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Educational Activities Of Teachers In Distance Learning During A Pandemic

Table 3: What technologies did you use to organize online educational work with students (a multiple choice question, it was allowed to select all the options that were used in educational activities during the pandemic)?

What technologies do you use to organize educational work with students online (check all the technologies you use)? N (respondents) % (respondents)
Electronic educational environment of the University 107 90.7
E-mail (corporate, personal) 88 74.6
Video conference (Big Blue Button, Googl Meet, Zoom, Discord, etc.) 73 61.9
Messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, etc.) 47 39.8
Social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook) 36 30.5
Skype 24 20.3
Channel on the video hosting service You Tube 8 6.8
Trello Project Management System 1 0.8
Other 6 5.1
Total 390
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