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Prospects Of Shifting Basic Competencies In The Digital Economy

Table 1: Analysis of the digital transformation index in the world

Technologies Period Prognostic 2030 Indicator Prognostic 2030 Growth, deviation of changes in growth rate and structure
Base (2020) 2000 2010 2000 2010 2010 (before base) 2030(after base)
The rate of growth, % Structure, % The rate of growth, % Structure, % The rate of growth, % Structure, % The rate of growth, % Structure, % The rate of growth, % Structure, %
1) Web 2.0, cloud and mobile technologies, ERP, BRM, CRM, PDA- platforms, % 82 12 58 98 14,63 66,7 70,73 55,2 119,51 28,8 -29,27 22,5 19,51 -3,8
2) Big Data, analytics, visualization, blockchain, % 77 6 40 94 7,79 33,3 51,95 38,1 122,08 27,6 -48,05 7,5 22,08 -3,1
3) Internet of things, smart machine, machine learning, digital shadows, % 77 0 7 98 0,00 0,0 9,09 6,7 127,27 28,8 -90,91 -24 27,27 -1,8
4) Artificial intellect, robotization,% 15 0 0 50 0,00 0,0 0,00 0,0 333,33 14,7 0 -6 233,33 8,7
Result 251 18 105 340 - 100 - 1 - 1 -168,23 0 302,19 0
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