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Board Characteristics And Extensiveness Of Whistleblowing Policy Among Malaysian Public Listed Companies

Table 3:

Items Number of Companies Disclosed
A statement of the entity’s commitment to culture of high corporate compliance and ethical behavior 4
Commitment to regularly review the policy 25
Provision of training 1
Scope applies to employees (including contractors and consultants) 51
Scope applies to non-employees (customers, general public) 36
Guidelines on reportable issues 45
Guidelines on who to report to 50
Guidelines on how to report 46
A statement that report will be treated as confidential 44
A statement that different individuals will receive and investigate the report 28
A statement on how the report will be handled 29
A statement on whether whistle-blower will be notified on commencement of investigation 5
A statement on whether whistle-blower will be notified on whistle-blowing progress 6
A guarantee that whistle-blowers will receive feedback 14
Appointment of a welfare/whistle-blowing protection officer 4
No retaliation by company, if report made in good faith 45
A statement that protection is given 43
Description of the specific protection given from and the actions that will be taken 23
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