The article describes the role of the regional factor in modern education. It is shown that the globalization processes in the Westernist project provoke the chaos of the world space. The study of the peculiarities of the regional and global world order indicates the new trends in education. It is shown that globalization in its unipolar form has not become the constructive regulator of the educational processes. The authors prove that it is only in the regional education there is hope for the preservation of the socio-cultural identity of students and the whole society. The authors reveal that the global-regional education creates conditions for optimizing the interaction of the modernized structures and the traditional social elements. Regionalism in modern education is a kind of guarantor of the stability of the existing social systems and the entire world order. The article shows the real prospects for the sustainable global-regional world order which is associated with the dialectical approach to the modern regional trends.
Keywords: Regionalism, stability, world order, globalization, social transformations
In modern education, the regional aspect of the problems is being updated which is due to several factors. First, the global education which has been actively implemented during the recent decades has demonstrated both its advantages and its obvious disadvantages, the elimination of which requires maximum consideration of the regional peculiarities. Secondly, to upbring a spiritual and moral personality, it is necessary to use the cultural and historical approach in the educational sphere which ensures the close relationship between culture and history, based, as a rule, on the regional educational traditions. Third, the Russian pedagogical traditions have always assumed the close connection between the educational process and the past which was manifested, in particular, in customs and norms of the behaviour preserved for centuries and transmitted through the educational system. Despite many social transformations, our society has managed to maintain the relationship of the generations, and this function is the most important one for any educational system and it is much easier to implement it at the regional level, the spatial and temporal parameters of which create more conditions for the close contact of the history of the particular society with the world history.
Problem Statement
The positioning of the region as the main unit on the basis of which a new system of universal human stability is being formed gives reason to speak of a global-regional approach to modern education. This understanding of educational problems is determined by the fact that the globalization processes are not able to contribute to the disclosure of the positive potential of specific societies. This aspect is of particular importance in the development of the educational sphere where there is the successful development of the historical experience of specific societies in theoretical and practical terms. The imperfection of the theoretical foundations of global education, as well as the signs of the crisis of the unipolar world, suggest a study of the features of interregional contradictions, since their analysis through the prism of sustainability highlights new directions both in the philosophy of management in the context of collective decision-making and also in the philosophy of education. The positioning the region as the main element of the system of social stability implies the consolidation of the human community at a new level contributing to the formation of a modern education system. Such an algorithm for the development of humanity requires the improvement of the social sciences where the task of understanding the social elements that are able to form a harmonious education system in the coming decades is put forward to the fore.
The real way to resolve the crisis of education as the social institution is determined by the search for effective scientific results that would determine the main directions to optimize the management activity of the regional social systems. The growing interdependence of regions, as well as the strengthening of the regional structure which can be the alternative to violent globalization implies the adjustment of the concept of "sustainability". We proceed from the fact that sustainability which acts as a historical concept has national and religious components which are manifested at the regional level more clearly. In addition, a particular region, being a victim of ill-conceived management decisions at the global level, is able to destabilize the world processes from which education can suffer most of all. The formation of the system of the regional stability as a social unit requires the account of the general trends that characterize the modern education which is due to the constant increase in the number of factors that can undermine the stable functioning of any society.
Research Questions
As the result of the transfer of control mechanisms to the supranational level, the content of the leading concepts that help to position the socio-cultural identity of the social association is changed: "Homeland", "sovereignty", "independence", etc. This situation threatens the stability of the regional education system which calls the future of this society into question because such processes respond in various layers of it. The events of the recent decades confirm this thesis, since various crises have always been accompanied by the breakdown of consciousness which, in particular, is manifested in the violent introduction of cosmopolitan trends. In any development of events, this conclusion is especially true in relation to various models of interaction of the social elements that represent the subjects and objects of the educational process.
The reform of modern national education and its integration into similar global trends are often carried out without taking into account the historical past of Russia and the peculiarity of its formation as a single state which influenced the development of the entire national education system. If the history lessons do not emphasize the fact that individual self-sufficient regions have largely preserved their identity due to their voluntary entry into the new centralized state, then the situation will develop that is fraught with potential conflicts. The variety of approaches to the formation of an optimal picture of global and regional education involves the analysis of various concepts of the problems of the modern management of society done by many researchers.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the article is to develop the system of proofs that substantiates the importance of taking into account the peculiarities of regional education systems in the formation of a modern sustainable and harmonious system of global education.
Research Methods
The stability of the region is closely related to the dialectic of contradictions between various social processes occurring at the macro and micro levels, the regulation and resolution of which is assumed at a certain boundary level. The regional structure as the guarantor of the sustainability of modern education is reflected in some concepts, the authors of which try to link the new information base with the management process. However, such concepts often do not take into account the fact that the educational system has always been based on the established traditions that contribute to the survival of this society and guarantee its stability over a long historical period. At the same time, many modern educational reforms are carried out without taking into account the regional specificity which creates dangerous trends both for the regional and for the global level of education.
The formation of the information society is accompanied by the problems that are fully manifested in global education and are reflected in regional educational systems which is due to the fact that the content, goals and objectives of modern world education do not always coincide with the trends that manifest themselves in the established social group. In particular, at the regional level, the transformation of education was manifested in the fact that educational services acquired the specific value expression due to the influence of the market relations. Such a pragmatic approach to education led to the excessive pragmatization in solving practical problems which contradicted the national educational traditions. Based on the philosophy of education, in our opinion, the ideas should be formed that contribute to the construction of leading humanitarian practices and technologies that can preserve the positive results of globalization processes in the educational sphere, without threatening the socio-cultural identity of individual societies.
The regional structure can act as a certain guarantor of the stability of the transforming world, provided that dialectical principles are fully used, in particular, such as the universal connection of phenomena. Regional education can act as the real guarantor of the stability of the modern world, since the attempt to form a universal educational system based on the Westernist ideology was not successful. The dominance of the unipolar world system, as it was shown during recent decades, has led to the fact that states are increasingly becoming the elements of the mondialist model, which could lead to the loss of the socio-cultural identity of not only societies, but also entire regions. The problem of regional education is also related to the fact that many pluralistic approaches, which should guarantee the self-sufficiency of regional educational systems when they merge, in practice break the interrelationships of various world components. This perception leads to the formation of the simplified view of the educational scheme of the world space, which tends to universality.
In this case, according to Gorin (2018):
The development and complexity of the organization of the society, the transition from the industrial type of the society to the information type, to new technological structures, determines the non-linearity of its development, expressed in the contradictory social processes that are cyclical, wave-like (p. 1625).
The strengthening of the regional educational component allows us to abstract from the universalist propaganda projects of creating the global educational space, which is dictated by the solution of supranational tasks, and not so much by humanistic intentions.
Under these conditions, according to Gryakalov (2017):
the "radical elimination" of violence (the fanaticism of liberal harmonization of social relations – in the form of the ethics of discourse, communicative action, etc.), pushing it to the periphery of social actions, is catastrophic and leads to the degradation of the community – the deafening of the social monad. Such is the happiness of the "last people" – political correctness and human rights.... (p. 79)
For the adequate assessment of the current state of the regional educational systems, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the process of trying to implement the ideas of globalism in practice, there were the substitutions of the basic concepts. Despite the statements about the true unity of humanity on the basis of eternal values, the attempt was made to create the Westernist megastructure, which particularly affected the educational system, because instead of the ideals of the new world order, the socio-cultural identity of individual social systems was leveled. Naturally, in such a project, any regional values were completely ignored, so the study and preservation of them was not provided for in the curriculum. Education was increasingly tuned not to the education of a new person, but to the mass production of a human atom, which does not have any social roots and is devoid of traditions. This situation negatively affected not only the humanitarian cycle of disciplines, because the ideologists of globalism did not consider Russia as the full-fledged geopolitical entity with the highly educated population.
When assessing the role of information technology in modern global education, the authors (Kudashov et al., 2016) take into account the fact that:
the phenomenon of "group thinking" is defined as the style of thinking of people included in a single group, where the desire for like-mindedness is more important than the realistic assessment of possible options for action. The emergence of this phenomenon is due to the impact on the group members of the uniform system of assessments concerning the most important socio-historical problems and issues, the attachment of the group members to the certain system of values in the educational system. (p. 587)
Such facts prove that the world educational project is characterized by the loss of clear axiological attitudes already at the level of public consciousness, which is maximally manifested in the process of forming a specific personality. A person brought up in this way is not able to understand the severity of the problems which the society is facing today, and, of course, he is not able to respond to the most complex challenges of the era. The ideal student is the one who is guided by soulless rationalism and naked practicality, while freeing himself from all moral principles. Only individuals who are not aimed at economic success at any cost, such as "effective managers", can withstand the onslaught of the well-fed, comfortably equipped, technologically advanced civilization of the West, which manifests itself in "soft power".
Unfortunately, the emerging fragmentary SMS culture is increasingly competing with the fundamental values of the traditional culture, where the leading sphere is the sphere of meanings, thanks to which the reproduction of the spiritual existence of members of society takes place. According to Malkov "the peculiarities of the institutional structure, culture, and mentality are all products of a long process of social self-organization, when every nation, every social system seeks (and finds) the most adequate forms of existence and functioning for itself" (Malkov, 2019, p. 71).
Such an approach is laid down at the level of the educational system, where adequate ideas about conscience, good and evil are formed from the lower grades, reflecting the values of this society and not contradicting the universal trends.
The authors of state (Kudashov et al., 2017) with regret that:
one of the greatest catastrophes of the modern mankind is the collapse of the system of the established values, which is manifested, in particular, in their desensitization. All this leads to the loss of the entire spectrum of feelings in relation not only to the past, but also to the present. (p. 969)
We believe, that an adjustment of this experience in regional educational systems allows us to make it as an optimal project for the formation of a global, truly sustainable educational system. At the same time it should be borne in mind that the fundamental connection of education with other social institutions, as well as its influence on all spheres of life and culture in general, has its own peculiarities. In particular, professional education has such an essential specificity.
Discussing important aspects of this education, authors (Begalinova & Ashilova, 2018) notes:
professional education is a purposeful way of socializing a person, since it involves both obtaining general, secondary, higher education (bachelor's, master's), and mastering the knowledge and skills of a certain professional activity. At the same time, higher education contributes to the development of natural human abilities and their subsequent implementation in the chosen field. (p. 1595)
In the modern world, regional education opens up new perspectives in the organization of human life, which is manifested, for example, in the use of the principle of conciliarity, which contributes to the improvement of interpersonal relations, as well as the understanding of the spiritual world of another person.
In order to eliminate contradictions and remove paradoxical phenomena in education and society Yakovleva (2018) emphasizes the need:
to develop system values, as the system always wins manifestations of personalism and the new ideology of society can grow out of a system of values. The active spread of the Russian language in the world (educational, mass media, cultural, etc.) space overcoming the Russian educational isolation with the whole world will also contribute to the Russian participation in the creation of the world educational space. (p. 112)
However, according Kuznetsova (2019), to "sustainable development is designed to meet the needs of human existence in the present, without jeopardizing the existence of future generations" (p. 123-124).
In the modern world, the potential impact of technology on the socio-cultural environment and the person himself is accelerating, directly affecting his biosocial essence and spiritual foundations. According to the authors (Chernykh & Parshikov, 2018, p. 135-136) a person becomes an object of manipulation; The ultimate goal of the development of a society is the situation where the living conditions and the use of resources meet the needs of people, and the integrity and stability of the natural system are not damaged.
One of the most important characteristics of modern life is the fact of the collapse of the old states and the emergence of new state associations that form new civilizational, cultural and national borders, creating conditions for a clash of civilizations. That is why the optimization of regional educational practices in the modern world is an urgent task both for theorists and for practitioners. It is important to emphasize that the new system of communication, which is being laid down in the educational sphere through the latest information technologies, should provide the best option for the transition of humanity to the noosphere level.
Thus, in the modern world, the problem of study and use of the experience of regional educational systems, which is based on the recognition of the socio-cultural self-sufficiency of the regions, is becoming more and more urgent. Russia, as the state that includes all the world's experience, is able to demonstrate various options for regional stability that are worthy of thorough research. This refers to the special geopolitical position of our country between the East and the West, which allows us to accumulate various manifestations of the experience of stability, both the Eastern and Western societies, and to lay the best examples in the regional educational system.
The development of certain principles for the sustainability of regional educational systems is of interest not only for current, but also for future generations and all mankind, who have set the goal of their survival in a world free from conflict. Optimal global-regional education as a prototype of a harmonious world order is in particular demand in modern conditions.
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25 September 2021
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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education
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Rublev, G. V., Bogdanova, L. V., Isaeva, E. Y., & Galiakhmetov, R. N. (2021). Features The Stability Of The Regional Education System In The Modern World. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, & A. S. Budagov (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST-II 2021), vol 116. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1446-1452). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2021.09.02.162