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Features Of The Training Sessions Of Rowing At The Beginning Of Preparation

Table 5:

Indicators Experimental group Control group
М±m М±m
Shuttle 4x10 meters 9,6±0,33 11,9±0,5
T 2,01
Р <0,05
Running 100 meters (sec) 10,5±0,4 12,7±0,5
T 2
Р <0,05
Lifting the body from a supine position in 30 seconds, number of times 36,3±2,5 29,9±2,13
T 2,3
Р <0,05
Jumping rope in 30 seconds, number of times 90,1±3,5 79,8±3,33
T 2,6
Р <0,05
Jumping onto a pedestal, times 25,5±1,7 19±1,66
T 2,7
Р <0,05
Rowing 500 meters, sec 1,25±0,1 1,34±0,12
T 3,3
Р <0,05
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