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Developing An Understanding Of Variables And Expressions In Introductory Programming Courses

Table 1:

# Topic Question text Question type
1 Expression input (identifiers) Mark names which constitute the input of the given expression (i.e., their values affect its result) Multiple choice
2 Expression output (identifiers) Mark names which constitute the output of the given expression (i.e., their values may change after its evaluation) Multiple choice
3 Statement output (identifiers) Mark names whose values may change after the statement (branch condition, loop header, etc) is executed Multiple choice
4 Name resolution Mark the variables that are referenced by names a and b in the given expressions & Drag and drop into text Drag and drop into text
5 Expression input (variables) Drag to each variable a marker showing whether it will affect the result of the given expression Drag and drop into text
6 Expression output (variables) Drag to each variable a marker showing whether it will change after the evaluation of the given expression Drag and drop into text
7 Variable Lifetime In a program trace, mark the actions where variable a exists Multiple choice
8 Statement output (variables) Drag to each variable a marker showing whether it will change after the given statement (branch condition, loop header) is executed Drag and drop into text
9 Variable scope Mark the program lines where the variable is visible Multiple choice
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