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Building Professional Competence Of Future Humanities Specialists At University

Table 3: Monitoring results of qualitative indicators of professional competence development of control and experimental groups participants

Feature of potential Frequency of feature manifestation (%)
Control group Experimental group
often on average rarely often on average rarely
1. Interest in professional activities 12.8 2.4 44.1 42.8 32.4 14.1
2. Demonstration of professional skills at work 12.4 8.8 51.5 42.4 28.8 21.5
3. Introduction of innovations in professional activity 8.4 22.2 42.4 38.4 32.2 22.4
4. Love of the profession 12.4 13.6 47.3 52.0 28.6 18.2
5. Dedication to achieving professional excellence 16.2 19.1 40.3 36.2 29.1 30.3
6. Concentration of efforts in necessary situations 12.4 13.9 45.8 32.4 33.9 25.8
7. Ability to self-improve 8.2 26.6 45.2 28.2 36.6 25.2
Final score 18.1 21.9 43.1 38.1 31.9 32.1
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