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Experience And Results Of Distant And Blended Learning In General Technical Disciplines

Table 1: Models of blended learning in foreign and domestic practice

Blended Learning Model Name Features of the blended learning model
Foreign blended learning models
«Face-to-Face Driver» (full-time education) The main training takes place in the traditional way, with the direct lecturer’s participation, and e-learning is used as needed, as an auxiliary tool.
«Rotation Model» Taking into account the specifics of the educational content, the time of traditional (contact) training and independent, using distance information technologies is distributed
«Flex Model» The main curriculum is studied in the format of e-learning, with the remote support of the teacher and, as necessary, face-to-face consultations
«Self-Blend Model» Students are given the opportunity to choose online courses in addition to the main curriculum
«Online Driver Model» The main curriculum is implemented as online training, with the remote teacher’s contact and the possibility of full-time testing and episodic consultations with the teacher
Domestic blended learning models
"Rotation" The curriculum is implemented using (alternating) various forms of training organization (full-time, distance, independent work, group work, research work, etc.)
«Flex Model» The main curriculum is implemented in the format of e-learning, with distance and full-time teacher support, and the development of the discipline is regulated by individual routes, taking into account the characteristics of the student
"Own choice" This model allows the student to independently build an individual educational route, choosing additional disciplines for study, which can be studied both offline and online.
Combined model The model assumes a combination of existing blended learning models.
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