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Teachers’ Opinion About Deep Learning

Table 1:

Items N m St. Dev Disagreement (%) Agreement (%)
I manage finding study conditions which allow me doing my work easily. 113 4.48 0.68 0.88% 93.81%
I organize my study time attentively to make the best use of it. 113 4.48 0.89 5.31% 88.50%
I think I am quite systematic and organized when it comes about to revising for exams. 113 4.15 1.02 8.85% 80.53%
I’m pretty good at getting down to work whenever I need to. 113 4.26 0.97 7.96% 84.07%
I work constantly throughout the semester instead leaving everything until the last moment. 113 3.73 1.19 19.47% 72.57%
I usually plan out my week's work in advance, either on paper or in my head. 113 4.04 1.16 14.16% 79.65%
I generally use my time well during the day. 113 4.05 1.08 10.62% 81.42%
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