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Ensuring Access To Justice Through Information Technology

Table 1: Comparative analysis of the use of information technology in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts

Criteria Arbitration court Courts of general jurisdiction
Opportunity to get information about any case of any court There is(CAC) There is no
Publication of the texts of judicial acts in the open access There is(has procedural force) There is(impersonal text isplaced, unenforceable)
The need to send copies of judicial acts to the participants in the process by mail There is no There is
Publication of interim judicial acts(for example, on adjournment of the hearing, on the demand for evidence, on the appointment of a forensic) There is(CAC) There is no
The electronic signature of the judge There is There is
Frequency of use of the electronic signature Constantly(signs all legal acts) Occasionally
The possibility to fill out a form for the formation of a draft judicial act There is There is no
Online familiarization of the participant in the process with the materials of the electronic court case There is There is no
Formation of a court case in electronic form There is(CAC) There is no
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