Online Training On The Development Of Supraprofessional Competencies Students


Modern requirements in the labour market to the level of development of competencies of specialists are formed under the influence of the pace of development of society and the widespread informatization of the environment. In a dynamically changing world, the educational system should form not only professional, technical knowledge and skills, but also new qualities of a graduate, such as teamwork skills, striving for self-development and self-organization, leadership qualities, communicative and emotional intelligence. There is a need for the formation of supra-professional competencies. This requires that learning is transformed through the integration of traditional and modern forms and methods of teaching. One of the effective directions of such practice-oriented training is the use of trainings, including online trainings, which have already proven themselves in the practices of organizations as the most effective ways of personnel development, especially in new or changing working conditions. Online trainings have their advantages: time savings, the ability to ask an "inconvenient" question, including in the chat, a comfortable environment conducive to the perception of information, the ability to re-view, etc. At the same time, the problem of using online trainings for the development of supra-professional competencies remains insufficiently studied and complex in its organization.

Keywords: Self-development, leadership qualities, communicative and emotional, over-professional competencies


The upbringing and training of a socially and professionally active personality requires the use of completely new methods, techniques and forms of work. In the process of forming the competencies of a future specialist in all potentially significant areas of vocational education and life itself, it is necessary to use active teaching methods, technologies that develop, first of all, the cognitive, communicative and personal activity of students. Zimnyaya (2004) considers the competence-based approach as a set of general principles for determining the goals of education, selecting the content of education, organizing the educational process and assessing educational results, which exactly meets the requirements of the time. A future professional should have a desire for self-education throughout his life, own new technologies and understand the possibilities of their use, be able to make independent decisions, adapt in the social and future professional sphere, solve problems and work in a team, be ready for overload, stressful situations and be able to get out of them quickly (Chiker, 2007).

Competencies and results of education are considered as the main target settings, as integrating principles of the “model” of the future specialist. The competence model itself, on the one hand, covers the qualifications that link his future activities with the subjects and objects of labour, on the other hand, reflects the interdisciplinary requirements for the result of education.

Problem Statement

The labour market presents graduate with a number of requirements that are most often not related to a specific discipline (professional, subject competences), but are universal, non-professional. These competencies go beyond special training, are not related to a specific position and are considered a prerequisite for personal growth and professional success. They are usually called professional competencies.

Research Questions

According to modern researchers, at present, an effective specialist must have not only and not so much professional knowledge and skills, but over-professional competencies that help to ensure successful adaptation in the world labour market in the changing conditions of life and profession (Pesha, 2020).

In the domestic scientific literature, supra-professional competencies are also called key, metasubject, basic, universal, flexible (Shramko, 2020). Over-professional, key competencies are considered as personality traits that are important for carrying out activities in a large group of diverse professions, as “cross-cutting” knowledge and skills necessary in any professional activity. Consequently, supra-professional competencies include not only professional aspects, but also communicative, ideological, personal ones, which help in solving problems, both in professional and in other spheres of life. Requirements for the level of proficiency in professional and non-professional competencies are set by the profile of the position (profession) - this is a list of key competencies.

By the formation of supra-professional competencies in students, we mean the process of creating forms and conditions for achieving a certain result, that is, the formed competencies necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the requests of employers and the possibilities of further education. The effectiveness of the process of forming supra-professional competencies of graduates is ensured with a variety of different approaches to its implementation, with the competence-based approach being the leading one (Shvalb, 2007).

The formation of supra-professional competencies requires special training associated with teaching skills that increase the effectiveness of professional activities. Active teaching methods, in particular, training, are effective in this regard. As the experience of conducting trainings shows, the formation of value orientations and supra-professional competencies in students most effectively occurs with a non-standard form of organization of classes, such as training, the main conditions for the implementation of which are openness, freedom of expression, activity, and personal emotional satisfaction (Fopel', 2007).

Purpose of the Study

Unlike traditional classes, the great advantage of educational training is that it takes place in a specific educational environment, i.e. students have the opportunity to be active, practice the material under study in practice, form and develop communication skills, self-knowledge, reflection and self-esteem.

The main goal of the training program is the need to influence each student, to induce a positive mood and a certain emotional colouring, to motivate for further study of the academic discipline. The teacher's task is to help the group work, and not to work on his own, paying maximum attention to the students' independent work. It is important to involve all students in a dialogue, to provide everyone with the opportunity to express their opinion and be listened to, which is consistent with the principles of competence-based learning.

The training implements the basic principles of competence-based learning - an interactive form of training with a large number of methodological techniques, exercises, examples and tasks, as well as providing everyone with the opportunity to express their opinion and be listened to.

Research Methods

The training approach in education helps to solve the main task of the competence-based approach - to develop creative thinking and skills of creative activity, considered didactically:

  • As an independent transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation;
  • Vision of a new problem in a familiar situation;
  • Independent combination of known methods of activity and new ones;
  • Vision of new functions and structure of the object;
  • Alternative thinking, that is, seeing possible solutions to the problem (Danilova, 2016).

It is necessary to note that online trainings are becoming especially popular, especially in new or changing working conditions. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of its implementation, both technical and substantive. Not all teachers are enthusiastic about these activities, as it requires a lot of resources - time, personal, psychological. The clarity of the presentation of visual material is also difficult for teachers, because it should not replace communication, but be a means for clarifying and explaining the material. Preparing online trainings requires a lot of preparation in terms of revising the exercises and games used and adapting them for online submission. Technical skills are also important here, for example, to distribute students in pairs, connect to someone individually, and then bring them together for discussion, be able to write on the board, manage this process among students, etc. Other difficulties may also arise, since the technology of online training is just beginning to be introduced into training practice and needs significant improvements.

However, despite the fact that the problem of using online trainings for the development of supra-professional competencies remains insufficiently studied, and the format of training work itself is new, their application is very relevant and in demand. Online trainings are organized through the use of online platforms that allow for face-to-face activities in a distance format. This is a ready-made technical solution offered in the market of distance educational technologies, a very interesting and promising project.

The proposed online training program includes 3 blocks:

  • Cognitive;
  • Need-motivational;
  • Personal.

Cognitive block: providing information about teamwork, the importance of self-regulation and motivation, teaching effective techniques, developing reflexive skills.

The need-motivational block: actualization of the need to timely solve the problems that have arisen through its research and gaining positive experience from solving the difficulties associated with it (in communication, in self-presentation, in self-realization).

Personal block: to promote successful communication, joint actions with classmates and teachers and their coordination.

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

1. Material and technical conditions.

To effectively implement the online training program, you need a convenient webinar room with the appropriate equipment (computer with Internet access, speakers, webcam, visual aids and didactic materials (slide presentations, diagrams, cards, etc.), educational and methodological literature). Each participant in the online training will have his own space, he is not with everyone, in a single audience, while in the online training there is also a single space - this is a virtual platform where participants see each other, can communicate with each other and the teacher.

2. Organizational and methodological conditions.

The form of conducting classes is online training. The development of professional competencies is greatly influenced by activities organized in the form of group training work, involving joint discussion, exchange of views, thoughts, assumptions, joint overcoming of difficulties and achievement of success, which is especially necessary for successful orientation in new conditions in order to actively act in them. The necessary materials, as well as video recordings of each lesson, are provided in electronic form. They, along with online distributions and presentations, are always available for participants to download, save at home. In online trainings, there is enough time to try in small groups, and then, after the training, also with a trainer or curator personally. The coach is always there and ready to help with training and at the workplace.

The entire training is divided into semantic modules. Skills are worked out in parts (three parts: communication, self-regulation and motivation), and not entirely and at once, as is the case in classroom training. Such assimilation and implementation is more effective. Another feature of the online training program is a clear separation of theoretical blocks and practice after them. A prerequisite is the completion of homework, which greatly disciplines the participants and develops their independence.

3. Psychological and pedagogical conditions.

In the process of implementing the program, it is necessary to take into account the individual and age characteristics of the participants, their motivation, and create a favourable psychological climate.

At the first stage of training, it is necessary to actively motivate students to work online, this is important for achieving success in such a complex and unusual environment, for starting group dynamics, and finally, for determining the format of behaviour and formal and informal rules. For this purpose, the game "Network" was chosen, an interactive board was prepared, on which the names of the participants of the online training were randomly written.

The next step is to work in pairs. For each couple - 1.5 minutes for communication. During this time, couples communicate with each other, find common ground with each other, display it on an interactive board: they connected their names with a line, next to this line in one word that unites. For example, they found out that they like to watch football or sing in a karaoke club, etc. So three or four rounds of communication in pairs are carried out. Then the results are summed up, the results from the interactive whiteboard are read out.

The cognitive block includes providing information about teamwork, the importance of self-regulation and motivation, teaching effective techniques, and developing reflexive skills. The organization of educational mini-lectures, discussions (for example, a mini-lecture "Effective communication", a discussion "Motives and needs") was of great importance here. Particular attention is paid to visual support - key points, examples and illustrations were displayed on the slides. It is also taken into account that when organizing online broadcasts, it is important to avoid monotony, it is important to use intonation and modulation of the voice, as well as pauses to give the group time to assimilate information. At this stage, much attention was paid to preparing a short conclusion of a mini-lecture or discussion, which connected them and placed them in the broader context of the online training.

The need-motivational block is the actualization of the need to timely solve the problems that have arisen through its research and gaining positive experience from solving the difficulties associated with it (in communication, in self-presentation, in self-realization). An example is the organization exercise "My Motivators". During this exercise, the participants in the online training find out what motivates each of them. Understand what motivators can be and that the most common motivators work for most people. Further, the trainers are invited to choose the subject that they associate with the motivator. As the choice progresses, each student puts a plus sign in the chat.

Then the teacher gives each one in turn the floor. Students name the chosen subject, and an association game begins - the student answers three questions:

  • Why did I choose this subject?
  • How does this choice relate to me?
  • How exactly does he motivate?

The teacher encourages you not to limit your imagination, the bolder the connection, the more interesting. Next, in the chat, there is a vote on the best motivator in the opinion of the students.

Personal block - creating conditions for successful communication, joint actions with classmates and teachers and their coordination. It should be noted that all exercises and games created the conditions for effective online communication, illustrated the importance of clear communication, and also allowed the group to explore their communication style and make improvements as needed. Thus, the exercise "Quick Advice" assumed that the participants of the online training would ask each other for help. Working in pairs, each participant asks for advice on how to succeed in communication.

Next, a presentation of tips and a discussion is organized:

  • Were the words of the interlocutor understood correctly?
  • Have you managed to improve emotional contact?
  • Were you attentive when listening to the interlocutor's advice?
  • Have you found new aspects for yourself in the interlocutor's advice?

Much attention needs to be paid to getting feedback. For example, the exercise "Facts and Fiction." Using the interactive whiteboard, during the discussion, a list of mixed facts and fictions is created based on the material covered. Further, this material can be used as a test for students.


A variety of online activities and a balanced combination of group work techniques are essential for online training, which uses online games, exercises, and discussions. The interactive content of the online training must correspond to the content and goals, the size of the group, the profile of the participants and the available time.

In the process of implementing online training, tasks are being solved aimed at developing supra-professional competencies based on the data obtained during the ascertaining stage of the research:

  • skills of working in a team online were practiced, organizational skills were developed on the basis of decision-making;
  • work was carried out to develop the value-semantic sphere through training in personality self-regulation skills;
  • work was organized to develop the motivation of students.


Thus, during the implementation of the online training program, a basis has been created for the development of over-professional skills of students. A comfortable educational online environment with the use of interactive gaming technologies allows students to be maximally involved in the perception of new information. This aspect increases the efficiency of the learning process; it becomes possible to repeat the material of the online training in recording. When using this approach, it becomes possible to replace classroom lessons by adapting to the virtual space. The content of the online training is filled with a variety of tools, which increases the involvement of students in the learning process.


  • Chiker, V. A. (2007). 18 training programs Professional Guide. Rech'.

  • Danilova, A. S. (2016). Basis of professional competence. Krasnoyarsk.

  • Fopel', K. (2007). Training technology Theory and practice. Genesis.

  • Pesha, A. V. (2020). Development of superprofessional competencies of students in online format, The world of science, Pedagogy and psychology, 6.

  • Shramko, N. V. (2020). Factors and difficulties of formation of higher professional competencies of university students. Belgorod.

  • Shvalb, Yu. M. (2007). Functionality of using training technologies in the training of specialists. Donetsk Law Institute.

  • Zimnyaya, I. A. (2004). Key competencies as an effective and targeted framework for competency in education Author version. Research Center for Quality Problems of Professional Training.

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25 September 2021

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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education

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Livak, N. S., Smirnaya, A. A., & Voityukova, Е. V. (2021). Online Training On The Development Of Supraprofessional Competencies Students. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, & A. S. Budagov (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST-II 2021), vol 116. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1248-1254). European Publisher.