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Development Potential For Medical Tourism In The Regions Of Russia

Table 3:

Compo-nent Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulа-tive % Total % of Variance Cumulа- tive % Total % of Variance Cumula-tive %
1 6.574 59.762 59.762 6.574 59.762 59.762 6.015 54.683 54.683
2 2.569 23.353 83.115 2.569 23.353 83.115 3.128 28.432 83.115
3 0.904 8.222 91.338
4 0.567 5.153 96.491
5 0.302 2.749 99.24
6 0.051 0.462 99.702
7 0.033 0.298 100
8 2.11E-16 1.92E-15 100
9 -1.97E-17 -1.79E-16 100
10 -1.18E-16 -1.07E-15 100
11 -3.68E-16 -3.35E-15 100
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
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