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Accent In Speech Of Bilinguals And Identification Of Their Education Level

Table 2: Estimations of the speakers’ education level

Speaker Incomplete secondary education Secondary education Higher education
MI1 6 12 2
MI2 11 9 0
MI3 12 7 1
МS1 9 10 1
МS2 7 11 2
МS3 9 6 5
МH1 2 3 15
МH2 11 6 3
МH3 6 7 7
FI1 4 13 3
FI2 9 5 6
FI3 16 3 1
FS1 5 14 1
FS2 5 9 6
FS3 10 5 5
FH1 0 11 9
FH2 11 8 1
FH3 9 8 3
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