Digital Technologies In Formation Of Maneuverable Student Identity


The article presents a detailed theoretical analysis of the concepts of "identity", "maneuverability", "mobility" of the personality of a university student. The concept of "identity" is considered in interdisciplinary areas from the standpoint of a personality-oriented, systematic approach. On the basis of this analysis, the concept of “the formation of a flexible identity of university students” was comprehended in the context of the use of digital technologies in higher education. The essence of this concept is determined. It has been established that the agile identity of a university student is an integrative characteristic of a personality, a new quality of a socio-psychological category. The types of pedagogical tools that contribute to the achievement of new educational results have been identified. From the point of view of objective means, these are electronic devices, tools for each educational area. Subjective means include computer and digital technologies addressed to each educational subject. The importance and effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the university as a condition for the formation of students' identity and a special organization of the educational process are highlighted.

Keywords: Manoeuvrability, university students' identity, digital technologies


In modern society, characterized by globalization, scientific and technological progress, constantly growing intellectual potential, a person is daily faced with the subjective and objective development of scientific, social, professional, political, economic, psychological, spiritual and other spheres of state influence. A sufficient number of non-standard and unpredictable situations occur in the activities of any person, such a problem has sharply revealed itself during a pandemic. Universities really found themselves in an emergency situation starting from March - April 2020. From the first days of remote work in institutions of higher education, several modes of educational activity have developed. The analytical report prepared for the meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Lessons from the" stress test ": universities in a pandemic and after it" highlights asynchronous or correspondence, synchronous and mixed modes of educational activities, which were implemented using digital technologies. Significant possibilities of using digital technologies in higher education made it possible to reveal their serious impact on the personal, social and professional identity of educational subjects. It becomes clear that the use of digital technologies requires special competencies and personality characteristics of students, teachers, as well as a special organization of the educational process.

Since the most important indicator in society is becoming a "realized personality" (Gershunsky, 2003), then, accordingly, among the characteristics of a personality stand out: independence, self-education, self-organization, initiative, activity, flexibility in judgment and maneuverability of identity, as one of the abilities to quickly adapt to different situations. A person with these qualities can be defined as agile, mobile.

We find confirmation of this in the development of the existing structure and content of modern higher professional education, the methodological basis of which is the competence-based approach. At the same time, there is a reliance on a number of identified areas of the competence-based approach. The first direction reveals academic quality through professional, general cultural and personal developmental components. The second direction pays the importance of competitiveness, the manifestation of which is constant demand in the labor market (Baydenko, 2010). The third characterizes the professional mobility of a university graduate who can easily and flexibly adapt to market conditions (Kaplina, 2008).

In accordance with this, the task of higher professional education is the formation of a maneuverable personality identity, ready for constant changes in professional fields of activity. This training takes into account the factors of the educational environment, on which the ongoing global processes are superimposed around the world, in the educational systems of Russia and the West, setting the pace for the rapid formation of a single global financial and information space based on digital technologies. For example, from world observations, uniform requirements are imposed on the professional skills of an individual - these are information, computer, financial, legal literacy, free use of computer and digital technologies, as well as proficiency and knowledge of foreign languages.

These changes in economically unstable conditions entailed: “... the emergence of new professional groups, a change in the social status of a number of professions, massive migration processes from one professional sphere to others, .... the termination of the previous mechanisms of labor motivation and incentives, displacement life values associated with labor "(Andryushchenko, 2005, p. 26).

As a result of these changes, the formation and change of the identity of the individual takes place, it acquires maneuverability, flexibility as a new quality of the socio-psychological category, accompanied by substantiality and accidentality. The first indicates changes in states due to which the "essence" of the identity of all people is formed, changed. Accidentality of identity, emphasizes the presence of a newly acquired, emerging identity, which does not disappear without a trace. Consequently, personality identity acts as a fundamental process of the subject's need, ensuring its harmonious formation in society (Ageev & Tolmasova, 2000; Antonova, 1996; Breakwell, 1986; Erickson, 1968; Freud, 2000; Jung, 2000).

Problem Statement

The formation of a maneuverable personality identity of a university student, emerging in the context of digitalization, is of particular interest to researchers, and reveals the main contradiction. The contradiction lies in the need to study the conditions and features of the formation of a maneuverable identity of a university student, on the one hand, and in the insufficient development of pedagogical tools that effectively influence this process, on the other hand. Taking into account the contradiction that we have identified, we will formulate the research problem, which consists in determining the pedagogical means that affect the formation of the agile identity of a university student in the context of digital technologies.

Research Questions

The study of identity as a socio-psychological category is noted in the interdisciplinary studies of domestic and foreign authors. Among philosophers, we examined the works of (Aristotle, 1999; Bryushinkin, 2003; Hegel, 1975; Kant, 1964; Locke, 2002; Sergeev, 2003). The works of sociologists (Chernysh & Yadov, 1993; Giddens, 2005; Kachanov, 1993; Yakovleva, 2016). Identity as an integrative, socio-psychological phenomenon that ensures the integrity of the "I-concept" is presented in psychology through the main works of such scientists as (Adler & Deutsch, 1959; Freud, 2000; Hume, 1995; Shibutani, 2000; Zinchenko, 2016; and others). The issues of studying professional identity in the aspects of self-determination, the formation of professional identity are reflected in (Efremova, 2010; Kudryavtsev, 1986; Markova, 1995; Schneider, 2001; Zeer & Romantsev, 2002). The question of understanding, cognition of identity in the field of digitalization remains undoubted. If we analyze the outgoing epoch of the past, we can see how the myth of the idealized large-scale image of education, the ingrained formulas “one education for a lifetime”, “one labor record throughout life in one organization”, etc. are crumbling.

In the context of digital technologies, identity is considered from the standpoint of choice, the search for conditions that determine the need for constant continuous education of the individual, indicated in the formula "education throughout life" (Maslov, et al., 1993, pp. 102-117). Another important argument is that identity acquires a new quality of maneuverability and flexibility as a socio-psychological category. This quality is associated with the awareness of positive identity, the presence of which helps to overcome and overcome difficulties, difficulties in order to avoid various forms of personality identity crisis (Fromm, 1992; Lukman, 1991; Raigorodsky, 2003; Zakovorotnaya, 1999; etc.). The emergence of a mobile identity of university students in the context of digital technologies is dictated both by the emergent movement and the genesis of professional activity (Lomakina, 2002). These two concepts indicate the emergence of new professional fields of activity.

Purpose of the Study

The relevance of studying this problem determined the topic of the study, which is to consider digital technologies as a condition for the formation of a flexible identity of a university student.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the concept of "formation of a flexible identity of a university student", to identify its essence in the context of digital technologies and to determine the pedagogical tools that affect this process.

The object of the research is the formation of the agile identity of university students.

The subject of the research is the definition of pedagogical tools that influence the formation of the agile identity of a university student in the context of digital technologies.

In the hypothesis of the study, we put forward the assumption that the effectiveness of the formation of the agile identity of university students will depend if:

  • to reveal the socio-pedagogical essence of the concept of "formation of the agile identity of university students";
  • to identify pedagogical means correlated with the format of digital technologies.

On the basis of the problem put forward, the goals and hypothesis of the research, we will define the main tasks of the research. The first task is to define the concept of "the formation of a flexible identity of university students" and its essence. The second challenge is to establish pedagogical tools that are easily correlated and fit into the digital format.

Research Methods

To solve the set tasks, we will apply the theoretical research method, which consists in the comparative-comparative systematization of scientific facts and the logical method, which includes analysis, synthesis of concepts, their interpretation, concretization, comparison and generalization.

The analysis of interdisciplinary fields has shown that the concept of "identity" is borrowed, integrative and universal.

In the conceptual provisions of personality-oriented education, identity is analyzed as: an integral part of the structure of a person's “I” and an integral part of the process of personality development in the pedagogical process (Bordovskaya & Rean, 2006; Slastenin, 2008; Yakimanskaya, 2000).

G.M. Andreeva reveals identity in the aspect of the process of socialization, in which it acts as a constituent basis of self-awareness (Andreeva et al., 2009). The formation of identity constituting the basis of self-awareness is related to the process of socialization. The latter continues throughout the period of life, and ends with “maturity” (the period after 65 years), which means “wisdom” (Erickson, 1968, p. 381).

From the point of view of a systematic approach (Afanasyev, 1980; Ananiev, 1967; Frolov, 1984; Spirin, 1997; etc.), identity is understood as a person's acquisition of their own individuality, filled with a system of beliefs, values of the professional community. Identity in this sense is manifested in the professional sphere.

L. B. Schneider points out that changes in professional identity are possible and achievable in a short time in the process of changing professional activity or emigration from another country (Schneider, 2001).

The concept of "maneuverability" is interpreted in the literal and figurative sense of the word by the explanatory dictionary of T.F. Efremova. In the literal sense, it is "the ability to maneuver, which means to be quick in changing the direction of movement", and figuratively, it is "the correct ability to apply to conditions, ... quickly change tactics in the interests of the cause." This concept correlates with the concept of "mobility" (Efremova, 2000, p. 425).

In dictionaries and encyclopedias "mobility" is defined as: a person's readiness for quick action (Batyshev, 1999, p. 380); “the ability to quickly navigate in an environment and perform tasks” (Petrovsky & Yaroshevsky, 1998, p. 528); “the process of movement of individuals between groups of the structure of society” (Barber, 1972, pp. 235-240; Sorokin, 2005, p. 588); “professional and personal quality of a specialist” (Zeer & Romantsev, 2002, pp. 16-21). The interrelation of the concepts of "maneuverability", "mobility" and "identity" can be found in the works of classics teachers. Scientists established this relationship through activity, flexibility, adaptability, skill, personality selectivity. At the same time, there was a clear and stable understanding of the fact that the more educated a person is, the more flexible, mobile, and identical he is (Comenius, 1987; Disterweg, 1956; Herbart, 1940).


On the basis of the theoretical analysis, let us define the concept of "the formation of a maneuverable identity of a university student", which is understood as a process consisting of: entrepreneurial interaction of a university student with all subjects of the educational environment using pedagogical means; maneuvering, the ability to quickly change tactics in the interests of social and professional activities under the influence of digital technologies.

The socio-pedagogical essence of the concept of "formation of a mobile identity of a university student" is manifested in the entrepreneurial interaction and maneuverability of a student in an educational environment with a social environment.

In this regard, the agile identity of a university student is an integrative characteristic of a personality, a new quality capable, under the influence of digitalization and pedagogical means, both to identify oneself in the direction of social and professional activity, and to change it.

The main condition for the formation of a flexible identity of a university student was the large-scale introduction of computer and digital technologies into the educational process during a pandemic. The organization of the educational process in a distance format using computer and digital technologies revealed in the subjects of the educational process both the readiness for self-education and self-organization in obtaining knowledge in this way, and its absence.

The lack of this readiness is largely dictated by the weak formation of a maneuverable personality identity, from which follows the understanding that this characteristic must be developed in a timely manner with the help of various pedagogical means. Since the present reality shows that computer and digital technologies will be constantly with us. They will be used not only during a pandemic, natural disasters, but also “here and now”. This resource will displace and replace many areas of activity in the professional field.

As an example of the agile identity of a university student, let us turn to the development of a foreign language. Previously, it was believed that in order to master and study a foreign language, it is necessary to complete a whole course of study from 5 to 6 years, find a native speaker and constantly keep in touch with him. This was a problematic and time consuming process. However, with the help of computer and digital technologies, mastering and studying a foreign language, finding a native speaker in a shorter time becomes a feasible task. Therefore, many universities provide the right to receive an additional diploma during the period of obtaining basic education.

In this regard, we believe that the educational environment should become a place for the effective formation of the agile identity of university students, and therefore have the necessary pedagogical tools.

The concept of "means" in the explanatory dictionary is revealed through the method and method of achieving a result in a certain activity (Ushakov, 2008, p. 959). It should be borne in mind that there are two types of funds. These objective means include instruments, tools, devices and subjective means that mediate the actions of the subject, built in a certain algorithm.

Therefore, the identification of pedagogical tools that influence the formation of a university student's agile identity in the context of digital technologies should be considered from two positions. From the point of view of objective means, these are electronic devices, tools for each educational area. Among such means are electronic educational resources, educational multimedia textbooks and electronic, voice assistants to them, multimedia universal encyclopedias, student electronic websites and newspapers. Subjective means include computer and digital technologies addressed to each educational subject. As an example, this will include electronic online courses, consultations on improving the computer and digital literacy of students, an electronic individual cabinet with an electronic assistant to provide pedagogical assistance and support to each subject of the educational process, electronic forums, etc.


Thus, the analyzed theoretical approaches and the stated provisions allow us to draw the following conclusion and assert that the maneuverable identity of a university student is an integrative characteristic of a personality, a new quality of a socio-psychological category, the formation of which was facilitated by the large-scale introduction of computer and digital technologies into the educational process. The emergence of the concept was associated with socio-psychological ideas, the field of sociology, philosophy, psychology and pedagogy.

The variety of approaches of those studying the concepts of "identity", "maneuverability", "mobility" helped us to define the concept of "formation of a maneuverable identity of a university student", which is understood as a process consisting of: entrepreneurial interaction of a university student with all subjects of the educational environment using pedagogical means; maneuvering, the ability to quickly change tactics in the interests of social and professional activities under the influence of digital technologies.

The socio-pedagogical essence of the concept of "formation of the agile identity of a university student" is manifested in the entrepreneurial interaction and maneuverability of the student in the educational environment with the social environment.

Based on the research of scientists, we have identified two types of pedagogical tools that effectively influence the formation of a maneuverable personality identity - these are electronic devices, tools for each educational area and computer and digital technologies addressed to each educational subject.

For us, it became obvious the need to develop and implement a new model of the educational process in higher education, possibly defined as a combined model.

Therefore, expanding and improving the understanding of digital technologies as a condition for the formation of a flexible identity of a university student, we note that the traditional direct interaction of students and teachers, practical, research and social activities in familiar forms should be combined and provided with digital didactics.


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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education

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Albitova, E., & Rogaleva, G. (2021). Digital Technologies In Formation Of Maneuverable Student Identity. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, & A. S. Budagov (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST-II 2021), vol 116. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1556-1563). European Publisher.