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Involvement In Vocational Education Of Employees Russian Organizations Of Different Age Groups

Table 2:

Yi Hypothesis Test Result (H0) at different α R2 – share of factor A, % 100 – R2 – share of unaccounted factors, %
α = 1 % α = 5 % α = 10 %
If the hypothesis H0 is rejected for α, then factor A affects Yi; if H0 is accepted, then A doesn’t affect Yi
Y1 + + + 91.8 8.2
Y2 + + + 90.2 9.8
Y3 + + + 85.6 14.4
Y4 + + + 82.0 18.0
Y5 + + 77.7 22.3
Y6 + 68.4 31.6
Y7 + 73.5 26.5
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