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Economic Consciousness In A Multicultural Society. Evidence From South Ural And Khakassia

Table 4: Factor representation of the structure of economic attitudes among the Khakassian students

1. Factor of optimism based on the activity and knowledge, 22.5%
Financial optimism .740
Consumer activity .723
Customer satisfaction .723
Real estate activities .684
Significance of independent economic achievements .594
Activities, rationality in the banking sector .552
Financial literacy .520
2. Factor of consumer irrationality and savings, 14.1%
Rational purchase decisions -.760
Awareness of irrational consumption .735
Willingness to save money .732
Confidence in the future thanks to savings .630
Social responsibility of wealth .447
3. Factor of wage work, 9.9%
Negative attitude towards entrepreneurs .731
Priority of money over health .661
Significance of financial status .635
Priority of money over vocation .578
4. Factor of investments, 8.7%
Financial illiteracy -.795
Distrust in banks, irrationality -.568
Willingness to invest .542
Economic aspirations .514
Cognitive economic activities .510
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