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Primary And Pre-School Teachers' Views On Stem Based Approaches

Table 1:

Item N M St. Dev. Disagree Agree
It is good to develop an integrating vision on STEM/STEAM disciplines/fields. 97 4.29 .98 6.18% 84.54%
Teachers should bolster students’ interest for STEM based integrated approaches. 97 4.13 1.11 8.24% 77.32%
Teachers should be able to design integrated STEM/STEA activities. 97 4.29 1.11 8.24% 81.44%
Teachers are not familiar with the integrated STEM/STEAM approaches. 97 3.43 1.15 22.68% 56.7%
Knowledge and competencies in STEM/STEAM domains are not enough; one must be able to integrate them. 97 4.25 .95 5.15% 81.45%
In order to develop students’ skills in STEM/STEAM domains suffice it to achieve mono-, pluri-, -inter and -trans-disciplinary approaches. 97 3.71 1.05 15.46% 63.9%
For developing students’ performances in STEM/STEAM domains integrated approaches are needed. 97 4.16 .95 5.15% 81.44%
For designing integrated STEM/STEA approaches teachers should be able to identify the key concepts and interdisciplinary competencies around which integrated STEM/STEAM approaches can be developed. 97 4.38 .95 7.21% 87.63%
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