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The Post-Pandemic Values In Global Culture And Language

Table 1:

Security Conformity Self-transcendence
afraid, alarm, alert, armor, attention, barrier, bewarecalculation, calm, calmness, camouflage, careful, catastrophic, caution, cautious, clean, consequencescrisis, custody, damages, danger, dangerous, defenddefending, defense, defenses, defensive, disease, enemies, foresight, guarantee, guard, guardian, guarding, harm, harmless, health, heed, hiding, insurance, menace, neat, order, precautions, preserving, prevent, privacy, prudent, quiet, refuge, retreat, safe, safely, safer, safety, salvation, save, scare, scared, secure, secured, securely, securing, security, shelter, shieldsilence, stability, stable, stealth, survival, surviving, threat, threaten, threatened, threatening, threats, tidytranquility, trouble, violence, ward, warn, warnedwarning abide, accord, accordance adequately, appropriate appropriately authoritiesauthorization authorized, avoid, avoided, avoiding, certaintycode, combination, commitment, commitments, committed, committing, compliance, comply, composure, concession, confines, consensusconsent, conservation, conservative, convention, conventional, conventions, courtesy, covenant, credibility, decency, decree, directions, discipline, duties, duty, entity, establishment, etiquette, familiar, fasting, flexibility, forbidden, formally, hesitate, hierarchy, honestly, humble, humility, identity, imposing, improper, inappropriate, instructed, instruction, integrity, law, laws, legal, legislation, legitimate, mainstream, maintaining, measure, modest, modesty, must, obedience, obey, obligated, obligation, obliged, official, orders, organization, outrageous, patience periodic, permitting, policies, policy, polite, prescription, preserved, procedure, punishment, reason, reasonable, regularly, regulation, regulations, repetitive, required, requirement, reserve, resignation, resolution, respect, respected, respects, restraint, restricted, restrictions, restrictive, reverence, routinely, rule, rules, ruling, served, shame, shyness, similarity, standards, structure, subordinate, suited, system, trust, trusted, unison, violate acquaintance, advice, affection, aid, ally, assist, assistance, association, backing, belonging, brotherhood, care, caring, closeness, communalcompanion, companions, companionship, compassion, compassionate, concern, confidence, contribution, coop, cousin, delicate, dependable, empathy, encourage, encouraged, encouragement, encouraging, families, family, father, feeling, fidelity, fondness, forgive, forgiveness, forgiving, friend, friendly, friends, friendship, generosity, gentle, genuine, gift, goodness, goodwill, grandma, grandmother, grandparents, guidance, help, helpful, helping, honest, hospitality, husband, intimacy, kindly, kindness, love, loyal, loyalty, mom, mother, need, neighborhood, neighbors, nurture, parents, participation, pity, relationship, reliable, rely, responsibilities, responsibility, responsible, sincere, sorrow, support, supporting, supportive, sympathetic, sympathy, tenderness, thanked, treatment, trustworthy, warmth, wife
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