Factors |
Coefficient values |
Model 1 |
Model 2 |
Constant (logarithm А) |
5.397*** |
5.226*** |
Logarithm of industrial production index |
0.148*** |
0.151*** |
Logarithm of real salary |
0.069 |
0.095** |
Logarithm of investments physical volume into the basic capital |
0.051*** |
0.048*** |
Logarithm of the share of added value for hi-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in to the GRP at the previous period of time |
0.040** |
0.032** |
Logarithm of changes in the number of unemployed at the age of 15–72 years |
-0.007 |
-0.019** |
Logarithm of changes in the annual number of the employed |
-0.482*** |
-0.428*** |
Logarithm of export changes |
0.006** |
× |
Logarithm of changes in the number of highly productive working places |
0.037* |
× |
Logarithm of changes in the share of internal spending on the research and innovations into the GRP at the previous period of time |
0.007 |
× |
Logarithm of employees at the age of 15–72 years with high education |
-0.016 |
× |
Logarithm of employees at the age of 15–72 with the vocational education for specialists with middle ranking |
-0.010 |
× |
Logarithm of employees at the age of 15–72 with the vocational education for qualified workers and office workers |
-0.005 |
× |