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Formal Mentoring Versus Informal Mentoring In Education

Table 2:

To a large extent (3) To some extent (2) To a small extent (1)
Items Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Planning/Organization 2 6,66% 9 30% 19 63,33%
Mean 1,43
Support in various situations 11 36,66% 12 40% 7 23,33%
Mean 2,13
Relationship with the mentor 22 73,33% 8 26,66% 0 0%
Mean 2,73
Long-term implications for professional development 14 46,66% 9 30% 7 23,33%
Mean 2,23
Long-term implications for personal development 20 66.66% 6 20% 4 13,33%
Mean 2,53
Satisfaction with the results 18 60% 12 40% 0 0%
Mean 2.6
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