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Measuring The Social Media Engagement Dimensions Of Modest Fashion Industry In Malaysia

Table 2:

Brand Usage Intent Social Presence Electronic Word of Mouth Social Brand Engagement
SMBUI1 .719
SMBUI2 .824
SMBUI3 .767
SMBUI4 .545
SMSP5 .733
SMSP6 .665
SMSP7 .683
SMSP9 .714
SMSP10 .669
SMSP11 .595
SMSP12 .513
SMEWM13 .718
SMEWM14 .795
SMEWM15 .733
SMEWM16 .545
SMSBE17 .618
SMSBE18 .827
SMSBE19 .847
SMSBE20 .862
SMSBE21 .722
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