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Economic Consciousness In A Multicultural Society. Evidence From South Ural And Khakassia

Table 3: Factor representation of the structure of economic attitudes among the South Ural students

1. Factor of economic achievements, 17.96%
Significance of independent economic achievements .802
Economic aspirations .748
Significance of financial status .735
Awareness of irrational consumption .495
Financial optimism .494
2. Factor of confidence thanks to savings and rationality, 9.5%
Confidence in the future thanks to savings .655
Social responsibility of wealth .596
Customer satisfaction .523
Rational purchase decisions ,428
Financial optimism .413
Willingness to save money .410
3. Factor of financial literacy, 8.6%
Financial illiteracy -.737
Real estate activities .521
Cognitive economic activities .508
Financial literacy .484
4. Factor of wage work, 7.3%
Negative attitude towards entrepreneurs .634
Priority of money over vocation .597
Priority of money over health .572
Customer satisfaction -.417
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