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Facilitation Of Professional Knowledge Synergy And Foreign Language Thesaurus Singulrity At University

Table 1: Comparative characteristics of humanistic paradigm or facilitation and traditional or formal paradigm in the formation of foreign language professional communicative competence of the student of MAI

Comparative characteristics of educational paradigms
Traditional or formal teacher oriented paradigm Humanistic paradigm or facilitation student-oriented
Goal orientation Formation of a personality with predetermined propertiesThe purpose of the training: the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills Development of a student's personality as a subject of education with an active research, professional position and corporative culture of the industry.The purpose of the training: facilitation, contributing to the formation of a foreign language professional thesaurus of technical university students.
The role of the student The student is the object of the learning process The student is the subject of the learning process, designing his professional thesaurus.
Pedagogical interaction The teacher’s orientation to the transfer of information, work without feedback.Monologue, transfer of knowledge, abilities, skills. The teacher’s orientation to the average student The teacher’s orientation to the student’s individual research experience of compiling his professional thesaurus, stimulating feedback. Improving online learning and digital technologies, cooperative methods, creative activities of students.
Axiological basis The priority of the study of grammar and vocabulary not related to the profession.The needs of society and production are not taken into account Focusing on facilitation of synergy of professional knowledge and singularity of a foreign language thesaurus in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​through the method of projects at MAI
The role of the teacher Assessment actions are assigned to the teacher-source and the controller of knowledge The predominance of self-esteem and assessment from the group. Teacher-facilitator, consultant, assistant, organizer.
Evaluation of results Evaluation by the teacher of the levels of training The teacher’s assessment of the foreign language professional communicative competence of students, taking into account the level of their self-esteem and professionally significant motives.
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