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Prevention Of Antisocial Behavior Of Students

Table 3: Comparative analysis of the dynamics of the average indicators of the components of primary school teachers psychological readiness to prevent antisocial behavior of students in the control and experimental groups

Parameters investigated Control group Experimental group
Ascertaining stage(n=20) Control stage(n=20) Mann-Whitney U test Ascertaining stage(n=19) Control stage(n=19) Mann-Whitney U test
Cognitive component 6.65 6.7 367.500 6.526 11.894 92.000**
Motivational component 12.8 12.71 344.500 13.01 14.9 130.000*
Activity component 7.9 7.8 422.000 7.736 11.211 99.500**
Aggregate indicator of readiness 27.32 27.21 513.500 27.272 38.005 81.500**
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