Readiness Of Future Lecturers For Educational Activities: Motivational And Value Component


Socio-economic changes, changes in the meaning of life orientations of young people lead to an increase in the importance of the educational component of the educational system. The role of education is particularly important for the system of secondary vocational education, which is often associated with a complex contingent of students. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is based on systematic and axiological, contextual, nuclear and personality-oriented approaches; structural approach to the study of S. L. Rubinstein's personality. The basic part. In Western scientific sources, readiness for educational activity is associated with the acquisition of new repertoires of pedagogical behavior, general and internal regulation of lecturer behavior, a flexible combination of theoretical and practical readiness for the studied activity. The motivational and value component of the future lecturer's readiness for educational activities in secondary vocational education organizations, analyzed in the framework of this study, includes: as stable components: stable motivation to carry out pedagogical activities and acceptance of its values, as flexible components: self-motivation, integration of personal professional values and meanings. We see further prospects for this research in the development of a system for preparing future lecturers for educational activities in organizations of secondary vocational education, which results in readiness for it, including: motivational-value, conative-activity and emotional components.

Keywords: Motivational and value componentprofessional stabilityprofessional flexibilityreadiness for educational activitytraining


Constant socio-economic changes, a radical change in the ideological paradigm, life and value orientations of young people lead to an increase in the importance of the educational component of the educational system. At the same time, reforms in the educational system have led to a decline in its educational and humanistic mission. If education is improved by new pedagogical technologies, updating educational equipment, and widespread digitalization, then education is in a state of stagnation. Especially the problem of reducing the role of education becomes relevant for secondary vocational education, since it is the lecturers of technical schools and colleges who work with one of the most difficult contingents of students, which is expressed in manifestations of aggression, deviant behavior, marginalization, addiction to alcohol, drugs, etc. All of the above reasons cause special requirements for the training of professional training lecturers for educational activities (Ariel et al., 2020).

Problem Statement

Let's go to the description of approaches to preparing future lecturers for educational activities in foreign and domestic literature. In English-language sources (Haugland et al., 2018; Tohidi & Tmomhaiddi, 2012) the term of education, along with training and education, is designated by the term "education". Close in meaning to the Russian understanding of the term of education can be considered "social education", as it implies the assimilation of values and norms of society to ensure further socialization.

Thus, Bruijn (2012) believes that lecturers should be prepared to implement new educational concepts, to perform educational functions in situations involving uncertainty, value dilemmas and practical tension, to master new repertoires of pedagogical behavior and methods of teaching and upbringing in the context of professional education. According to Beeka et al. (2014) readiness for educational activity implies external, general and internal regulation of lecturer behavior.

Han et al. (2016) believe that teacher training should be practice-oriented and more practical, with a flexible combination of theoretical and practical readiness. Readiness for educational activities involves orientation to personal-oriented learning, support for the creative development of students, cooperation, the desire for dialogue, and collective assessment of the results of joint activities (Beeka et al., 2014; Börü, 2018).

Readiness for educational activity implies an effective comparison of educational methods with the needs of students and their context, as well as orientation to a personal approach to students (Zimmerman et al., 1992). According to Warwas and Helm (2017) readiness for educational activity implies emotional stability of the future lecturer, empathy, the ability to cause positive emotions in students, and interest in joint educational activities.

In Russian science, readiness for educational activity is considered in sufficient detail, and education is considered as an independent phenomenon.

According to Tkacheva and Sagyntaikyzy (2018), readiness for educational activity implies possession by the individual of a complex of knowledge, skills, and corresponding competencies for the implementation of effective educational work that gives a positive result in accordance with the goals and objectives (Assen et al., 2016). According to Grevtseva and Tsiulina (2015), readiness implies the embodiment of readiness in the subject of educational activity, the use of means and methods of education, comparison of the progress of the work performed and intermediate results with the intended goal. The views of Russian scientists imply both theoretical and practical training for educational activities, which together determines the success of its implementation.

Significant for our research is the opinion of Bytko (2015), who understands readiness for educational activity as a personal formation, a combination of humanistic and spiritual value orientations, professional competence in the issues of pedagogical support of students. In our opinion, a value attitude and a stable motivation to carry out educational activities are the foundation on which it is possible to form a readiness for it.

Readiness for educational activity is considered as a system of professionally significant personal qualities, such as sociability, goodwill, empathy, as well as professional humanistic worldview, including professional values, striving for self-development, the ability to predict the effectiveness of educational work (Stepanov, 2014).

Research Questions

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problems faced by lecturers of professional training in the implementation of educational activities (Ippolitova, 2013; Kozlenkova & Yagupova 2008; Leontiev & Ababkova 2018; Mironova, 2008; Senko et al., 2009; Selivanova et al., 2018; Taziev, 2016; Trostinskaia et al., 2018), led us to the conclusion that the main ones are the following:

  • low level of psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, skills, experience in educational work;

  • difficulties in organizing individual educational work with students;

  • lack of stable motivation and value orientations for the implementation of educational activities;

  • inability to plan systematic work on the formation of students' personal qualities necessary for the effective implementation of future professional activities;

  • lack of readiness of lecturers to carry out educational activities with a different contingent of students, including with manifestations of deviant behavior, as well as in extreme and stressful situations;

  • insufficient level of formation of lecturers' personal component of readiness for educational activities, namely professional stability, flexibility, emotional intelligence, empathy, etc.;

  • lack of a modern system of educational work in secondary vocational education organizations that takes into account the dynamically changing conditions of social interaction.

Purpose of the Study

Purpose of the study is to resolve a number of the above problems to develop the system of training future lecturers for educational activities in SVE organizations. The result of the developed system is readiness for the studied activity.

Research Methods

The methodological basis of the research is based on systematic and axiological, contextual, nuclear and personality-oriented approaches; structural approach to the study of S. L. Rubinstein's personality.


Summarizing domestic and foreign research, we will highlight a number of factors that are important for our research:

  • readiness for educational activities involves not only theoretical, but also practical preparation for it;

  • readiness for educational activity implies the formation of a certain set of personal qualities of the future lecturer, namely emotional stability, empathy, sociability, flexibility of behavior, reflexive abilities;

  • the studied readiness implies a stable motivation to carry out educational activities and a value attitude to it;

  • readiness involves active interaction with students, accompanying and supporting their personal development.

Based on the analysis of the above research, we understand the term " readiness of future lecturers for educational activities in secondary vocational education organizations " as an integrative quality of personality, which includes a combination of behavioral and intellectual plasticity, emotional expressiveness and stability, value attitude to educational activities and the students, assimilation of methods and forms of professional education, orientation to co-existence with students, creating conditions for their personal and professional development, which together will ensure their theoretical and practical preparation for educational activities in secondary vocational education organizations. The leading idea of our research, which determines the strategy for its implementation, is that the basis (core) of readiness for educational activities is the professional flexibility and stability of future lecturers.

By professional flexibility of future lecturers we mean a set of emotional, professional and behavioral flexibility that provide a value attitude to teaching, regulation and stability of professional behavior, readiness to quickly respond to changing conditions and challenges of the professional environment, by finding original ways to solve professional problems (Savchenkov & Uvarina, 2019).

By professional stability of future lecturers , we mean "an integrative quality of personality that ensures the ability of a lecturer to carry out professional activities for a long time with a high level of emotional stability, productivity and efficiency, in dynamically developing and extreme situations" (Savchenkov, 2019).

We believe that the personal qualities of a future lecturer that are part of their readiness for educational activities and determine their success in secondary vocational education can be divided into stable , formed in the first years of training at a pedagogical university, and flexible , formed in the senior years during theoretical training and performing the educational function of a lecturer in practice.

In this article, we will reveal the motivational and value component of the readiness of future lecturers for educational activities in organizations of secondary vocational education. In our opinion, the motivational and value component of the future lecturer's readiness for educational activities in secondary vocational education organizations includes: as stable components: stable motivation to carry out pedagogical activities and acceptance of its values, as flexible components: self-motivation, integration of personal professional values and meanings (Korneychuk & Bylieva, 2018; Shutenko, 2015; Stepanov, 2007). Schematically, the content of the motivational-value component of the readiness of future lecturers for educational activities in SVE is shown in figure 1 .

Figure 1: Structural content of the motivational and value component of the future lecturer's readiness for educational activities in SVE
Structural content of the motivational and value component of the future lecturer's readiness for educational activities in SVE
See Full Size >

The motives and interests of the individual, under the influence of a specially created educational environment, are formed into a stable motivation for the implementation of educational activities and acceptance of the values of the teaching profession. Self-motivation and integration of personal and professional values and meanings are transformed within the framework of the system of training future lecturers for educational activities developed by us (Akopova & Chernyavskaya, 2014; Assen et al., 2019; Campbell, 2010).

Let's characterize the content of the motivational-value component.

Accepting the values of the teaching profession. Pedagogical values act as norms regulating pedagogical activity. Values are the link between the lecturer's formed worldview and his/her pedagogical activity1.

The value attitude to educational activity acts as the core of the motivational sphere of the future lecturer, acts as a stimulus and regulator of pedagogical activity. Through values, the lecturer realizes the social significance of the teaching profession (Tkacheva & Sagyntaikyzy, 2018).

According to Oreshkina (2007) the process of forming a value attitude to pedagogical activity depends on his skills in the field of reflection of his own activities, needs for continuous professional development and on the stable internal position of the lecturer.

Acceptance of the values of pedagogical activity has the following significance for the process of readiness for formation of readiness for educational activity:

  • will allow you to regulate future educational activities, fill it with moral norms and values;

  • promotes awareness of the importance of educational activities for the effectiveness of pedagogical activities;

  • serves as an organizational basis for further integration of personal and professional values and meanings.

Stable motivation to carry out pedagogical activities. According to Rybolova and Averyanova (2013) stable motivation is the basis for successful pedagogical activity based on the theory and practice of motivating the individual. According to Han et al. (2016), motivation for teaching is linked to the interest in teaching and the social context of the teaching profession and is determined by their value orientations. The external aspect of pedagogical motivation is related to the initial interest in pedagogical activity. Börü (2018) connects the desired process with the desire of the future lecturer to achieve success in professional activities and self-development, independence and need to establish themselves in the teaching profession.

Tohidi and Tmomhaiddi (2012) believe that motivation is the driving force of pedagogical activity and determines its effectiveness, Serkan and Doğanay (2017) hold a similar view.

Based on the analysis of scientific literature, we have determined the significance of sustainable motivation to carry out pedagogical activities for our problems:

  • allows you to form a stable positive interest in educational activities;

  • aimed at taking into account the interests and needs of future lecturers in the process of their preparation for educational activities in organizations of vocational education and training;

  • creates a stable organizational basis for the process of forming self-motivation of future lecturers;

  • contributes to the sustainable desire of future lecturers to self-development and self-affirmation in educational activities.

Integration of personal and professional values and meanings. Professional values and meanings are formed during the period of study at the university, and later become stable in the course of professional activity of the future lecturer. Integration of personal and professional values and meanings is the basis for the successful process of professional identity of future lecturers (Sorokoumova et al., 2015).

According to Nalycheva (2011), integration of values and meanings "determine the motivation of his behavior, have a significant impact on all aspects of his reality, including the performance of professional duties. Value-semantic orientations are the basis of the worldview and the core of motivation". Haugland et al. (2018) point to the need to integrate students' life values into their professional activities and creating conditions for this is the main task of lecturers.

According to Mashlah (2015), people's personal values stimulate, inspire, and guide them in making decisions, shaping their perceptions, and shaping their attitudes and behavior. Personal values keep people from unethical professional actions, from actions that contradict their principles and rules; their integration with professional meanings and values makes professional work successful and effective.

Purc and Laguna (2019) showed that the values of openness to change and self-improvement are positively associated with work autonomy and openness to innovation in professional activities, while the values of conservation and conformity are negatively associated with work autonomy, which confirms the importance of personal values for successful professional activities. The authors point out the importance of personal values and independence for innovative behavior in professional activities.

Arieli et al. (2020) in their research found that the breadth and stability of values make them an important predictor of sustainable professional behavior in teaching.

Integration of personal professional values and meanings is the basis for professional self-determination of the future lecturer and allows him to find the personal meaning of future pedagogical activity (Nalycheva, 2011).

The integration of personal and professional values and meanings has the following significance for the process of forming the readiness of future lecturers for educational activities:

  • gives personal meaning to educational activities for future lecturers;

  • allows you to form a professional identity as a condition for successful development of the teaching profession;

  • serves as the basis for sustainable motivation to carry out pedagogical activities;

  • promotes interiorization of values and meanings of the professional community, orientation to the event with students.

Self-motivation. Self-motivation allows a lecturer in a difficult, often stressful environment to perform pedagogical activities without external reinforcement, finding motivation in the possibility of self-realization, including in professional activities (Steinmayr et al., 2019).

Vorobyova and Makarova (2018) summative provides future lecturers the desire to carry out educational activities not for short-term rewards, but for the sake of student's personal development and enjoyment from this due to the effectiveness and acceptance by the educational community.

Belkina (2014) believes that summative provides the expression of the lecturer, contributes to the realization of its capabilities and abilities in the educational activities and the development of creativity. Zimmerman et al. (1992) in their research found that the ability to self-motivation provides self-efficacy and achievement of academic goals; scientists have developed a theory of academic self-motivation. Self-motivation negatively correlates with dependent and conformal behavior, and positively with the ability to self-regulate (Köpetz et al., 2013). Self-motivation allows you to go beyond the limits of intellectual abilities, contributes to the formation of adequate professional self-esteem and abilities in the field of predicting professional performance (Smith, 2006).

According to Saemah and Mahmud (2010) the formation of motivation is more effective in the course of active social interaction of students, with the inclusion in the educational process of developing classes, business games, exercises aimed at the development of "time management", as well as in the course of active interaction with lecturers-facilitators. Inusah (2013) believes that self-motivation ensures the effectiveness of educational activities even in difficult and often stressful conditions of pedagogical activity, including low material security of lecturers from different countries (Smith, 2006).

A group of scientists led by Hornstra believe that lecturers with a high level of self-motivation tend to focus on the motivational strategy of students' autonomy, while lecturers with a low level of self-motivation are focused on the strategy of control (Hornstra et al., 2015). When the first group of lecturers positively perceives the behaviors of students, tend to their support and understanding, a group of lecturers with low level of summatively affected by external background characteristics, negative perceptions of the behaviors of students their problems in learning (Rintala & Nokelainen, 2020; Shipunova & Berezovskaya, 2018).

Self-motivation is of the following importance for the process of preparing future lecturers for educational activities in organizations of vocational education and training:

  • provides the ability to self-efficiency and self-regulation, as well as a high level of academic performance;

  • contributes to the realization of the internal potential of the future lecturer in educational activities;

  • ensures the effectiveness of educational activities even in difficult and often stressful conditions of pedagogical activity;

  • allows to maintain and maintain a high level of social activity necessary for performing educational work.


After analyzing the a significant amount of research by scientists from different countries, we came to the following results: 1) the term "education" could be considered as a synonym of training and education in general, but the problem of preparing for educational work is not researched enough; 2) in Western scientific sources readiness to educational activities associated with the exploration of new repertoires of teaching behaviors of general and internal regulation of behavior of the lecturer, flexible combination of theoretical and practical readiness for study activities; 3) the Russian sources consider readiness for educational activities as: a) the acquisition by the future lecturer with the knowledge, skills and appropriate competencies to implement effective educational work; b) focus on the humanistic and spiritual value orientation; the formation of such personal qualities of a future lecturer as benevolence, humanistic worldview, communication skills, emptiest; c) the formation of sustained motivation for the implementation of educational activities and valuable attitude.

In our opinion, the basis of readiness for educational activities is the professional flexibility and stability of future lecturers.

The motivational and value component of the future lecturer's readiness for educational activities in secondary vocational education organizations, analyzed in the framework of this study, includes as stable components: stable motivation to carry out pedagogical activities and acceptance of its values, as flexible components: self-motivation, integration of personal professional values and meanings.

During the analysis of scientific literature we have identified the following patterns:

1) the adoption of the values of the teaching profession, they act as a link between the formed worldview of the lecturer and his pedagogical activity, allows to regulate future educational activities and awareness of its significance;

2) stable motivation for the implementation of pedagogical activities is the basis for the successful formation of readiness for educational activities, contributes to the sustainable desire of future lecturers to self-development and self-affirmation in educational activities;

3) integration of personal and professional values and meanings is the basis for the successful process of professional identity of future lecturers, act as predictors of sustainable professional behavior, gives personal meaning to educational activities;

4) self-motivation allows the lecturer in a complex, often stressful environment to perform pedagogical activities without external reinforcement, finding motivation in the possibility of self-realization.

Thus, readiness for educational activities in secondary vocational education organizations is an important part of the professional competence of the future lecturer. The motivational and value component is the fundamental basis for the process of its formation.


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Savchenkov, A. V., Uvarina, N. V., Gnatyshina, E. A., & Savelyeva, N. K. (2020). Readiness Of Future Lecturers For Educational Activities: Motivational And Value Component. In O. D. Shipunova, & D. S. Bylieva (Eds.), Professional Culture of the Specialist of the Future & Communicative Strategies of Information Society, vol 98. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 487-498). European Publisher.