Safe Information Environment As A Means Of Patriotic Education Of Future Teachers


The information environment is an integral part of the life of modern youth, having a significant impact on the consciousness of the recipient of information, as well as on the formation of the worldview and value attitudes of future teachers. This fact brings to the fore the issues of not only creating a safe information environment but also actively using its resources and mechanisms for the patriotic education of young people. The presented research work is based on methods of analysis and survey methods. The survey made it possible to reveal the idea of future teachers about a safe information environment and its importance in patriotic education, to determine their preferences in using Internet resources. The results of the study show that the information environment occupies an essential place in the life of future teachers, mainly determining their views and ideals. This fact puts forward before society the task of creating a secure information environment. Besides, the analysis of the capabilities of the information environment showed that it could become an effective means of patriotic education, based on the psychological characteristics of modern digital generation. The study showed that the complexity of this process lies in the insufficient study of the problem and the absence of effective electronic resources that could increase the level of patriotic education of the younger generation. Based on this, the authors described and proposed effective forms and methods of using the safe information environment for the patriotic education of youth based on digital technologies.

Keywords: Safe information environment, patriotic education, social networks, Internet resources, future teachers, younger generation


Destructive changes in the spiritual sphere of modern society in the form of distorted values and attitudes, ambiguous social stereotypes, pseudo-values affect all spheres of public life in general and the educational environment in particular. Inaccurate, unethical, obscene, destructive information emanating from various sources of information has a certain impact on the consciousness of the recipient of information, as well as on the formation of the worldview and value attitudes of future teachers. In this regard, a secure information environment, which is part of the national security of the Russian Federation, is acquiring special relevance.

Today students of pedagogical higher educational institutions are active users of the Internet, where they get information on an educational and entertainment nature, carry out communication interaction, make purchases, etc.

The processes of internetization are controversial since they have both positive and negative connotations. On the one hand, in an uncertain world, the Internet can seem like a safe, predictable space that promotes easy and risk-free relationships with strangers, and helps to express thoughts and feelings without significant restrictions. For these and many other reasons, the number of Internet users is constantly increasing, but so is the number of hours people spend on the Internet every day. On the other hand, the question naturally arises as to whether today’s addiction to the Internet is excessive, uncontrollable, harmful. (Romashkina & Khuziakhmetov, 2020, p. 111-112)

Taking into account that one of the main directions of training future teachers is the formation of universal and professional competencies, the problem of providing a safe information environment as a means of patriotic education acquires special relevance.

The modern preparation of future teachers for upbringing activities in the education system requires a serious change, which can occur due to the implementation of the updated foundations of its construction and changes in its content and forms of its presentation. (Selivanova & Stepanov, 2018, p. 50-51)

The variety of online content allows to expand the ideas of student youth about patriotism and citizenship, on the other hand, it gives them false information that distorts Russian history, belittles the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, and forms a pseudo-patriotic worldview. In the context of distance learning, quizzes, quests, online contests have become commonplace. Patriotic actions, thematic flash mobs, festivals of intercultural dialogue - all this filled the virtual space overnight. Social networks are increasingly attracting users with a variety of groups, communities, and publics. Probably, in the pandemic situation, such forms of work with young people become the only way to involve them in active socially significant activities. But is the variety of online resources that future teachers are using with such enthusiasm so harmless? Does it not contain information that has a destructive effect on the worldview of the individual in general and on the patriotic consciousness in particular? And are online quizzes and intellectual “brain parties” among the student community really effective?

But the digital civilization dictates its own rules. And domestic education cannot develop in isolation from world processes. According to foreign researchers,

those who continue to claim online programs have no place in a university do not understand the history of higher education. What a university is, whom it serves, what it offers, how it operates, how it creates new knowledge, how its reward systems are structured, and how it delivers information are not permanently fixed." (Ludwig, 2018, p.184)

Taking into account the fact that

the task of education at present is not a didactic and edifying introduction to value attitudes, but the upbringing of the readiness to make a conscious choice in favour of the positive values developed in the culture, providing the necessary plasticity of the personality and tolerance in social communications. (Murzina & Kazakova, 2019, p. 158-159)

one of the main objective of patriotic education of future teachers becomes the formation of competencies aimed at developing the ability to navigate in an array of information, the development of critical thinking, improving the ability to separate “wheat from the chaff”, choosing only what is really historically real, culturally consistent, useful from a pedagogical point of view.

The theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem showed the lack of comprehensive and in-depth research in the field of the influence of information security on the patriotic education of future teachers.

Problem Statement

The problems of technologies for creating a secure information environment were considered in the studies of many domestic authors: Lukatsky A.V., Bautov A., Simonov S., Kononova A., Lovtsova D., Vasiliev A., Volotkina A., Davletkhanova M., Koneva I., Belyaeva A., Manoshkina A., Melnikova V., Traineva V., Petrenko S., Saderdinova A., Ufimtseva Y., Shpak V., as well as foreign scholars R. Whitty, A.M. Wilhite, S. Northcutt, J. Brassard and others. In numerous studies on the patriotic education of student youth (Belozertsev E.P., Belyaev A.V., Vasilyeva N.B., Vyrshchikov A.N., Laryushkina N.Ye., Lukinova A.V., Nikonov K.M., Pavlov S.V., etc.) the importance of the direction of educational theory and practice is pointed out. Various methods and forms of work are proposed to improve the technologies of educating the patriotic qualities of the personality of student youth. At the same time, the studies carried out only touch on certain issues of the influence of a safe information environment on the patriotic education of future teachers, while the ambiguity of this problem assumes an integrated approach to its solution. In this connection, the problem of this research is to find effective technologies for using the resources of a safe information environment, aimed at the formation of patriotic consciousness of students of pedagogical universities. At the same time, the studies carried out only touch on certain issues of the influence of a safe information environment on the patriotic education of future teachers, while the ambiguity of this problem assumes an integrated approach to its solution. In this connection, the problem of this research is to find effective technologies for using the resources of a safe information environment, aimed at the formation of patriotic consciousness of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions.

Research Questions

The subject of the article is an experimental study of the attitude of students of a pedagogical higher educational institution to patriotic education by means of Internet resources, their knowledge and concepts in this area, as well as general practical recommendations on information support for the patriotic upbringing of future teachers.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to determine the general prospects for the development of a safe information environment as a means of patriotic education of future teachers, as well as the search and substantiation of effective methods, forms of updating the educational potential of the designated environment for solving the problems of educating patriotism among students of a pedagogical higher educational institution.

Research Methods

The instrumental basis of our research work is the methods of analysis and survey methods. The survey made it possible to identify the ideas of future teachers about the safe information environment, its role in patriotic education and to determine their preferences in the use of Internet resources, and, on this basis, to analyze the current state of the safe information environment and identify the possibilities of its use in the patriotic education of students of a pedagogical higher educational institution.


The survey on the topic “Safe information environment and its impact on the patriotic education of modern youth” was conducted on the basis of State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute” among 1st and 2nd year students enrolled in secondary professional education and bachelor programmes. A total of 332 students aged 16-20 took part in the survey.

The questionnaire consisted of 21 questions aimed at identifying students’ knowledge in the field of patriotic education and information security. As a result, the data presented below were obtained.

On the first question “Do you know what information security is?” most of the students - 96% answered “yes”, which indicates their awareness in the field of information security. And only 4% of the respondents gave a negative answer.

On the question “Can you list the main threats to information security?” 71% of the respondents answered “yes”, and 29% of the students answered “no”. By threats to information security, the students understand events, processes or actions that can damage information and computer systems. They identified information leakage, data loss, fraud, unauthorized access and distortion of information reliability among the main threats to information security.

Most of the students know about legal methods of information protection, and this is confirmed by the results of answers to the question “Do you know what legal methods of information protection are?” The answer “yes” was given by 58% of the respondents and “no” was answered by 42% of the students, which confirms the need for consulting activities in the field of legal methods of information protection.

Answers to the question “Do you know what types of computer threats exist?” showed the following data: “yes” was answered by 88%, and “no” was given by 12% of the students. Among the types of computer threats, in the majority answers, only computer viruses were named, and this fact might indicate a lack of awareness of the respondents.

The students named such social networks as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest, among the most popular in Russia.

On the question: “What social networks accounts do you have?” the following data were obtained:

VKontakte – 98%;

Instagram – 84%;

Facebook – 25%;

TikTok – 26%;

Odnoklassniki – 8%;

YouTube – 5%;

Twitter – 3%;

Tumblr – 2%;

Pinterest – 2%.

Analyzing the data, we came to the conclusion that only 1% of the respondents do not have accounts on any social networking site. 6% of the students have only VKontakte account. 1.5% of the respondents have only account on Odnoklassniki. 59% of the respondents have their accounts on VKontakte and Instagram. At the same time, 12% of the respondents are registered on three social networking sites, of which 4% are registered on VKontakte, Instagram and TikTok, and 8% are registered on VKontakte, Instagram and Odnoklassniki. 22% of the students are registered on all the above social networks.

Such social networks as VKontakte and Instagram are the most popular among the student community since the modern generation prefers to show off their lives by posting photos and videos on social networks and getting likes for them, and consider such actions to be the norm.

The most of the respondents – 63% of the students faced distorted information in the virtual space. This fact confirms the data from the answers to the question “Have you come across sites, network communities, forums, etc., where distorted information about the historical and cultural heritage of Russia is presented?”

Answers to the question “Can education influence national security?” were distributed as follows:

- “yes” - 77%;

- “no” - 33%.

These results, as well as the results of the answers to the previous question, indicate the need for information education of students in the field of information security.

Answering the question “Do you consider ensuring the technical protection of your information an urgent and most important task of your professional activity?”, 84% of the respondents answered “yes”, since every teacher in a preschool educational institution and every teacher in a school takes written permission from parents to use personal data of pupils and students and posting photos and videos on social networks.

We would like to point out that on the question “Do you consider ensuring the information and psychological safety of schoolchildren an urgent and important task of the professional activity of a teacher of a general education school?”, only 2% of the respondents gave a negative answer, justifying this by the fact that there are too many responsibilities in the teacher’s activities that the requirement of information and psychological security of schoolchildren should not be dealt with by teachers, but parents, tracking in which social networks their children choose.

The analysis of the answers to the question “How do you understand the concept of “patriotic education “?” testifies to the fact that all the students have an understanding of the definition of “patriotic education”. However, some do not fully disclose it. These indicators are the long-term work of educational organizations (preschool educational institutions, schools, universities), carried out at all age stages of the development and formation of a child and supported at the state level (Postanovleniye Pravitelstva Rossiskoy Federatsii …, 2020; Strategiya razvitiya obrazovaniya v Rossiysko…, 2015).

On the question “What electronic resources will improve the effectiveness of patriotic education?” 82% of the respondents answered “I don’t know”, and 18% gave a generalized answer – “Internet resources”, which indicates a lack of knowledge of the existence of specific electronic resources that make it possible to increase the effectiveness of patriotic education of schoolchildren and students.

We also asked the students if they watch TV and what TV channels and programmes they prefer. Most of them (67%) answered that they rarely watch TV and prefer entertaining TV programmes on STS and TNT channels, and they have not seen patriotic programmes for young people (89%). Usually, such broadcasts of general orientation, and not specifically for young people, are rare and appear on television on the eve of the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

Most of the student audience (78%) could not give an answer to the question “What, in your opinion, are the main measures to ensure information security in the field of patriotic education of schoolchildren?” Only 32% of the respondents were able to answer this question. Among the measures to ensure information security in the field of patriotic education of schoolchildren were named such measures as “The Russian Movement of Schoolchildren” (RMS), conversations with teachers at school, watching TV, videos and films.

The answer to the question “Will you be interested in a site devoted to patriotic education?” justifies our hopes for the younger generation, because 73% of the respondents would be interested in such a site. Still, almost no one could say what exactly they would like to see on this site. They named information related to historical events in Russia, without offering specific options, which indicates that the respondents did not understand the methods and forms of patriotic education.

The answer to the question “Would you like our country to have its own website replacing YouTube with Russian content?” showed that 83% of the respondents would not want to, because most do not use this social network, only 5% of the respondents are registered on YouTube. Among the reasons for refusing to create an analogue was called isolation from the outside world, and the desire to communicate on sites such as VKontakte. 4% of 17% of the students who want to create a Russian site that replace YouTube expressed a desire to make it more informative and colourful.

Modern students prefer live communication or sites where they can communicate online, so a negative answer to the question “Do you play computer games?” was given by 70% of the respondents. Among the games played by 30% of the students, only games created by foreign developers were named.

Computer games dedicated to Russian history and Russian weapons would be of interest to 23% of the students, since, on the one hand, as the answer to the previous question showed, most of the students do not play computer games, and, on the other hand, mostly girls studying at the pedagogical higher educational institution, who, as a rule, are not interested in weapons.

On the question “Did you like the events dedicated to Victory Day and held remotely in the Russian Federation in 2020?” 66% of the students answered “yes”, although they mentioned that it would be much more pleasant for them to take part in the rally, to walk with portraits of grandparents in the column of the Immortal Regiment, etc.

82% of the students also liked the events dedicated to Victory Day held at our institute in the spring of 2020 in a remote format, since they were mainly posted on Instagram and they could not only see them, but also actively participate, and then receive likes from their subscribers.

On the question “What events dedicated to patriotic education can be carried out in the distance learning system?” some of the students (34%) could not answer. The students who named the activities gave the following answers:

creation of new sites of patriotic orientation;

making postcards and sending them to veterans;

conducting lectures, quizzes, contests, quests, etc. on patriotic issues;

recording video greetings, reading poetry, singing military songs and posting videos on Instagram;

watching feature films and documentaries.

According to the students, these events dedicated to patriotic education can be carried out in a remote format, and they would like to take an active part in them.

Analyzing the above, one can come to the unequivocal conclusion that in our country, as in the whole world, a digital generation has grown up, people, whose preferences and interests are fundamentally different from those that existed a decade and a half ago. This fact must be taken into account. Modern young people are also called “Generation Z and A”, the distinctive features of which, according to the authors of a number of studies (Isaeva, 2011; Shamis, 2009), are the desire to do many things at once, which results in the inability to concentrate on one task, clip-like consciousness, which leads to the inability to imagine phenomena and processes in general. Besides, on the Internet, representatives of the digital generation, as a rule, are accustomed to almost instantaneous reactions to their thoughts and actions and expect the same from reality. The freedom and anonymity of the Internet have led to the fact that young people are annoyed by the “framework” of real life, that is why social networks are so attractive for them, but, at the same time, they are largely infantile and expect clarity and clarity in the formulation of tasks, setting requirements, obtaining the final results (Isaeva, 2011; Shamis, 2009).

The effective upbringing of such youth cannot be based only on forms and methods that have proven their effectiveness; new approaches that take into account modern realities are required.

The effectiveness of upbringing will largely depend on how much it will be possible to combine both new trends and traditions that have formed in the previous decades in this process.

If we are talking about new trends, then, first of all, attention should be paid to the design of the information environment, which is a factor in the formation and restructuring of the system of life ideals of young people. In previous years, the information environment of society was limited to the framework of radio, television and the media, from where information could be obtained. Still, they did not provide an opportunity for young people to widely exchange information, get involved in the process of communication and joint activities. With all the limited possibilities of such an environment, it is necessary to note its information security and a clear focus on the formation of socio-historical memory and values set by society, including patriotism.

However, in connection with the change of ideological paradigms and the commercialization of television, the situation has changed dramatically. Youth programs have disappeared from broadcasting, the subject matter of the films and programmes has change. It affects the interest of young people in television both as a source of information and as a means of entertainment.

As the study shows, at the present stage, television is not popular among young people, since it does not meet their interests and needs. There are no exciting youth programs, with the exception of music and all kinds of shows, but those are not very popular either. We can learn about the activities of children’s and youth organizations from a few news items; those forms of communication that are popular among young people have not been disseminated on any of the channels. The respondents, with rare exceptions, could not name any channels or programmes that interest them. This fact is alarming. It seems that the need has long been ripe to create a special channel filled with youth content, where they would talk about contemporaries, their aspirations and deeds, where it would be possible to discuss the most acute and burning issues of concern to young people, including issues of patriotism and its modern understanding. This form would contribute to the development of the ability to conduct discussions, the skill to defend one’s point of view competently, the formation of an independent position, which is especially important in a dynamically changing society when the Internet and the media in an aggressive format impose certain views and beliefs. The capabilities of modern television make it possible to create a channel using Internet technologies, using a digital communication format, flash mobs, quests, online promotions, foresight dives, etc. The fact that such content will resonate with the younger generation is evidenced by the huge interest of the youth audience in the online events of this spring: the procession of the Immortal Regiment, online concerts for veterans, congratulations in the form of flash mobs, etc. But even if such a channel is ever created, it will have to make a lot of efforts to come closer in popularity to the Internet.

As the research work has shown, the majority of the students use social networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Tumblr.

VKontakte is a Russian social networking site, and most of the students prefer it. Still, other sites are also more or less popular, most of which are controlled from abroad and the information on them is filtered and regulated by their owners. This reality is often related to the fact that 63% of the surveyed students faced distorted information on social networks. This fact raises the alarm because not every young man will be able to analyze the facts presented to him and objectively evaluate them. It is especially dangerous when it comes to the historical and cultural heritage of Russia and its moral values and ideals. The upbringing of patriotism, as well as the loosening of its foundations, is not a matter of one day; it is a long and multi-stage process. In the struggle for the views and ideals of youth, false information plays an important role.

Unfortunately, no one is purposefully engaged in the fight against such fakes. On the Internet, a young man is left alone with the facts presented to him, which sometimes look very convincing. In adolescence, young people have little inclination to trust the adults around them; moreover, there is a serious gap between the older and younger generations, largely due to the perception of the surrounding reality and access to information. It is not surprising that very often young people reproach the older generation for hiding and distorting information about both historical events and modernity, which significantly changes their idea of both the people around them and the country as a whole, whose history appears in a distorted form as a series of cruelties and betrayals. Can such a Motherland be respected? The answer is obvious. Quite often, such materials are posted to misinform young people; they are a mechanism for influencing their consciousness, the formation of a negative perception of Russian reality. Unfortunately, we have not developed a programme to combat such content, although the need for such actions to be recognized at the level of state authorities. In Soviet times, there was a system of prohibitions, but this did not prevent a significant part of the population from listening to prohibited programs, perceiving the information received from them as the only reliable one. It is pointless and not always possible to prohibit and block sites containing negative information, so it is necessary to look for other levers of influence on the minds of young people. Besides, many Internet sites are already an integral part of the modern information space; they contain a significant amount of useful and high-quality content necessary for modern users.

The way out is seen in the active involvement of young people in creating a safe information environment. It can be started by creating groups on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki dedicated to the problems of the national secure information environment to discuss this problem. At the same time, not only young people should take part in this discussion, but also state and public figures, writers, scientists, people of art, etc. This fact will enable generations to understand each other better and develop a joint action programme aimed to create a safe information environment, designed to play an essential role in solving the problems of patriotic education.

Social networks have the potential to implement the project method in them: All-Russian competition for the best virtual museum dedicated to famous personalities, historical dates, crafts and regional life; video reconstructions of famous historical events, competitions of songs and poems dedicated to Russia, painting competition “My Land”; organizing online programmes dedicated to events and people in their region, and much more. It is possible to invite young people to try themselves as screenwriters or actors and present their creations to the public. For these purposes, it is possible to create a special website where everyone would have the opportunity to participate in competitions and get feedback from thousands of users in real time, where it is possible not only to try their hand at a particular area but also to share their experience and get advice. On such a site, there will also be a place for the Information Centre, which can take up work to combat the falsification of the history of Russia, opposing the fakes with the real facts. Speaking about a safe information environment, we should not forget about such a modern resource as computer games, which are quite popular among young people. “One more modern resource deserves special attention - computer games loved by children and adolescents (simulators, tactical shooters, etc.), which have not yet been used in the upbringing of patriotism,” notes Murzina and Kazakova (2019). The study shows that boys and girls mainly play games created abroad, and such games sometimes negatively represent both our country and our army. Their analysis shows that Russia is represented there as an aggressor country striving for world domination and threatening the entire democratic community (Avdeeva et al., 2020).

Many of the world’s most popular and commercially successful games not only exploit this stereotype but also abuse it. In some games, developers deliberately exploit such an image of Russia to create a comic effect, but in many others, they use it absolutely seriously,” notes Osekin (2016, p. 116).

Among computer games in the shooter genre, there is a whole cycle of games (Call of Duty) dedicated to the events in Syria and Ukraine, where both sides of the conflict are presented ambiguously, the emphasis is on “the moral grey zone.” The game contains scenes of the use of prohibited chemical weapons, the bombing of civilians, killing of children, torture of women and the wounded. Also, developers of modern video games made in the USA, Europe and Canada are often forced to reckon with the opinions of LGBT people. They portray heroes according to their ideas about gender equality, which goes against moral values accepted in this country.

Meanwhile, in many countries, computer games are used as an effective means of patriotic education and propaganda of service in the ranks of the armed forces. America’s Army 3 is an example - a game dedicated to the life and work of the modern army has attracted a significant number of recruits to its ranks. Our research has shown that computer games dedicated to Russian history and Russian weapons have attracted the interest of students, but, unfortunately, the developers do not pay due attention to this problem.

Thus, it can be stated that recognizing the need for a safe information environment and considering it as a condition for patriotic education, and we pay little attention to its creation and development. At the same time, it is the information environment that is close and understandable to modern youth.


Summarizing what has been said, we note that in the current conditions of the digital transformation of society, the development of Internet resources, the strengthening of the influence of social networks on the consciousness of young people, the problem of ensuring the security of the information space is becoming increasingly important. This issue is especially relevant today since it is the Internet that is the main source of information for young people. Through it, it is possible to meet new people, make purchases, find out answers to questions of interest, and receive entertaining content and much more. Nevertheless, the Internet does not always contain reliable information, especially concerning the facts of national history. Proceeding from this, the presence of distorted and even false information leads to the formation of a pseudo-patriotic worldview and corresponding value attitudes of future teachers. In this regard, ensuring a safe information environment as a means of patriotic education of future teachers is one of the urgent problems of modern Russian society and professional-pedagogical education. The results of the study show that the majority of respondents know and distinguish information security threats, and also consider it necessary to ensure technical protection of information in their professional activities. Still, they cannot offer measures for their organization. This fact indicates the complexity of the process of creating a safe information environment as a means of patriotic education and insufficient study of this problem and the lack of sufficient electronic resources that could increase the level of patriotic education of future teachers.

The study shows that solving this large-scale and global problem requires the integration of all the necessary information and educational resources; design and practical implementation of relevant educational programmes, models, projects on patriotic education of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions; development and maintenance of academic portals and content on patriotic issues, dedicated to the facts of national history using illustrations, video materials, online broadcasting; implementation of information and methodological support for socially oriented and educational technologies to ensure the patriotic education of future teachers through a safe information environment.


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21 June 2021

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Social sciences, education and psychology, technology and education, economics and law, interdisciplinary sciences

Cite this article as:

Shumakova, A. V., Sivolobova, N. A., Kolpacheva, O. Y., Bogdanova, O. G., & Avdeeva, L. N. (2021). Safe Information Environment As A Means Of Patriotic Education Of Future Teachers. In N. G. Bogachenko (Ed.), Amurcon 2020: International Scientific Conference, vol 111. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 899-909). European Publisher.