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Erroneous Predictions Risk In Corporate Budgeting Systems Of Russian Companies

Table 5:

Factor influencing the change in revenues Amount of the influence of the factor according to table 1 Amount of the influence of the factor according to table 2
billion rubles %% against R0 billion rubles %% against R0
1. Change in the physical volume of transported goods 17.9 1.3 - 52.2 - 3.7
2. Change in the average cost of transportation of one ton of freight 69.3 5.1 67.8 4.8
3. Total impact of two factors on the change in revenues of the 'freight' segment 87.2 6.4 15.6 1.1
4. Assessment of the risk of erroneous forecasts when developing current and medium-term operational budgets for the 'freight' segment The initial data are not updated taking into account the risk factor. Maximum risk of erroneous forecasts. The initial data are updated taking into account the risk factor. Minimum risk of erroneous forecasts
Source: compiled by the authors based on the data from tables 1 , 2 .
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