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Systematic Approach And Student Competencies Formation When Studying Statistics

Table 3:

Score Estimated position of a term paper
Project Interview
Quality of preparation and forming of main sections of the project’s explanation note Degree of an author’s contribution into conclusions and recommendations based on project results forming Degree of studying goals received by a student and realization of studying objects Level of professional competence mastering demonstrated during the interview
from 30 to 40 Statistical indicators are calculated, graphic material is formed, analysis is demonstrated, conclusions are formed, explanation note is made according to standard requirements textually and electronically. Conclusions are competent and reasonable, the quantity of reference lists is sufficient, and there is no doubt in its actuality, singularity level after a plagiarism checking is more than 80 %. During the questions answering a student demonstrated good knowledge about the conceptual discipline set, all statistical indicators are methodologically correct calculated. During the questions answering a student demonstrated very good ability to gather, to analyze and process statistical data, to interpret the main, and to predict social and economic indicators changing.
from 20 to 30 The same, but the analysis is not shown. The same, but a singularity level after a plagiarism checking is 75–80 %. The same, but only more than 75 % of statistical indicators are methodologically correct calculated. The same, but during the questions answering a student demonstrated sufficient ability to gather, to analyze and process statistical data, to interpret the main, and to predict social and economic indicators changing.
From 10 to 20 The same, but the analysis is not shown, the explanatory note is made with some standard requirements breaches. The same, but conclusions are not competent enough; there is a doubt in reference list actuality, a singularity level after a plagiarism checking is 70–75 %. The same, but a student did not demonstrate a good knowledge about the conceptual discipline set, more than 50 % of statistical indicators are methodologically correct calculated. The same, but during the questions answering a student demonstrated bad ability to gather, to analyze and process statistical data, to interpret the main, and to predict social and economic indicators changing.
From 0 to 10 The same, but the analysis is not shown, conclusions are not formulated, the explanatory note is made with gross standard requirements breaches. The same but there are no conclusions or they are not competent enough, there is a doubt in reference list actuality, a singularity level after a plagiarism checking is less than 70 %. The same, but a student did not demonstrate a good knowledge about the conceptual discipline set, less than 50 % of statistical indicators are methodologically correct calculated. The same, but during the questions answering a student did not demonstrate an ability to gather, to analyze and process statistical data, to interpret the main and to predict social and economic indicators changing.
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