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Designing An ESP Course For Metallurgy Students

Table 1:

No Questions Options
1 Do you use English outside the class? Yes / No
2 Why are you studying English?(You have to choose the most important reason.) I’m going to take an examination;I enjoy learning foreign languages;I will definitely need it for work;other reasons.
3 Which classroom activities do you expect to be most helpful during your ESP (English for specific/professional purposes) classes? (You may tick up to 3 answers.) reading and translating authentic texts concerning professional issues;watching and discussing videos on professional topics;revising Grammar rules and doing exercises;participating in role plays with future occupation scenarios;doing research projects and making presentations in English;writing business letters, technical reports, abstracts to scientific papers.
4 Which activities do you consider to be the most difficult and effort-consuming during your ESP (English for specific/professional purposes) classes?(You may tick up to 3 answers.) reading and translating authentic texts concerning professional issues;watching and discussing videos on professional topics;revising Grammar rules and doing exercises;participating in role plays with future occupation scenarios;doing research projects and making presentations in English;writing business letters, technical reports, abstracts to scientific papers.
5 Would you like to undertake an internship in a multinational company while studying at the Mining University? Yes / No
6 Would you like to apply for a job in a multinational company after graduation from the Mining University? Yes / No
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