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Audit Committee Characteristics and Environmental Disclosure Quality Among Malaysian Environmentally Sensitive Industries

Table 5:

Dependent variable EDQ
R square 6.5 %
Adjusted R square 4.5 %
F 3.233
Sig. 0.008
Model Standardizedcoefficient t Sig Tolerance VIF
(Constant) -0.159 0.874
SIZE 0.062 2.422 0.016** 0.908 1.101
INED -0.155 -0.851 0.396 0.957 1.045
MEETING 0.021 0.319 0.750 0.976 1.024
EXPERT -0.112 -1.678 0.095 0.907 1.103
LEGAL -0.097 -1.512 0.132 0.983 1.017
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