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Media Competence Of Youth With Reference To Paradigm Of Participation Culture

Table 1: Knowledge and skills related to measuring ideology and values

Ideology and values. Areas of Analysis
Do you understand how the media system changes our perception of reality? Yes 86.1 %
Not 5.6 %
I find it difficult to answer 8.3 %
Can you assess the reliability of information sources, draw critical conclusions about what is said and what is not said? Yes 73.2 %
Not 8.5 %
I find it difficult to answer 18.3 %
Can you search, compare, prioritize and synthesize information from different systems and environments? Yes 75.5 %
Not 9.5 %
I find it difficult to answer 14.9 %
Can you identify the intentions and interests that underlie corporate and mass media products, their ideology and meanings, and take a critical approach to them? Yes 55.9 %
Not 15.9 %
I find it difficult to answer 28.2 %
Can you analyze individual and collective virtual identities (ways of presenting yourself on social networks, for example, avatars) and identify stereotypes, especially in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, culture, disabilities, sexual orientation and etc? Yes 72.6 %
Not 7.8 %
I find it difficult to answer 19.7 %
Can you critically assess the consequences of the formation of a homogeneous public opinion and culture promoted by the media? Yes 66.2 %
Not 11.7 %
I find it difficult to answer 22.1 %
Do you recognize that empathy for people and their stories in the media can be used as a mechanism for manipulation? Yes 79.9 %
Not 8.7 %
I find it difficult to answer 11.3 %
Can you manage your own emotional reactions while interacting with on-screen messages in accordance with the ideology and meanings which these on-screen messages evoke? Yes 75 %
Not 9,7 %
I find it difficult to answer 15,3 %
Ideology and values. Expression areas
Can you use new media tools for active civic participation? Yes 46.9 %
Not 20.1 %
I find it difficult to answer 33 %
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