Professional Motivation Development In Students Of Educational Psychology: Current State, Model, Programme


A study of professional motivation development in psychology students is seen as highly important due to the fact that only a small portion of psychology graduates of universities for education find employment in educational institutions. The research comprised theoretical methods in the form of compilation and an analysis of literature, synthesis, definition of objectives, and modelling, as well as empirical methods in the form of an ascertaining experiment and testing according to the following techniques: evaluation of motivation to study (A.A. Rean, V.A. Yakunin, modified by N.Ts. Badmaeva), self-assessment of professional motivation for teachers (N.P. Fetiskin), and an analysis on professional motivation in trained specialists (T.N. Frantseva). The study resulted in the building of an objective tree and establishment of a model comprising four steps (analysis, theory, development and evaluation). The ascertaining experiment showed that most students have motives to study (42%), motives for creative self-realization (27%) and communicative motives (15%); 35% demonstrated a high level of motivation; 42% showed an average level of motivation; а low level of motivation was found in 23%. As for individual motives, there are motives to be active (65%), motives to be recognized (62%), motives to support oneself (35%), motives to cooperate (50%) and motives to learn more (58%), and motives for personal fulfilment (42%). Based on special characteristics of professional motivation, a target programme was established that included disciplinary and discourse practices, lectures with discussions, contests, role plays, individual and group work, and primary and secondary testing.

Keywords: Educational psychologymodelobjective treeprofessional motivationprogrammestudent


Changes in the established educational paradigms in education have resulted in the need to improve psychological preparation of students for their future professional activities and make it more sophisticated. This is why the development of professional training and, consequently, of professional motivation in students (PMS) is seen as one of the priorities in further development of education (Aimaganbetova et al., 2015; Bogomaz et al., 2015; Zeer et al., 2019). Motivation means acting in a particular way or giving someone a reason to do something; an action or an act of urging someone to do something; a state of being ready to act or work; a state of being motivated; a force or power that makes someone do something (Chilingaryan & Gorbatenko, 2015). Professional education must aim at developing not only instrumental competences, but also professional motives and professional values in working with others (Quail et al., 2016).

Researchers in the field of professional motivation believe that there are two main needs that motivate a labour activity. They are a need to establish a specific level of living conditions and a need to learn a profession. Any action or any activity must be fully understood by an employee, therefore labour motivation is crucial here. Today, every kind of labour activity can address various social and personal objectives of a person (for example, one`s self-esteem and assessment by society, social status, etc.), which corresponds to poly-motivation of labour (Almazova et al., 2018; Bolotin et al., 2017; Hong et al., 2017; Ivannikov, 2017; Pokrovskaia et al., 2018; Popova et al., 2017; Popova & Vdovina, 2016; Tabolina & Gulk, 2018).

PMS of educational psychology is a complex and multi-level entity. It has a particular pattern of intensity of driving force in students and hierarchy of their motives throughout the whole training process. Thus, it was found that second-, third- and fourth-year students have a tendency towards a professional activity in the form of intellectual work (tendency towards an intellectual activity). However, it was found that while most second-year students base their labour-related behaviour on motives of self-affirmation, third- and fourth-year students are guided by motives of professional excellence (Red’ko et al., 2015; Reka et al., 2015; Saltymakov & Frantcuzskaia, 2015).

Students at universities for education have the following main professional motives: a desire to become a professional, a desire of self-development, a desire to acquire new knowledge, as well as motives concerning social accomplishments, in particular to get a higher education degree and to enjoy a particular social status after a university. The most significant motives for entering a university for education are an interest in the profession and a desire to obtain a higher education (Klimov et al., 2012).

Professional motivation is closely interlinked with the professional orientation and subjective well-being; these are also viewed as important predictors of professional identity. When comparing students majoring in art therapy and students majoring in guidance counselling, it was discovered that there are no relevant differences in their professional identity and career pursuits. However, it was observed that students in art therapy require significantly more professional information than students in guidance counselling; moreover, they complained about economic problems in their career more often. Both groups showed similar results concerning their subjective well-being, but students in guidance counselling were more satisfied with their life and experienced more positive emotions than students in art therapy (Jue & Hee, 2018; Kass & Miller, 2018; Richiţeanu-Nastase & Staiculescu, 2015; Tan et al., 2016).

PMS may consist not only of professional motives directly connected with achieving goals within their professional activity, but also of various accompanying motives that are important to them (Heiskanen & Lonka, 2012; Kazakova & Shastina, 2019; Munk, 2018). A structural pattern of one`s professional motivation depends on psychological and psychosocial characteristics of a student. This is why professional motivation development should begin with thorough setting of objectives. It can be best done through the building of an objective tree. An objective tree is a well-ordered, hierarchically structured set of objectives, categorized according to levels and classified, for a system, a programme or a plan. It consists of an overall objective at the top of the tree and relevant sub-objectives of the second and subsequent levels as tree branches.

The objective tree method is aimed at building a relatively stable structure of objectives, goals and courses of action. To achieve that, initial building of such a structure should be made according to rules for objective setting and rules for creating hierarchical structures.

The so-called objective tree coherently connects potential objectives and specific targets at each level of the hierarchy. In this case, the overall objective is placed at the top of the tree, while smaller objectives and targets are located on lower levels and serve as the means of achieving higher-level objectives.

The objective tree method may be visualised as a trajectory that defines the direction towards the strategic objectives set as well as a point that marks the achievement of tactical objectives and reflects the extent to which the objectives set are reached along the defined trajectory.

Based on the objective tree built, a model is established that comprises goals and objectives and specifies the course of actions, methods and required results.

The term “model” has multiple meanings in science, which makes it complicated to define some of its special characteristics and to classify its models. A model always operates with idealized constructs and does not have causal relationships with its prototype (an object), as opposed to the theory of this object. A model is a compilation of many interrelated assumptions about the world (Dolgova, Belikov, et al., 2019; Kleptsova et al., 2018; Ruslyakova et al., 2019).

Any model requires interpretation. This kind of knowledge falls under the category of relative truths. It is not an axiom but probabilistic knowledge.

In the study, a model will be defined as something created naturally or artificially in order to study psychosocial processes and states (in the form of an object, a process, a situation, etc.).

The building of a model requires abstracting; this is also one of the functions of a model. A model here serves as a means of knowledge acquisition through a dual dialectical knowledge acquisition trajectory from a specific reality to its abstract presentation, from initial and abstract images to more specific and more full representation of reality in the mind.

Modelling may involve various approaches to understanding the nature of PMS (Enns & Shapovalova, 2015), its structure and development tools in the process of professionalization within university education. Modelling helped reveal mechanisms and driving forces of professional awareness development; they include the system of interpersonal relations, external evaluation, psychological readiness to professional activity, interiorization of relevant characteristics of activity, an ability to self-reflect, involvement in a practical professional activity, the presence of contradictions in the personality and self-awareness of a subject of professional activity, internal activity of a person aimed at self-realization, and professional identification (Dolgova et al., 2016; Kedyarova et al., 2019).

Model building attempted by other researchers (Bonneville-Roussy et al., 2017) filled a significant void in the literature regarding the understanding of processes that connect motivation, coping and academic achievements.

Building of a model of interconnection between motivation to study and job satisfaction (Anghelache, 2015) revealed possible correlations between job satisfaction and career motivation in Romanian education. In particular, the obtained findings demonstrated no direct correlations between motivation and job satisfaction. In general, it was found that a job in education requires a high level of initial motivation, but job satisfaction has a tendency to decline over time. Therefore, the authors state that there is inverse correlation between motivation and job satisfaction. Teachers have certain professional expectations, and if these expectations are not met, job satisfaction declines.

The role of motivation in predicting creative achievements is described with the use of a latent variable modelling approach (Agnoli et al., 2018; Barrett & Morgan, 2018). Such a modelling was implemented in conjunction and interaction with other creativity-related predictors, such as openness to new experience and response originality in a divergent thinking task. The findings showed that the interaction between openness and intrinsic motivation is the strongest predictor of creative achievements. In particular, intrinsic motivation predicted creative achievements only when they were associated with a medium or high level of openness to experience.

The model is realized through a corresponding programme

Problem Statement

A study of professional motivation development in psychology students is seen as highly important due to the fact that only a small portion of psychology graduates of universities for education find employment in educational institutions. As the approach to the issue has been rather unstructured thus far.

Research Questions

The overall objective here is to determine on the basis of theoretical arguments efficiency of PMS development of educational psychology, establish a model and prove it with an experiment.

1. To study the theoretical background of PMS development of educational psychology.

1.1 To study the problem of PMS development of educational psychology in literature on psychology and education.

1.2 To determine special characteristics of PMS development in psychology students.

1.3 To perform modelling of PMS development.

2. To organize and conduct a study of PMS development.

2.1 To determine research stages and select methods and techniques.

2.2 To describe the selection of subjects and analyse the results of an ascertaining experiment.

2.3. To establish a psychological and pedagogical programme of PMS development of educational psychology.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to establish a target programme of professional motivation development in students of educational psychology.

Research Methods

The research on PMS development of educational psychology was conducted in two stages:

1. The desktop analysis stage: an analysis of literature on psychology and education and selection of research methods. This stage included an analysis of literature on psychology and education dedicated to the topic of PMS of educational psychology, and the establishment of a PMS development model. Research methods were selected according to the age of subjects and objectives of the study.

2. The experimental research stage: an ascertaining experiment and an analysis of the study findings. Psychodiagnosis of subjects was performed based on three techniques, and the findings were analysed and presented in the form of diagrams and tables. This stage also included the establishment of a PMS development programme.

To meet the objectives set, the following research methods were used:

1. Theoretical methods: in the form of compilation and an analysis of literature on psychology and education, synthesis, definition of objectives, and modelling.

2. Empirical methods: in the form of an ascertaining experiment and testing according to the following techniques: the evaluation of motivation to study in students technique by Rean and Yakunin (2019), modified by Badmaeva (2005); the self-assessment of professional motivation for teachers technique by Fetiskin (as cited in Mironova et al., 2016) and the analysis on professional motivation in trained specialists technique by Frantseva ( 2010) .

Researchers pay careful attention to selecting effective and practical research methods when working within vocational counselling; the set of chosen methods should be coherent and have good content validity and good convergent validity (Bogluţ et al., 2015).

The overall objective here is to determine on the basis of theoretical arguments efficiency of PMS development of educational psychology, establish a model and prove it with an experiment.

  • To study the theoretical background of PMS development of educational psychology.

    • To study the problem of PMS development of educational psychology in literature on psychology and education.

    • To determine special characteristics of PMS development in psychology students.

    • To perform modelling of PMS development.

  • To organize and conduct a study of PMS development.

    • To determine research stages and select methods and techniques.

    • To describe the selection of subjects and analyse the results of an ascertaining experiment.

    • To establish a psychological and pedagogical programme of PMS development of educational psychology.

Figure 01 shows a model of PMS development based on the created objective tree.

Figure 1: The professional motivation development model in students of educational psychology
The professional motivation development model in students of educational psychology
See Full Size >


Figure 2 shows findings obtained with the evaluation of motivation to study in students technique by Rean and Yakunin (2019), modified by Badmaeva (2005).

Figure 2: Findings obtained with the evaluation of motivation to study in students technique by A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin, modified by N.Ts. Badmaeva
Findings obtained with the evaluation of motivation to study in students technique by A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin, modified by N.Ts. Badmaeva
See Full Size >

As it can be seen in Figure 2 , most students of psychology have motives to study (42%), motives for creative self-realization (27%) and communicative motives (15%).

42% (11 subjects) demonstrated motives to study. These students want to acquire new knowledge and learn new information.

Motives for creative self-realization were found in 27% (7 subjects). They often participate in various artistic events or make art.

15% (4 subjects) showed communicative motives. These are motives of developing new relationships and having interpersonal interactions. These students find it important to develop a partnership within the student group, which may result in a positive psychological climate.

Figure 3 shows findings obtained with the self-assessment of professional motivation for teachers technique by Fetiskin (as cited in Mironova et al., 2016).

Figure 3: Findings obtained with the self-assessment of professional motivation for teachers technique by N.P. Fetiskin
Findings obtained with the self-assessment of professional motivation for teachers technique by N.P. Fetiskin
See Full Size >

35% (9 subjects) demonstrated a high level of motivation. Such students are intellectually inquisitive and academically active; they often develop research projects and undertake self-education.

42% (11 subjects) showed an average level of motivation. In general, these students are interested in their education, but they do not display a high professional activity and do not initiate research projects.

A low level of motivation was found in 23% (6 subjects). These students are academically inert; they are not interested in scientific activities or applying the acquired knowledge in practice. Most of them attend classes for attendance points only. They do not take classes seriously and perform tasks poorly; they cannot communicate properly with either their group mates or teachers. One`s burnout in the process of education depends on their personal motives and undertaken strategies of interpersonal relationships. This statement is supported by other researchers who also found direct correlations between burnout, organizational aspects of education and one`s individual psychological characteristics. One possible explanation for it might be some age-specific characteristics. Moreover, burnout is mostly displayed by those students who do not follow the cooperation strategy in the interpersonal relations and tend to react with violence (Aitkulov et al., 2019; Dolgova, Kondratieva, et al., 2019; Tukaev et al., 2013).

These students get tired more easily, which in turn has an adverse effect on their impulsiveness, ambition, motivation and frustration tolerance. Their fatigue has a statistically significant impact on their standards of efficiency. Such an outcome might be observed with both long-term and short-term sleep deprivation (Aniţei et al., 2013).

Figure 4 shows findings obtained with the analysis on professional motivation in trained specialists technique by Frantseva (2010).

Figure 4: Findings obtained with the analysis on professional motivation in trained specialists technique by T.N. Frantseva
Findings obtained with the analysis on professional motivation in trained specialists technique by T.N. Frantseva
See Full Size >

Motives to be active were found in 65.4% (17 subjects). These motives are fuelled by one`s needs and desires to act and be active. Many students either already have a job in their last years in the university or begin to actively look for work. This fact might be a good explanation for a high percentage of motives to be active in the subjects.

The same explanation might be given to a high percentage of motives to be recognized (61.5%, or 16 subjects) in the students. 42.3% (11 subjects) also demonstrated motives associated with self-realization. 34.6% (9 subjects) scored highly on the motives to support oneself. Some students already have experience of working and communicating with colleagues and have additional earnings; they have already encountered problems of finding a job or considered future employment. 50% (13 subjects) showed motives to cooperate. Although the studied group of students has been formed a few years ago, the students still have a need to cooperate and communicate.

Motives to learn more were demonstrated by 57.7% (15 subjects). Students also vividly display desires to educate themselves, learn new skills, acquire new knowledge and be intellectually active as it greatly helps them in their education.

Thus, experiments and testing were performed in the study in order to analyse PMS development of educational psychology. The study findings showed the following: according to the evaluation of motivation to study in students technique by Rean and Yakunin (2019), modified by Badmaeva (2005), most students have motives to study (42%), motives for creative self-realization (27%) and communicative motives (15%). According to the self-assessment of professional motivation for teachers technique, an average level of professional motivation prevails in students of educational psychology as it was found in 42% (11 subjects). In general, these students are interested in their education, but they do not display a high professional activity and do not initiate research projects. 35% (9 subjects) demonstrated a high level of motivation. Such students are intellectually inquisitive and academically active; they often develop research projects and undertake self-education. A low level of motivation was found in 23% (6 subjects). These students are academically inert; they are not interested in scientific activities or applying the acquired knowledge in practice. Most of them attend classes for attendance points only. They do not take classes seriously and tend to perform tasks poorly. According to the analysis on professional motivation in trained specialists technique by Frantseva (2010), students of educational psychology enjoy motives to support oneself (34.6%, or 9 subjects), motives to cooperate (50%, or 13 subjects), motives to learn more (57.7%, or 15 subjects), motives be active (65.4%, or 17 subjects), motives to be recognized (61.5%, or 16 subjects), and motives for personal fulfilment (42.3%, or 11 subjects).

Following the initial analysis and identifying of levels and special characteristics of PMS, a group was formed consisting of 6 students with a low level of professional motivation; these students had passed the primary testing and were invited to work on their motivation improvement.

The objective of the programme was to enhance PMS development of educational psychology.

The expected output of the programme improved achievement-related motivation and professional activity of participants.

The applied methods were disciplinary and discourse practices, lectures with discussions, contests, role plays, games to warm-up, icebreaker games, individual and group work, and primary and secondary testing.

The methods were selected following the analysis of works by other researchers, such as works on the role of course-specific disciplinary and discourse practices. Within the practices, students admitted, to some extent, the need to change their strategies for communication, reading and writing based on their own experience of preparing course works and doing research activity and through analysing web-sites with on-line courses and various published projects. The students also joint some formal and informal academic communities in the form of web-sites that are aimed at improving skills of disciplinary communication of students orally and in writing. Their professional motivation developed even as they acquired disciplinary and discourse practices relevant to various professional situations they encountered (Park & Schallert, 2019).

In the study, links (direct or indirect) between academic achievements and acquisition of professionalism through participation in various professional contests were also considered. Works on activities undertaken by universities in order to support professional potential of their students in their future professional activity were used as the basis here (Chilingaryan & Gorbatenko, 2015).

The duration of the programme implementation was chosen based on the information given above: 8 meetings, 40 minutes each (N=20).

Every meeting began and ended with similar tasks; it began with the setting of objectives task (Task 1) and finished with the analysing of the meeting task (respective task).

Meeting 1. Topic: Introduction to motivation training. The purpose of the meeting: to get to know each other, to share expectations, to learn the notion of motivation, to undergo primary testing.


2. Rules in the group. Goal: to define the purpose of the training, to set rules of work in the group.

3. Expectations and prospects. Goal: to understand expectations of the students.

4. Greeting ceremony. Goal: to create a positive emotional climate, to unite the group, to create a sense of unity within the group.

Meeting 2. Topic: What is motivation? The purpose of the meeting: to introduce the terminology of the training, to unite the group, to develop achievement-related motivation.


2. Theoretical basis of motivation. Goal: to introduce the theoretical basis of motivation.

3. Negative into positive. Goal: to teach the students how to see positive sides in negative situations.

4. Defeat laziness. Goal: to teach the students how to see signs of laziness and overcome it.

5. Goal - no goal. Goal: to teach the students how to understand the nature of personal motivation.

Meeting 3. Topic: The role of motivation in our live. The purpose of the meeting: to explain the necessity of motivation, to develop achievement-related motivation, to develop self-reflection on personal behaviour.


2. Tale of motivation. Goal: to improve an emotional climate, to choose a topic for discussions.

3. I want to be just like... Goal: to understand the needs of the students, to visualize their objectives.

4. Professional roles. Goal: to develop motivation, to improve attentiveness to other people.

Meeting 4. Topic: Confidence development. The purpose of the meeting: to develop skills of target-setting, methods of confidence building, positive mindset.


2. Attainable goal. Goal: to teach the students how to set goals.

3. Correction of mistakes. Goal: to reflect on positive sides of negative situations.

4. Praise yourself. Goal: to improve self-control in stressful situations.

5. My self-image. Goal: to improve self-reflection on personal existence.

Meeting 5. Topic: What am I like? The purpose of the meeting: to teach self-presentation to the students and discover their motivations.


2. I did it! Goal: to create an environment for self-presentation and motivation development towards learning new activities. Done within a group.

3. Motivation. Goal: to engage the students in group tasks, to discover motivations of each student and their readiness to cooperate, to identify and support the self-concept of each student and explain it to other students in a clear way, to give the students an opportunity to compare their self-esteem and self-assessment with assessment of other students` capabilities.

Meeting 6. Topic: Self-improvement. The purpose of the meeting: to teach the students to complete tasks independently and with confidence.


2. Tissues. Goal: to create a positive climate.

3. Begin to act now. Goal: to help the students improve their ability to do tasks independently.

4. Confident intonations. Goal: to help the students develop confident intonations.

5. Limping monkey. Goal: to warm-up, to break the tension.

Meeting 7. Topic: Career choice. The purpose of the meeting: to help the students get a better understanding of the profession of a psychologist, to correct their education trajectory or enhance it.


2. When I was a child, I wanted to be... Goal: to further build relationships of trust within the group, to secure sustained interest in the topic of professional self-determination.

3. Five steps. Goal: to help the students develop their readiness to set priorities when planning their personal life and professional objectives and their readiness to relate their professional objectives to their realistic abilities.

4. My specialization. Goal: to help the students improve their understanding of such concepts as specialization within a profession and variety of professional activities.

Meeting 8. Topic: The end of motivation training. The purpose of the meeting: to perform retesting and to analyse the obtained results.


2. Psychodiagnosis. Goal: to determine final results.

3. Self-reflection. Goal: to compare the result of the retesting with the primary testing.

According to preliminary data, most students participating in the programme reported positive development of professional awareness and transition from motives of self-affirmation in their intellectual activity to motives of professional activity.


The ascertaining experiment showed that most students have motives to study (42%), motives for creative self-realization (27%) and communicative motives (15%); 35% demonstrated a high level of motivation; 42% showed an average level of motivation; а low level of motivation was found in 23%. As for individual motives, there are motives to be active (65%), motives to be recognized (62%), motives to support oneself (35%), motives to cooperate (50%) and motives to learn more (58%), and motives for personal fulfilment (42%). Based on special characteristics of professional motivation, a target programme was established that included disciplinary and discourse practices, lectures with discussions, contests, role plays, individual and group work, and primary and secondary testing.

A target programme was established following the initial analysis and identifying of levels and special characteristics of PMS.

The objective of the programme was to help professional motivation development in students of educational psychology.

The programme included disciplinary and discourse practices, lectures with discussions, contests, role plays, games to warm-up, icebreaker games, individual and group work, and primary and secondary testing.

According to preliminary data, most students participating in the programme reported positive development of professional awareness and transition from motives of self-affirmation in their intellectual activity to motives of professional activity.


The article is written in the framework of the Scientific and Methodological Foundations of Psychology and Management Technology of Innovative Educational Processes in the Changing World scientific project of the comprehensive plan of research, project and organizational activities of the research centre of Russian Academy of Education in the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University for 2018-2020 (Grant from the Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evsevyev).


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18 December 2020

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Communication, education, educational equipment, educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), Study skills, learning skills, ICT

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Dolgova, V., Bogachev, A., Gotselyuk, M., & Nurtdinova, A. (2020). Professional Motivation Development In Students Of Educational Psychology: Current State, Model, Programme. In O. D. Shipunova, & D. S. Bylieva (Eds.), Professional Culture of the Specialist of the Future & Communicative Strategies of Information Society, vol 98. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1-15). European Publisher.