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Psychological Preparedness Of University Teachers To Work In Inclusion

Table 1: Components of psychological preparedness for inclusive education as an integrative systemic quality of an individual (by the example of pedagogical activity)

Components of psychological preparedness
Motivational Cognitive Emotional Behavioral Other
Interest, motivation, achievement “Orientational” - knowledge and ideas about the specifics and conditions of inclusive education “Emotional-volitional” - self-control, managing one's actions and emotions, a sense of professional responsibility “Operational” - knowing methods and techniques of professional activity, understanding professional tasks in the context of inclusive education “Evaluative” - self-assessment and reflection of professional preparedness
Knowing pedagogical technologies, basics of psychology and correctional pedagogy, individual differences of children Emotional acceptance of children with different types of disorders – Willingness of teachers to model a lesson, use variability in the learning process, etc.;– Readiness to include children with various types of impairments in activities in the classroom and satisfaction with their own pedagogical activities
Internal motives for the implementation of inclusive education Acceptance of a student with special educational needs Teacher's confidence in the implementation of his own actions in relation to the students of the inclusive class
Attitudes and values in relation to inclusive education (conative) Awareness of the essence and meaning of inclusive education, knowledge of the personal characteristics of “special” children Attitude towards a person with a disability “Communicative” - the ability to organize the interaction of a teacher with participants in an inclusive educational space;“Reflexive” - analysis of one's own pedagogical activity
Self-development, interest in inclusive education Knowledge of the characteristics of children with special educational needs and technologies of organizing the educational process Ability to design and implement educational activities in an inclusive space “Reflexive” - empathy, responsibility, reflexivity
The need to successfully complete the task, interest in activities, the desire to succeed and show oneself from the best side Understanding responsibilities, work tasks, assessing its significance for achieving the final results of activities, presenting possible changes in the situation, etc. A sense of professional and social responsibility, confidence in success, inspiration “Volitional” - self-control and mobilization of forces, concentration on the task, distraction from interfering influences, overcoming doubts, fears
Motivationofself-development Attitude towards students with disabilities, level of empathy Communication flexibility, lack of social stereotypes
A positive attitude towards learning and motivation for joint activities of students with disabilities and normal development Understanding characteristics of children with disabilities “Emotional-volitional” - the ability to regulate emotional-volitional processes “Personal component” - tolerance, communication skills, the ability to self-organize
“Emotional-motivational” - interest in professional activity Knowledge about the peculiarities of the development of disabled people “Emotionallymotivational” - positiveattitude “Operational-competence” - knowing methods, technologies for the implementation of inclusive education “Axiological” - attitude towards inclusion;“Volitional” - responsibility, striving to achieve a positive result; “Communicative” - the organization of social interaction with disabled people;“Reflexive” - self-analysis of pedagogical activity
Interest in inclusive education, focus on success Knowledge about the nature and implementation of inclusive education Skills for organizing educational activities in the framework of inclusive education “Value-semantic” - the attitude of the teacher to inclusive education
Interest, motivation, achievement “Orientational” - knowledge and ideas about the specifics and conditions of inclusive education “Emotional-volitional” - self-control, managing one's actions and emotions, a sense of professional responsibility “Operational” - knowing methods and techniques of professional activity, understanding professional tasks in the context of inclusive education “Evaluative” - self-assessment and reflection of professional preparedness
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