The Development Strategy Of Professional Educational Organizations Through The Eyes Of Students


Aim. The definition of an innovative development strategy for professional educational organizations of the secondary vocational education system based on the study of the features of their functioning in terms of temporary restrictive measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian Federation. Methods. The definition of the specific character of the formation of an innovative development strategy for professional educational organizations is proposed by the author on the basis of the data obtained in the framework of an organized study of students studying in the secondary vocational education system of the Sverdlovsk region. The results of the study show that the availability of a material and technical base that meets modern requirements, the organization of the educational process using the Moodle platform is not a guarantee of high quality in the organization of the educational process and the quality of education, including the terms of the transfer to the organization of the educational process using remote educational technologies and e-learning. The approaches to the formation of a teaching staff, that is ready for self-development and self-education, is mobile and purposeful, is able to comprehensively analyse the world around us, is devoted to the teaching profession, and also able to make significant decisions in the face of uncertainty and risk, are of a great importance.

Keywords: Development strategysecondary vocational educationstudent position


The current stage in the development of socio-economic relations compels public institutions to study the criteria and conditions for effective development. In recent decades, the quality of the functioning of the secondary vocational education system has become of great importance for the Russian Federation. Today the possibility of introduction of innovative technologies into various production processes depends on the level of training of workers and mid-level specialists. The competitiveness of industrial enterprises nowadays also depends on the graduate of the system of secondary vocational education. In recent years, the portrait of the applicant of professional educational organizations has changed significantly. Today we can talk about a stable increase of the grade point average of the secondary schools graduates (Butko, 2013; Epstein et al., 2015; Kotlyarevskaya & Teslenko, 2018; Krivorotov & Tatarkin, 2014).

Theoretical and methodological aspects of marketing with varying degrees of depth and within the framework of a specific specialization are covered in the works of foreign and Russian scientists, among which are G. Assel, G. Alder, I.L. Akulich, T. Ambler, E.F. Androkushin, M. Baker, B. Berman, J. Burnet, D. Blagoev, A. Bravermann, M. Brun, T.A. Gaidaenko, E.P. Golubkov, D. Jobber, P. Dixon, E. Dichtl, P. Doyle, P. Drucker, S. Drake, C. Cooley, I.V. Lipsits, F. Kotler, J.Zh. Lamben, J. Landrevi, J. Levy, M. Porter, P. Cheverton, E. Handamova, E.V. Khrutsky, J. Evans, B.M. Anise.

Problem Statement

Unfortunately, at the moment, the scientific community pays attention to the study of competitiveness and the introduction of various innovative processes in industrial enterprises as well as in educational institutions of higher education, while the level of secondary vocational education still remains beyond our close attention. The problems of innovative strategic development of professional educational organizations and management issues are still not fully considered. In this regard, the study of the features of innovative development of professional educational organizations is a relevant and significant topic nowadays, both from a scientific and from a practical point of view (Anisimova, 2019; Brodovskaya et al., 2019; Buryakov et al., 2019; Larina, 2020; Makarenko et al., 2020; Malinetskiy & Sirenko, 2017; Rastorguev & Tyan, 2019; Tavokin, 2018; Tavokin, 2019).

Research Questions

Technical availability of professional educational organizations to the usage of remote technologies

Thus, it is quite obvious that the Russian education system beared the stress that arose due to restrictive measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic with great difficulty. Numerous problems were associated with the technical support of the educational process (Gerhard & Hepp, 2018; Kersten-van Dijk et al., 2017; Li et al., 2010; Pink & Fors, 2017). We have analysed the working conditions for teachers, the learning conditions for students of secondary schools, professional educational organizations and organizations of higher education. A separate area for analysis is the quality of the level of information educational platforms.

Universities and colleges that had to define the options for using e-learning and remote learning technologies a fortnight earlier or those that used remote learning technologies before an emergency or realized that it was necessary to work efficiently now and in a new reality, felt more comfortable at that moment. Many problems were fixed in this direction: the lack of high-quality Internet access, the lack of personal computers, and the lack of comfort of Russian apartments, which did not allow the students to work in a separated room in complete silence during video classes. Thus, only 50% of college students possess their own personal computer.

Requirements for managing and teaching staff of professional educational organisations

On the other hand, teaching staff wasn’t always ready for the complete transfer of the educational process on-line. There were recorded cases of teachers’ dismissal due to their inability of working in this format. This is the point where the most significant problem arises. Teaching and managing staff wasn’t always ready to work in conditions of uncertainty. However, it was the educational organizations of secondary vocational education that switched to the use of remote educational technologies earlier than it was necessary to do for secondary schools. In addition, colleges and technical schools were on a week-long vacation after a week on-line, which could be used productively.

Not only students, but also teachers note the lack of availability of a number of managing teams to take responsibility for decisions. Uncertainty, lack of knowledge of the possibilities in using information technologies in the organization of the educational process did not allow to organize the educational process in a high-quality manner. On the other hand, those colleges and technical schools that used the Moodle platform to organize student interaction often did not use lectures or tutorials with video conferences.

Purpose of the Study

Comprehending the most pressing issues of the secondary vocational education system, it is necessary to realise the ways to solve them. For a complex analysis, it is necessary to understand the students’ opinion, their attitude to new forms of education, namely the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies. It is equally important to analyse the assessment that students gave to the organization of the educational process in terms of using remote learning.

Research Methods

We present the analysis of point of view concerning the organization of the educational process using remote learning technologies and e-learning of students of professional educational organizations. This study was organized and pursued by the author of the article in colleges and technical schools of the Sverdlovsk region in May-June 2020. The total number of respondents was about 1,500.

Surprisingly, but almost all participants in the educational process perceived education using remote learning technologies as computer-based learning. This belief was gradually dispelled during the course of study, but not by every student. We still don’t understand why a number of disciplines automatically went into the category of studying at a computer, for example, Physical culture, Technology, Health and safety training course, Science or Chemistry, a foreign language? In this case, professional and sometimes creative approach allowed all participants of the educational process to have fun. The easiest option: pauses for a physical warm-up between lessons, preparing a certain dish and serving it, as in a restaurant, but at home, or growing onions?

On the other hand, how desirable and remarkable were the events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War: the “Victory Windows” campaign, the performance of the song “Victory Day”, participation in the Immortal Regiment from home, which allowed Russian families to feel united, allowed them to communicate and be engaged in a common and important matter.

We also acted as organizers of competitive events and helped to organize significant leisure activities.

Many of those who realized in time that learning with the help of remote educational technologies is not only a computer mouse in the hands of a teacher and student, was able to correctly build their work and experience moments of joy from their work.

How will you like ballroom dancing in the online format? The moment we see a couple only in the video edit version, but in reality two videos of partners have been made separately, but the desire to see how it turns out is forcing the teacher to create the incredible and connect the videos in order to show the couple’s performance.

Another discovery was surprising: not all children feel comfortable and show the highest results at school. We are clearly aware nowadays that there are children who do not only feel more comfortable at school, but it is also more appropriate for them to study at home, and this category of students does not experience lack of communication, since it is provided by high-quality additional pre-vocational education and professional sports. And this is also our reality, which must be taken into account in the future.


Students’ attitude to remote learning

Today we can analyse the following research data: 42 % of college students say they like to study using remote technology. Only 28 % of respondents relate negative to this form. Obviously, college students feel more comfortable and perhaps a little easier to study remotely. We are sure that an important role in this case was played by an individual approach to all students at the level of secondary vocational education, close contact of tutors to the students’ parents and control of attendance and academic performance. 85 % of respondents realize that study using remote learning technologies is a real study, not a vacation. Obviously, this is a high assessment of the quality of work of the teaching staff of colleges and technical schools.

Availability to master remote technologies in education

Unfortunately, only 66% of college students say they are ready to learn new forms of education. 49% of college students say that less than half of the teachers conduct on-line lessons, and only 7% believe that most teachers conduct on-line lessons (Figure 1 ). Teaching staff can be characterized as follows: some had used remote technologies before restrictions have been introduced, others had mastered remote technologies in real time. Most of the teaching staff felt lack of balance in the use of various technologies; the lack of organization in conduct of lectures and tutorials using video communications was recorded as well.

Figure 1: Conducting lectures and practical exercises using video calling
Conducting lectures and practical exercises using video calling
See Full Size >

Assessment of the organization of the educational process using remote technologies

The vast majority of students demonstrate desire to return to college: approximately 35% - they really miss college, university; 50% - sometimes they miss, only 14% - do not miss them at all. On the other hand, 52% of respondents relate positive to the opportunity to plan their own day.

33% of college students say that teachers are trying to qualitatively organize remote learning process. However, only 55% of respondents give a positive assessment to the organization of correlation with teachers in their educational institution.


Thus, we can draw the following conclusions and recommendations on adjusting the development strategy of professional educational organizations:

  • It is necessary to develop technological infrastructure of professional educational organizations and introduce remote educational technologies into the educational process;

  • The executive staff of colleges and technical schools should ensure the availability of the teaching staff to master remote technologies, develop the mobility and creativity of teachers in the choice of forms and methods of teaching;

  • Ensuring of the quality development of professional educational organizations depends on the availability to develop and to learn, on the desire to provide communication with students using video calling during the use of remote learning technologies.


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18 December 2020

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Communication, education, educational equipment, educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), Study skills, learning skills, ICT

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Teslenko, I. (2020). The Development Strategy Of Professional Educational Organizations Through The Eyes Of Students. In O. D. Shipunova, & D. S. Bylieva (Eds.), Professional Culture of the Specialist of the Future & Communicative Strategies of Information Society, vol 98. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 686-691). European Publisher.