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The Relationship Between Innovation Capabilities, Differentiation Strategies And Market Performance

Table 1:

Variables Mean Std. Dev. Cronbach's Alpha 1 2 3 4 5 6
Product Innovation Capability 3,975 0,77 0,86 1
Process Innovation Capability 4,057 0,714 0,84 .724** 1
Market Innovation Capability 3,999 0,723 0,84 .693** .749** 1
Organizational Innovation Capability 3,938 0,842 0,91 .632** .725** .713** 1
Differentiation Strategies 4,076 0,714 0,96 .714** .648** .712** .713** 1
Market Performance 3,951 0,689 0,96 .544** .501** .532** .519** .605** 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
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