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Analysis Of Russian Priorities For The Development Of International Digital Economic Partnership

Table 1:

Indicator Me Ϭ2 Importance
Number of researchers engaged in research and development per 10,000 employed in the economy 20.25 16.52 61.5
The share of organizations that had special software to manage sales of goods (works, services) in the total number of surveyed organizations 15.38 14.74 32.1
The digitalization level of the local telephone network, total 9.47 3.54 21.2
Share of organizations using Internet access at a speed of at least 2 Mb/s in the total number of organizations 4.26 6.43 48.0
Number of personal computers with Internet access per 100 employees in organizations 3.83 0.64 58.3
Proportion of population able to receive one television programme of terrestrial digital in total population 3.52 9.56 37.4
Percentage of organizations using third party open-source operating systems (for example, Linux) in the total number of organizations surveyed 0.34 0.44 100.0
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