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Investment And Innovation Activity Of Industrial Enterprises Of The Republic Of Crimea

Table 3:

Indicator 2017 2018 Rel. deviation
bln RUB % bln RUB %
Investments in fixed assets – total 12025.6 100.0 13618.0 100.0 113.24 %
of which by type of economic activity:
extraction of natural resources 3025.5 25.1 3079.6 22.6 101.79 %
coal mining 114.3 1.0 142.0 1.0 124.23 %
extraction of crude oil and natural gas 1872.6 15.6 1784.8 13.1 95.31 %
metal ore mining 178.9 1.5 255.4 1.9 142.76 %
processing enterprises 1921.2 16.0 2212.2 16.3 115.15 %
food production 180.7 1.5 210.1 1.5 116.27 %
coke and petrochemical production 381.2 3.2 393.4 2.9 103.20 %
production of chemicals 396.1 3.3 461.6 3.4 116.54 %
provision of electric energy, gas and steam; air conditioning 820.0 6.8 960.7 7.0 117.16 %
water supply; water disposal, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities 120.0 1.0 137.9 0.9 114.92 %
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