objectives of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank-Joint Stock Company (2021)
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The corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) is being implemented within the framework of certain priority areas of its implementation. In this regard, in Figure 3, we present the main priorities for implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank-Joint Stock Company (2021) in the territory of presence.

Taking into account the directions of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company (2021) presented in Figure 3, we will consider the most relevant indicators that characterize them.

Figure 3: The main priorities for implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) in the territory of presence
The main priorities for implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) in the territory of presence
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First of all, it is necessary to consider the intensity of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy in Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company (2021). An important indicator for achieving this goal is the share of social expenditures of a commercial bank in their total value. Figure 4 shows the dynamics of the intensity of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy in Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company (2021).

Figure 4: Intensity dynamics of the corporate social responsibility policy realization in Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company (2021) (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
Intensity dynamics of the corporate social responsibility policy realization in Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company (2021) (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
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Based on the indicators presented in Figure 4, it can be concluded that the intensity of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy is growing in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021). This conclusion is based on the growing dynamics of the share of social expenses of a commercial bank in their total value. In 2019, the share of social expenses of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) in their total amount increased by 4.2% compared to the same period in 2015. In general, at the end of 2019, the share of social expenses of a commercial bank in their total amount was 15.5%.

Figure 5 shows the indicators of the quality of banking services provided by Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021).

Figure 5: Indicators of the quality of banking services provided by Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
Indicators of the quality of banking services provided by Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
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An important priority in implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) is to ensure the quality of the banking services provided. To assess the quality of banking services in the practice of banking management, two main indicators are used:

  • customer loyalty index, which reflects the share of customers who repeatedly applied to a commercial bank for the same service and are ready to recommend it to their loved;
  • customer satisfaction index, which reflects the proportion of customers who are completely satisfied with the quality and process of providing banking services.

Taking into account the information base presented in figure 5, we can conclude that the quality of banking services provided by Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) is growing. The presented conclusion is based on the progressive dynamics of development of indicators for assessing the banking service quality. Analysis of changes in the noted indicators made it possible to identify the following patterns:

  • in 2019, compared to 2015, Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) experienced an increase in the customer loyalty index by 5.7%. An increase in this indicator has a positive effect on the quality of banking services. In 2019, the value of the customer loyalty index in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company) (2021) was 51.5%;
  • in the period from 2015 to 2019, the value of the customer satisfaction index in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) increased by 6.8%. The revealed increase in this indicator indicates an increase in the quality of the provision of banking services by the investigated financial and credit institution. At the end of 2019, the customer satisfaction index at Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) was quite significant and amounted to 90.3%.

Another urgent area of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) in the territory of its presence is to ensure the availability of financial services. To assess the availability of financial services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021), three main indicators will be used:

  • share of customer banking outlets located in sparsely populated and economically underdeveloped regions;
  • share of banking services provided through the use of remote banking services;
  • share of banking service points equipped for the access of people with disabilities.

Taking into account the indicators in Figure 6, we present the dynamics of the availability of financial services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021).

Figure 6: Dynamics of the availability of financial services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
Dynamics of the availability of financial services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) (Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
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Taking into account the information base presented in Figure 6, it can be concluded that the availability of financial services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) is growing. The dynamics of indicators characterizing the availability of financial services during the functioning of a commercial bank is characterized by the following trends:

  • share of customer banking outlets located in sparsely populated and economically underdeveloped regions in Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company (2021) in 2019 increased compared to 2015 by 2.2%. The growth of this allows the citizens of the country living in sparsely populated and economically underdeveloped regions to receive high-quality banking services. At the end of 2019, the share of banking customer service points located in sparsely populated and economically underdeveloped regions in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) was 11.5%, which is a fairly high indicator;
  • in 2019 compared to 2015, the share of banking services provided using remote banking services in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) increased by 9.6%. The increase in this indicator is especially relevant in the context of the expansion of the scale of the digital economy. In this context, one of the most pressing strategic development goals of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) is the maximum digitalization of banking services. At the end of 2019, the share of banking services provided through the use of remote banking services in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) amounted to 80.1%;
  • in the period from 2015 to 2019, Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) has seen an increase in the proportion of banking service points equipped for access by people with disabilities by 5.8%. The social significance of solving this issue can hardly be overestimated, since it contributes to an increase in the mobility and social adaptation of people with disabilities. At the end of 2019, the proportion of banking service points equipped for access for people with disabilities in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) amounted to 41.7%, which is a high characteristic of the effectiveness of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy.

The use of socially oriented products and services in the activities of a commercial bank is an important area of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy. Figure 7 shows the share of socially oriented products and services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021).

Figure 7: Share of socially-oriented products and services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company, 2021, Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
Share of socially-oriented products and services in the activities of Gazprombank - Joint-Stock Company, 2021, Slavgorodskaya & Anisina, 2020)
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Based on the information presented in Figure 7, it can be concluded that Gazprombank (a joint-stock Company) is experiencing an increase in the share of socially-oriented products and services. The increase in this indicator indicates an increase in the effectiveness of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy in a commercial bank. The calculations showed that in 2019, compared to 2015, the share of socially-oriented products and services in the activities of Gazprombank (a joint-stock Company) increased by 9.1%. At the end of 2019, the share of socially-oriented products and services in the activities of the commercial bank was 27.8%.

An important characteristic of assessing the effectiveness and quality of implementation of a corporate social strategy is the rating of the business structure. In the modern scientific environment of management, there are quite a large number of methods for assessing the rating of companies in the field of implementing social responsibility policies. In the materials of this study, we propose to consider the methodology of the World Bank. This methodology is based on the “openness-responsibility” index. In Figure 8, we present the results of the rating assessment of corporate structures, taking into account the value of the “openness – responsibility” index.

Figure 8: Results of the rating assessment of corporate structures, taking into account the value of the “openness – responsibility” index (Sokruta, 2018)
Results of the rating assessment of corporate structures, taking into account the value of the “openness – responsibility” index (Sokruta, 2018)
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As a result, it can be noted that Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) ranks high in the corporate social responsibility rating based on the value of the “openness-responsibility” index.


Thus, based on the results of the research carried out, it can be concluded that in Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) the tendency to implement the corporate social responsibility policy is progressive. All the main indicators of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of a commercial bank considered in the work increase within the studied period of time. Among the most relevant characteristics of expanding the scale of social responsibility of Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) in the territory of its presence, one can single out an increase in the share of social expenses in their total value, an increase in the quality of provided banking services, an increase in the share of customer banking outlets located in sparsely populated and economically underdeveloped regions, an increase in the share of banking service points equipped for access by people with disabilities, an increase in the share of socially oriented products and services.

In general, it can be noted that the management of a commercial bank pays significant attention to implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy. At the same time, Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) is not a leader in the banking sector in terms of the effectiveness of socially oriented events, which does not allow it to expand the range of its competitive advantages. Taking into account the above, it is recommended for Gazprombank - Joint Stock Company (2021) to develop and implement new programs in the field of implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy, which should lead to an increase in the capitalization of its social activity and expansion of its competitive advantage relative to other banking structures.


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25 September 2021

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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education

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Shatokhin, M. V., Chvyakin, V. A., Suray, N. M., & Dadalko, V. A. (2021). Implementation Of Corporate Social Responsibility Mechanisms In The Territories Of Presence. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, & A. S. Budagov (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST-II 2021), vol 116. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 2163-2173). European Publisher.